24-1020a - _Why Are We Losing Them When They Leave For College?[1]

Read by Scott Reynolds, Bible Readers: Roger Raines and Wyatt Woosley

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Why Are We Losing Them?

Transcript (0:04 - 37:05)

Scripture Readings

1st Reader: Roger Raines

(0:04) Today’s scripture reading is Genesis 1st chapter 1 verse 1. (0:10) In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. Amen.

Genesis 1:1 (NKJV)

In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.

2nd Reader: Wyatt Woosley

(0:20) Good morning, I’m going to be doing the second scripture reading and that is 2nd Peter chapter 3 (0:27) verses 3 through 5. 2nd Peter chapter 3 verses 3 through 5. Above all, be aware of this, (0:36) scoffers would come in the last days, scoffing and following their own evil desires, saying, (0:44) where is this coming that he promised? Ever since our ancestors fell asleep, (0:50) all things continue as they have been since the beginning of creation. This concludes this reading.

2 Peter 3:3-5 (NKJV)

knowing this first: that scoffers will come in the last days, walking according to their own lusts, 4 and saying, “Where is the promise of His coming? For since the fathers fell asleep, all things continue as they were from the beginning of creation.” 5 For this they willfully forget: that by the word of God the heavens were of old, and the earth standing out of water and in the water,


Preacher: Scott Reynolds


[Editor’s Note: The following article was written by A.P. auxiliary staff writer, Kevin Cain, who holds degrees from Freed-Hardeman University (B.S., M.Min.) and the Doctor of Jurisprudence from South Texas College of Law. A former Briefing Attorney of The First Court of Appeals, his current practice focuses on litigation at the trial and appellate levels in both State and Federal Courts.]

Why Are We Losing Them When They Leave For College?

(1:01) Good morning, it’s good to see everybody. I came across an article on the Apologetics (1:07) Press website and apologetics is, if you remember from Tom’s Wednesday night class on apologetics, (1:15) it’s not feeling sorry for something and apologizing for it, but it is reasoned arguments (1:22) and writings and justification of something like a theory or a religious doctrine.

(1:29) Anyway, I came across this article on the Apologetics Press website that I felt we (1:37) needed to see. It’s on a significant relevant topic and expertly written. I’d like to present (1:44) it to the church in accordance with the Apologetics Press copyright permissions (1:49) and the article is entitled, Why Are We Losing Them When They Leave for College? It was published (1:55) in October 20th, 2019 by Apologetics Press Inc.

and the URL for the article to the Apologetics (2:05) Press website is posted in these notes on the website, on our website, and they will be available (2:15) after the presentation today. The article was written by Kevin Kane, JD, and that’s a doctor (2:22) of jurisprudence. Kevin Kane began this article by asking, why are we losing them when they leave (2:31) for college? This is Kevin Kane speaking, not me.

We just happen to both have a daughter. So (2:39) we took her to Bible class. We took her to worship services regularly.

We took her to countless youth (2:47) events, trips, and activities. She was baptized at camp when she was 14, and I thought we did (2:53) everything right before she left for college. We did what the preachers and elders said we should (3:00) do when it comes to raising our sweet daughter, and yet when she left home for higher education, (3:08) she also left the church about the same time.

She does not attend worship services or Bible class. (3:16) She’s not involved with any other Christians or on-campus Christian organizations. (3:21) She’s not in contact with any of her old Christian friends.

She’s gone, and it breaks my heart every (3:29) day. Where did we go wrong? Too many parents have lived a similar experience. If it only happened (3:38) once, it would be a tragedy, but when we see it happen time and time again, it’s an epidemic.

(3:47) The obvious question is, why? Why are so many of our young people leaving for college (3:54) and leaving the church at the same time? What are we missing? What did we fail to teach them? (4:02) What went wrong? There are countless theories as to why this epidemic continues. (4:08) People speculate that they are leaving because the church is too conservative. (4:13) The music is boring.

The preacher uses too much scripture. The church is outdated (4:18) on its views of marriage and women’s roles. Parents were too strict.

The church building (4:25) is outdated, or the youth minister didn’t connect with my child on a personal level. (4:33) Theories and opinions abound, but what is missing are facts and objective answers. (4:40) Parents and elders are looking for answers.

Why are they leaving, and what can be done? (4:48) First, are the statistics as bad as we have heard? The short answer is, yes. Campus Renewal (4:58) out of Austin, Texas estimates that between 60 to 80 percent of Christian denominational students (5:07) leaving for college also leave their faith behind as well. Another study by respected pollster, (5:15) George Varna, involved interviews with 22,000 adults and over 2,000 teenagers in 25 separate (5:24) surveys here and after called the Varna study.

And the purpose of this study was not only to (5:34) determine how many young people were leaving religion, but also to find out why. The survey (5:42) among conservative evangelicals concluded that two-thirds of young people give up on religion (5:49) when they head for college. While there are general studies outside the Churches of Christ, (5:55) these numbers are nevertheless alarming.

While the numbers at the congregation where you attend (6:01) may be better, any statistic above zero percent is worrisome. So who’s to blame? (6:08) When things go this wrong on this scale, we like to blame the elders, the youth minister, (6:15) the preacher, the church, the church as a whole, global warming, or pretty much anyone (6:22) but ourselves. If we can point the finger at someone before they point that finger at me, (6:29) we don’t have to feel too bad about these alarming numbers, right? (6:35) Interestingly, the Varna study delves deep, and I mean deep, into analyzing why these young people (6:42) are leaving religion behind.

For example, the Varna study determined that of all the 20-something (6:50) evangelicals who attend church regularly, but no longer do now, 95 percent attended church regularly (7:00) during elementary and middle school. 55 percent attended church regularly during high school, (7:09) and 11 percent were still going to church during college. (7:17) From those stats, we see that only 11 percent of those who left the church did so (7:25) during college years.

Almost 90 percent of them were lost already in middle school and high school (7:35) before going to college. About 40 percent are leaving the church during elementary and middle (7:42) school, and this shocked me when I first read it. We are not losing most of our young people when (7:48) they leave for college and have to face the world alone for the first time.

Most of them are (7:54) checking out mentally, if not physically, as well in junior high and high school. We are losing them (8:02) earlier than we might have thought. The Varna study goes on to make an interesting comparison (8:09) between those who regularly attended Bible class and those who did not regularly attend Bible class.

(8:16) Compared to those who grew up not attending Bible class, students who regularly attended Bible class (8:25) are more likely not to believe all accounts stories in the Bible are true or accurate. (8:33) They are more likely to doubt the Bible because it is written by men and has errors in the (8:39) translation. They are more likely to accept that gay marriage and abortion should be legal.

(8:46) They are more likely to believe that God used evolution to change one kind of animal into (8:51) another. They are more likely not to believe the earth is less than 10,000 years old. (9:00) They are more likely to believe dinosaurs died before people were on the planet, (9:06) and they are more likely to believe that good people don’t need to go to church.

(9:12) These statistics appear to be upside down. How could it be that a person who grew up attending (9:21) Bible school is less likely to believe in basic Bible principles as compared to a person who did (9:29) not regularly go to Bible class? That simply does not make sense, I’ll admit. I had to read (9:36) these results several times before I finally concluded that I was not misreading or (9:42) misunderstanding all this.

Are we doing something wrong or missing something in a traditional Bible (9:50) class curricula? What we begin to see from these important findings in the Barnett study (9:56) is a significant correlation between believing in the creation account and whether they will (10:04) remain faithful to God or whether they will come back to the church. There is a direct tie between (10:12) what they believe about Genesis and their attitude toward Christianity. The conclusion here (10:22) is painfully obvious.

If the authority of God’s Word is undermined in Genesis, (10:29) this leads to a slippery slope of unbelief about the whole of the Bible. If we as teachers, (10:37) parents, preachers, and elders have been chipping away at the accuracy and reliability (10:44) of the events in the first 11 chapters in Genesis, or we ignore cultural attacks on (10:51) Genesis 1-11, if we really cannot rely on these events as being historically accurate, (10:58) why should we believe in the accuracy of the details of the life of Joseph in Genesis (11:04) chapters 37-50? Why should we believe the accuracy of Moses delivering Israel from slavery (11:12) in the book of Exodus? Why believe the account of David and Goliath? How could we believe in (11:19) the miracles of Elijah and Elisha? Why should we even believe the prophecies of Jesus? Ultimately, (11:28) why believe the gospel accounts of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John if we cannot rely on the accuracy (11:37) of Genesis 1-11? Our kids are smart enough to know that when we compromise in one area of the Bible (11:47) like Genesis 1-11, we can hypocritically compromise wherever we want. The damage has been done, (11:56) and for most of our young people, it depends on how they view the foundation and the very (12:02) beginning of the Bible and the creation account.

The Barnett study also looked into the beliefs (12:11) of young adults who said they planned to return someday, like when they have kids of their own, (12:20) versus those who never planned to return. When asked, do you believe all the books of the Bible (12:29) are inspired by God? Of those planning on returning, 76.4% said yes. Of those never coming (12:40) back, only 41.9% said yes.

Do you believe in creation as stated in the Bible? Those planning (12:49) on returning, 92.1% said yes. Those never coming back, only 47.8% said yes. Do you believe in the (13:01) creation of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden? Those planning on returning, 91.3% said yes.

(13:09) Those never coming back, only 50.6% said yes. Do you believe all the accounts, (13:16) stories in the Bible are true or accurate? Those planning on returning, 58.5% said yes. (13:24) Those never coming back, only 16.8% said yes.

Those who have left and never planned to return (13:34) have serious doubts about the accuracy of the Bible, especially when it comes to creation. (13:42) In those early formative years, they were clearly left with questions and reservations (13:47) about the reliability of God’s Word and the creation account in particular. And now, (13:56) after years of doubting the first chapters of Genesis and years of the constant bombardment (14:01) of evolution in school and pretty much everywhere, and increasing compromise by religious institutions (14:08) regarding creation, they find themselves bogged with no thought of ever returning.

(14:18) In 1859, Darwin published On the Origins of Species, and 12 years later, The Descent of (14:25) Man. In these two volumes, he made popular the idea that single-celled organisms change through (14:33) the process of evolution into ape-like creatures and eventually into humans. In response, (14:42) many of the religious institutions in England and eventually across the United Kingdom and Europe (14:51) began to adopt Darwin’s ideas.

They reinterpreted Genesis' account of creation and proposed (14:57) views such as theistic evolution. They compromised what they had always taught, (15:04) God created the world in one literal week, and tried to engender scientific credibility by (15:11) claiming that God worked through evolution to create the world. To see the long-term effect (15:18) of this compromise, just look at the superficial state of religion in Europe today.

It can be (15:27) summed up by looking at the beautiful cathedrals and the places of worship throughout the continent, (15:34) amazing museums filled with architectural works lacking in the work of the Lord. (15:42) The damage was done, and the slope was more than just a little slippery. This thinking and (15:48) rationale of making compromises in the creation account sent a very clear message to everyone, (15:55) especially to the upcoming younger generations.

It was now acceptable to use man’s ideas to (16:03) reinterpret the Bible rather than to use the Bible to judge man’s ideas. God set up a system (16:12) where he laid out his divine perspective on how man should view the world, Psalm 32, 8. (16:20) God made man, Genesis 1, 27. Therefore, man should listen to God, the Creator, Deuteronomy 28, verses 1 and 2. (16:35) When man started listening to sources outside of God, a spiritual perspective would encourage man (16:43) to judge those worldly ideas by God’s standard to see if they are sound and righteous, Acts 17, 11, (16:53) 1 John 4, 1. But now, young people see organized religion doing something altogether different.

(17:02) Now they see church leaders conforming and changing God’s Word to fit alleged (17:06) scientific theories and notions rather than an accurate view of the physical world that (17:13) corresponds perfectly with the Bible. The divine source these young people once believed was the (17:22) truth. Here is the rational next step that signals the beginning of the end for so many young people.

(17:32) If I can’t trust the Bible in earthly things, why should I trust it in spiritual things? (17:42) That’s a fair question. If you answer that you cannot trust the Bible in either arena, (17:51) then what good is God’s Word? And that is the conclusion that many young people are reaching. (18:01) In contrast, if you are struggling and you want to compromise and believe the Bible (18:08) may not be scientifically accurate, but it is still relevant for spiritual matters, (18:16) then think about what message that sends.

Under this perspective, if a young person has questions (18:23) about how to feel about God or think about his fellow man, then you go to church for the answers. (18:30) If you have questions about facts and reality, you go to school and ask your science teacher. (18:38) This practice of trying to harmonize creation with evolution, often called theistic evolution, (18:45) has created an environment where the church has basically disconnected the Bible from the real (18:52) world.

The first chip to fall and where the slippery slope begins is the belief that the (19:00) earth is billions of years old. The battleground is not necessarily evolution, as there are many (19:08) evolutionists who still believe in God, and there are many who do not believe in God and also do not (19:15) subscribe to the theory of evolution. The major attack on biblical authority today starts with the (19:22) attack on the first verse in the Bible.

In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth, (19:31) Genesis 1.1. Thank you, Stephanie, for reading that. Notice the grown level of disbelief in the (19:43) statistics below as they bottom out on the subject, the age of the earth. 77% believe in (19:54) Noah’s ark and the global flood.

75% believe in Adam and Eve and the garden. That’s three out of (20:02) four, three quarters. 62% believe Abraham fathered Isaac when he was 100 years old.

60% believe in (20:12) the Tower of Babel, and only 20% believe the earth is less than 10,000 years old. The number (20:22) one area of disbelief among young people who are leaving religion and their faith behind (20:31) is the age of the earth. This is where we are losing them.

This is where the line in the sand (20:43) has been drawn. For those surveyed who do not believe in the accuracy of the Bible, (20:49) the Barna study asked the reasons why they did not believe the Bible events are accurate. (20:56) Only 24% said they were written by men.

That’s only one out of four. (21:06) Less than that, 80% said the Bible was not translated correctly. 15% said the Bible (21:13) contradicts itself.

14% said science shows the world is old. Only 11% said the Bible contains (21:21) errors. Less than that, 7% said there’s so much suffering in the world.

4% said Christians do not (21:30) live by the Bible. Notice how low these are. And 4% said evolution proves the Bible is wrong.

(21:41) Interestingly, 82% of those who said they did not believe all the accounts in the Bible that are (21:47) true and accurate did so because of doubts about the authority of the Bible. This is the problem (21:55) and a significant reason why they are leaving. This should come as no surprise to the Bible (22:03) student who knows through inspiration what people will be like in times like this, (22:11) knowing this first of all, that scoffers will come in the last days with scoffing, (22:19) following their own sinful desires.

They will say, where is the promise of his coming? For (22:25) ever since the fathers fell asleep, all things are continuing as they were from the beginning (22:32) of creation. Peter continues, for they deliberately overlook this fact that the (22:40) heavens existed long ago and the earth was formed out of water and through water by the word of God, (22:52) 2 Peter 3, 3-5, not evolution. Thank you, Wyatt.

In this period of time where scoffers and (23:03) critics will ridicule faithful Christians for anticipating the return of Christ, (23:08) notice that these people will deny the creation account. And from a simple strategic perspective, (23:16) it makes sense. If you can get them to doubt the first historical act of God in the Bible, (23:23) God made the world in six days, getting them to doubt the rest of the Bible will be easy work.

(23:31) This is not to say that there are not other factors at work and relevant causes of this (23:37) dilemma. However, it seems clear that basic beliefs about the first few chapters of Genesis (23:44) are a significant part of the problem as to why so many young people leave the church. (23:54) So what’s the solution? The problem is devastating.

The numbers are heartbreaking, (24:00) and the cause of all this is discouraging. So what can be done? Is the point of all this (24:07) just to scare us and make us feel bad? Or is there something we can do? The good news is (24:14) there are answers and solutions, but it will take hard work to right this shift. (24:20) We need to rewrite our curriculum.

That is not to say that we have not been doing a good job (24:28) of teaching our children about the Old Testament, Christ, the church, and salvation. However, (24:35) we may be under-emphasizing or overlooking a critical component in a balanced spiritual course (24:43) of study—apologetics. We need more classes on apologetics, especially on fundamental questions (24:52) on the existence of God and the first eleven chapters of Genesis, especially the historical (25:00) reality of the creation account.

Please do not be prideful and say, (25:05) we’ve been doing this for years, or I’ve spent years developing these lessons. That work should (25:12) not be overlooked and is genuinely appreciated. However, it is time to take a fresh perspective (25:21) of what we are teaching in light of these alarming statistics.

Greater emphasis on apologetics and (25:29) the historical reality of the creation account is needed in our classes. We need to start younger. (25:39) We need to be teaching apologetics at a younger age.

And yes, this obviously includes our high (25:46) school and junior high students, but also our elementary and even preschool children. (25:52) Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old, he will not depart from it. (25:59) Proverbs 22.6. Apologetics Press offers a variety of resources to help you instruct and instill (26:07) within our young people the belief and love for God, His Word, and His creation.

(26:13) There is the Learn to Read series that uses the theme of, (26:17) God created everything, to help children begin to read. My personal favorite is Dogs, Frogs, (26:25) and Hogs. These books contain simple phrases like, God made dogs.

Like the early readers we were (26:33) introduced to in public school. These books take simple phrases and concepts, mingle them with God’s (26:39) creative power, and ingrain them in precious minds who need to know God. There is also an early (26:48) reader series that uses more words and somewhat more sophisticated topics to impress on slightly (26:55) older children the complexity and beauty of God’s creation.

The little boys I read to love, (27:03) God made insects. The girls tend to like God made puppies. There is something for everyone here.

(27:10) The level of information increases when you move to the advanced reader series. These include (27:17) titles like, Copies of God’s Design, Human Body, and Migrating Animals. As your children grow in (27:25) their reading skills and in their ability to process information, these readers follow them (27:30) along the way, emphasizing over and over again the reality that God made it all.

(27:39) As your kids get even older, there are books that mature with them while tackling more difficult (27:45) concepts. Dinosaurs Unleashed is one of the best sellers in the apologetics press, (27:51) and the kids love it. The artwork is amazing and the message is invaluable.

God made everything, (27:58) and that includes dinosaurs. There are other books for this stage of life, (28:04) like How Do We Know God is Real? and Wonders of God’s Creation. One of my personal creative (28:11) favorites is the Dinosaur Field Journal.

This is a great resource for the adventurer (28:18) inside our sweet children. As they reach their teenage years, there are other excellent books (28:25) that challenge our young people to question what they are hearing in the world and to be secure (28:32) in their faith. These include The Dinosaur Delusion, Truth Be Told Exposing the Myth of (28:39) Evolution, Always Be Ready, Out With Doubt, Matter of Fact, and Reasons to Believe.

Finally, (28:47) every student leaving for college should be equipped with the Defending the Faith Study (28:53) Bible from Apologetics Press. The Bible is filled with resources designed to arm our teens and (29:00) college-aged youth and older people like me with information to combat the atheistic assumptions (29:06) and difficult questions that so many young people face in school and among their friends. (29:12) This Bible has helps and resources throughout that include scores of special sections that (29:19) cover topics such as God’s existence, science in the Bible, God’s justice and hell, defending (29:26) the Bible’s position on prayer, theistic evolution, and the Bible and slavery.

Comments are written (29:34) and produced by faithful members of the Lord’s Church, thorough and complete reputations of alleged (29:41) Bible contradictions and discrepancies, a litany of positive evidences for the inspiration of (29:48) the Bible such as documented archaeological discoveries, comparisons of modern scientific (29:54) findings with the biblical text, and historical evidence that validates the predictive prophecies (30:01) of the Bible. Biblical answers to some of life’s most profound questions such as (30:08) why did God create people and why do people suffer? How will it all end? And the good news is (30:16) that while there are many books and resources highlighted in this article, this is just the (30:22) tip of the iceberg. Apologetics Press has countless volumes of books, readers, magazines, and other (30:29) sources to help fortify your children’s faith and assist moms and dads in reaching one of their (30:36) greatest goals in life, in their lives.

See their children remain faithful to God. Please take (30:44) advantage of these resources. We need more teachers willing to step up.

If we are going to (30:52) have more classes on apologetics, we obviously need more teachers willing to tackle these classes. (30:59) We not only need teachers to step up in Bible class, but also parents to get more involved in (31:05) teaching and reinforcing apologetics at home. Unfortunately, we tend to think of apologetics (31:12) as somewhat of a specialized discipline where only experts like the staff at AP (31:19) can effectively teach this material.

I’ll be the first to admit that the folks at Apologetics Press (31:26) are outstanding teachers and preachers, especially in the area of apologetics. They have unique (31:33) knowledge and talents that make them exceptionally qualified and true blessings in the church. I get (31:39) it.

However, you probably don’t know much about how to treat type 2 diabetes or Reye’s syndrome. (31:48) Nevertheless, I am confident that if your child was diagnosed with one of these conditions, (31:55) it would not take you long to become an expert in this arena. Your child’s physical condition (32:02) would require you to learn a considerable amount of complicated medical information, (32:08) but you would master it because your child’s life is worth it.

We need to get just as serious (32:15) and motivated when it comes to the spiritual welfare of our children. Yes, I know apologetics (32:23) can seem a little complex and will require some study and effort on our part, but it is worth it. (32:30) Our children are leaving the church in alarming numbers, (32:36) and a significant reason why is because of how they view the first few chapters (32:42) of the Bible.

The world is constantly attacking the Bible and especially the creation account. (32:50) We need to get prepared. We need to prepare our children.

They are worth it. And it’s history, (32:57) not stories. I know this will sound like nitpicky semantics, but please stop calling historical (33:05) events in the Bible stories.

It’s not that this is in any way inaccurate, but when children hear (33:13) the word stories, they think of everything from Winnie the Pooh to Harry Potter. The term stories (33:20) can imply that the information to be revealed may not be entirely accurate. When we talk in (33:27) class about the story of creation, our children may be equating this in their minds with the (33:34) fiction in the storybooks we read to them about talking bears and flying superheroes.

(33:41) Let’s start talking about the creation account rather than a story. Let’s refer to the flood (33:48) as an event or a historical reality rather than the story. We can do better to impress on our (33:57) children that what happened in the Bible, especially in the first 11 chapters, is just as real as when (34:05) man landed on the moon, when George Washington was our first president, and when Shakespeare (34:11) wrote Hamlet.

Let’s get real with our teaching. So what is not the solution? (34:20) To the surprise of many, one interesting thing gleaned from the Barna study is that the young (34:27) people largely are not leaving religion because the worship and singing is not cool enough (34:37) to look at some churches who subscribe to the sister act theory of church retention. (34:43) One could easily conclude that young people are leaving the church (34:47) because worship services just aren’t exciting enough.

Some have the mindset that if we just (34:54) make our worship and singing culturally relevant, the young people will flood back (34:59) into the pews and stay with us. The statistics simply do not support this assumption. (35:07) Becoming culturally cool may have an immediate short-term impact on enthusiasm and attendance, (35:15) but it’s just a band-aid for a much deeper disease.

While contemporary music and concert (35:22) environment is popular these days in many worship services, it is not the problem. (35:30) The Barna study made clear that the primary problem driving young people away is not cool (35:36) worship services, but the rejection of belief in basic Bible teachings. We don’t need gimmicks, (35:45) entertaining concerts and light shows and worship.

We simply need the preaching of God’s word. (35:53) Are there other things that can be done to help address the problem of young people leaving the (35:57) church? Absolutely. Pray for them every day that God will bless and protect them as they increase (36:03) in wisdom and stature and in favor with man and especially in favor with God.

Remove hypocrisy from (36:11) the lives of elders and parents who interact with these young people. Be consistent with your kids (36:18) in terms of emphasizing the importance of spiritual matters over everything, including sports and (36:26) academics. Keep your kids involved in church and spiritual activities and surrounded by godly (36:33) influences.

These are all helpful and worth consideration. But at the core of this problem (36:41) is whether our kids believe the first few chapters of Genesis. No more excuses, no more compromises.

(36:50) It is time to take a stand and proclaim in the beginning God created the heavens and the earth (36:58) and after six days God saw that it was very good. (37:05) The invitation is being extended now to anyone who is subject to it. Come while we stand and sing.

1. Kevin Cain, JD (October 20, 2019), Apologetics Press, Inc. Article, Why Are We Losing Them When They Leave For College, https://apologeticspress.org/why-are-we-losing-them-when-they-leave-for-college-5738