24-1020a - Why Are We Losing Them When They Leave For College?[1]

Read by Scott Reynolds, Bible Readers: Roger Raines and Wyatt Woosley

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Why Are We Losing Them?

Summary of Transcript (0:04 - 31:32)

Scripture Readings:

1st Scripture Reading (0:04 - 0:28), Roger Raines
Genesis 1:1 (NKJV)

In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.

2nd Scripture Reading (0:29 - 0:59), Wyatt Woosley
2 Peter 3:3-5 (NKJV)

knowing this first: that scoffers will come in the last days, walking according to their own lusts, 4 and saying, “Where is the promise of His coming? For since the fathers fell asleep, all things continue as they were from the beginning of creation.” 5 For this they willfully forget: that by the word of God the heavens were of old, and the earth standing out of water and in the water,


Preacher: Scott Reynolds


[Editor’s Note: The following article was written by A.P. auxiliary staff writer, Kevin Cain, who holds degrees from Freed-Hardeman University (B.S., M.Min.) and the Doctor of Jurisprudence from South Texas College of Law. A former Briefing Attorney of The First Court of Appeals, his current practice focuses on litigation at the trial and appellate levels in both State and Federal Courts.]

Why Are We Losing Them When They Leave For College?

  1. (0:02 - 0:14) Introduction

    Presenter introduces an article from Apologetics Press that addresses a significant and relevant issue. The article is deemed important for the church to hear.

  2. (0:15 - 3:54) Article Introduction and Problem Statement

    The article, “Why Are We Losing Them When They Leave for College,” by Kevin Kane, explores why many young people leave the church when they go to college. Parents describe their efforts in raising children in the faith, only to see them leave the church when attending college. The question arises: why are young people leaving the church? Theories suggest it may be due to conservative views, boring music, or lack of connection with youth ministers, but no definitive answers are provided. Studies show that 60-80% of Christian students leave their faith when they enter college, and two-thirds of young evangelicals stop practicing religion during college years.

  3. (3:54 - 9:34) Shocking Statistics and Early Departure from Faith

    The issue is not isolated to college; young people are mentally checking out of church as early as middle and high school. Data shows 40% of young people leave during elementary and middle school, and only 11% leave during college. There is an unexpected trend where Bible class attendees are more likely to doubt basic biblical truths, leading to more liberal beliefs. A significant correlation exists between belief in the Genesis creation account and whether individuals remain faithful to Christianity. The foundation of belief in Genesis 1-11 is critical to maintaining belief in the Bible’s accuracy, and undermining it leads to disbelief in other parts of the Bible.

  4. (9:36 - 10:46) Belief in Biblical Accounts and Plans to Return

    Survey results reveal that young people who plan to return to the church after having children are more likely to believe in biblical creation than those who do not plan to return. Those who never plan to return express serious doubts about the accuracy of the Bible, particularly in regards to creation.

  5. (10:48 - 18:04) Historical Compromises on Creation and the Slippery Slope

    Since Darwin’s evolutionary theory, many religious institutions have compromised on the literal interpretation of the Genesis creation account, leading to a decline in faith. Europe serves as an example of the negative impact of these compromises, where grand churches are now empty. The practice of reconciling evolution with the Bible has led to a disconnection between faith and the real world, with young people increasingly trusting science over biblical teachings. Disbelief in the age of the earth is a major reason young people lose faith, with only 20% believing the earth is less than 10,000 years old. Key reasons for disbelief in the Bible include claims that it was written by men, mistranslated, contradictory, and disproven by science.

  6. (18:05 - 18:52) Scoffers in the Last Days

    Peter warns of scoffers who will mock believers, asking where Christ’s promised return is. These scoffers deliberately deny the biblical creation account, which weakens faith in the rest of the Bible.

  7. (18:53 - 28:09) Rewriting Curriculum and Teaching Apologetics

    A curriculum change is necessary to emphasize apologetics, especially regarding the historical reality of creation. Current teachings may overlook the importance of defending the Bible’s foundational truths, such as the creation account. Apologetics should be taught to children at younger ages, from preschool onwards. Resources from Apologetics Press, like the "Learn to Read" series, are designed to teach children about God’s creation. For older children and teens, advanced resources such as Dinosaurs Unleashed and How Do You Know God is Real? are recommended. College students should be equipped with tools like the Defending the Faith Study Bible to defend their faith in academic settings.

  8. (28:10 - 31:14) Encouraging Teachers and Parents

    More teachers are needed to lead apologetics classes, and parents should reinforce these teachings at home. Apologetics is not reserved for experts—parents can learn and teach their children to defend their faith. Emphasize the importance of apologetics due to the world’s attack on the Bible, particularly on the creation account.

  9. (31:14 - 31:32) Language Matters: History, Not Stories

    Reframe biblical events as historical realities rather than "stories," as children may equate "stories" with fictional tales. Young people aren’t leaving the church because worship isn’t "cool" enough but due to a lack of belief in basic Bible teachings. Conclusion: A Call to Action The speaker stresses the importance of faith in the first chapters of Genesis and the need for no more compromises. The invitation is extended to anyone who needs to take a stand for these beliefs.

1. Kevin Cain, JD (October 20, 2019), Apologetics Press, Inc. Article, Why Are We Losing Them When They Leave For College, https://apologeticspress.org/why-are-we-losing-them-when-they-leave-for-college-5738