24-1013a - Can’t Get No Satisfaction, Tom Freed
Bible Readers: Mike Mathis and Roger Raines

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Can’t Get No Satisfaction

Transcript (0:04 - 27:29)

Scripture Readings

1st Reader: Mike Mathis

(0:04) The first scripture reading for this morning will be taken from the Proverbs, chapter 27, verse 20. (0:17) Proverbs 27, verse 20, which reads, (0:24) Hell and destruction are never full, so the eyes of man are never satisfied. (0:35)

That completes the reading.

2nd Reader: Roger Raines

(0:42) Good morning. I’ll be reading from the first book of Timothy, chapter 6, verses 6-9. (0:50) First Timothy 6, 6-9.

Now godliness with contentment is great gain. 7 For we brought nothing into this world, and it is certain we can carry nothing out. 8 And having food and clothing, with these we shall be content. 9 But those who desire to be rich fall into temptation and a snare, and into many foolish and harmful lusts which drown men in destruction and perdition.

(1:26) This concludes this reading.


Preacher: Tom Freed

(1:33) Good morning. Good to see everybody.

(1:36) My sermon today is called, Can’t Get No Satisfaction. (1:42) Unfortunately, I won’t be singing, so I embarrassed myself enough in life, so everybody would probably get out and leave. (1:49) I say, how many of us are satisfied with what we have in life? (1:58) We live in a country where we’re spoiled and rotten, yet most of the people don’t ever seem to be satisfied.

(2:06) We compare ourselves to our friends, neighbors, family, and co-workers, and we think we deserve as good or better than they have it. (2:15) We call it keeping up with the Joneses. (2:17) Do you ever do that when you see your neighbor or friend or somebody in your family has something, and you say, you get jealous? (2:26) You think you should have it or you want it? (2:30) As Christians, we’re not supposed to care about material things, but many of us are probably still unsatisfied with what we have in life.

(2:40) We think we should have a better car, house, job, retirement, make more money, go on better trips, or have a better spouse. (2:53) Even millionaires and billionaires don’t ever seem to be satisfied and are always striving to have more. (3:01) Look at Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos, and Elon Musk.

(3:04) They never stop accumulating wealth and striving for more and more things. (3:10) You’d think if you had a billion dollars, you wouldn’t care about money. (3:15) You could sit back and relax, but these billionaires just keep wanting more, even millionaires.

(3:20) I’ve known some small business owners that had millions, and that’s all they care about is money and getting more money. (3:28) The bottom line is most humans can never be satisfied with material things from the world. (3:36) No matter how much money, fame, power, toys, drugs, alcohol, or sex we have, we’ll never be satisfied and we’ll always be wanting more.

(3:48) Proverbs 2720, death and destruction are never satisfied, and neither are the eyes of man. (3:57) The rock band The Rolling Stones said it best in one of their most famous songs, I Can’t Get No Satisfaction. (4:07) That’s coming from one of the biggest and most famous rock bands of all time.

(4:13) It basically had anything their hearts desired. (4:16) You know how rock stars are. (4:19) You know, they have money, fame, influence, material things.

(4:27) They have adoring fans. (4:28) They have women or even men throwing themselves at them nonstop, partying. (4:34) Anything they could want in life is handed to them.

(4:38) And yet this band that had everything wrote a song about not being satisfied. (4:44) Just like I’m sure many of you have experienced and found out in life, you can’t truly be satisfied by worldly things. (4:53) I have found myself personally that anything I do to try to please the flesh, no matter how good it is, at the time I’m always left wanting more.

(5:06) I’m sure all of you have experienced that as well. (5:09) We’re all humans. (5:11) We all give in to sin and temptation.

(5:15) We all try to satisfy our flesh doing it our way at times. (5:21) And what I found out is I’m never completely satisfied when I do it my way. (5:28) There’s only one way to be satisfied in this life.

(5:31) It’s not with material things. (5:34) We can only find true satisfaction in having a relationship with God through Jesus Christ. (5:42) If we want to be truly happy, we need to deny ourselves and follow Jesus.

(5:48) Luke 9, 23. (5:50) Then he said to all of them, (5:53) If anyone desires to come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me. (6:02) But just like the Rolling Stones, there’s one man in the Bible that seemed to truly have everything his heart could desire.

(6:09) King Solomon was probably the greatest king to ever live in everything you could imagine. (6:17) 1 Kings 10, 23. (6:20) So King Solomon exceeded all the kings of the earth in riches and in wisdom.

(6:26) He was so rich, the cups he drank from were of pure gold. (6:32) 1 Kings 10, 21. (6:35) And all of King Solomon’s drinking vessels were of pure gold.

(6:39) And all the vessels of the house of the forest of Lebanon were of pure gold. (6:45) None were of silver. (6:47) There was nothing accounted of him in the days of Solomon.

(6:51) 1 Kings 10, 18. (6:55) Moreover, the king made a great throne of ivory and overlaid it with the finest gold. (7:02) He was so rich, gold was like nothing to him.

(7:07) Gold right now is $2,600 or $700 an ounce. (7:13) Imagine having that in abundance. (7:17) So much and almost everything you had was made of gold.

(7:19) He had a huge army and horses and chariots. (7:26) And he even had a thousand women. (7:29) 1 Kings 11, 3. (7:32) And he had 700 wives, princesses, and 300 concubines.

(7:38) And his wives turned away his heart. (7:41) He had probably the most beautiful women in the world, a thousand. (7:47) He was better than a rock star.

(7:51) He had everything. (7:53) He was a king. Nothing beats being a king.

(7:56) He was also the wisest man on earth. (8:00) And did everything he could to find pleasure and satisfaction in this world. (8:05) Ecclesiastes 2, 1-11.

(8:10) I thought in my heart, come now, I will test you with pleasure to find out what is good. (8:16) But I also proved to be meaningless. (8:19) Laughter, I said, is foolish.

(8:22) And what does pleasure accomplish? (8:24) I tried cheering myself with wine and embracing folly. (8:30) My mind still guarded me with wisdom. (8:34) I wanted to see what was worthwhile for men to do under heaven during the few days of their lives.

(8:41) I undertook great projects. (8:43) I built houses for myself and planted vineyards. (8:47) I made gardens and parks and planted all kinds of fruit trees in them.

(8:51) I made reservoirs to water groves of flourishing trees. (8:56) I bought male and female slaves and had other slaves who were born in my house. (9:02) I also owned more herds and flock than anyone in Jerusalem before me.

(9:07) I amassed silver and gold for myself and the treasure of kings and provinces. (9:13) I acquired men and women singers and a harem as well. (9:18) The delight of the heart of man.

(9:21) I became greater by far than anyone in Jerusalem before me. (9:26) In all this, my wisdom stayed with me. (9:29) I denied myself nothing my eyes desired.

(9:33) I refused my heart no pleasure. (9:36) My heart took delight in all my work, and this was a reward for all my labor. (9:43) Yet when I surveyed all that my hands had done and what I had toyed to achieve, (9:48) everything was meaningless, a chasing after the wind.

(9:52) Nothing was gained under the sun. (9:55) So he could see, he could do anything he pleased. (9:59) He did everything in life to find pleasure.

(10:02) And he found out that all of it was meaningless. (10:06) It was chasing after the wind. (10:10) He denied himself nothing.

(10:14) So this is coming from the wisest man on earth. (10:19) He wanted to see if anything in this world could provide him pleasure and satisfy his desires. (10:25) And he discovered that nothing could.

(10:28) We do the same thing at times on a smaller scale. (10:33) Even as Christians we can stray from God’s path (10:37) and look for worldly pleasures to satisfy our needs. (10:43) Sin is fun but only for a season.

(10:45) It can never truly satisfy you long term. (10:48) Hebrews 11.25 (10:52) Choosing rather to share ill treatment with the people of God (10:55) than to enjoy the pleasures of sin for a season. (11:00) Sin and pleasing the flesh can be fun.

(11:03) It can be tempting. (11:06) Like I said, it never truly satisfies. (11:08) It’s only fun for a season.

(11:12) You know, that season of what you sow, you have to reap later. (11:18) Those pleasures that you sow to the flesh, (11:22) all those things you enjoy, later on you have to pay for it. (11:27) You know, everything you do has a consequence.

(11:31) And when you please the flesh, (11:34) it follows with addiction. (11:35) It follows with pain and suffering. (11:38) And like I said, you’re never satisfied.

(11:41) You’re always wanting more. (11:42) The alcoholic. (11:44) The person who wants more and more money.

(11:48) The greedy person. (11:49) The person who, you know, loves sex. (11:54) Eventually they can never be satisfied.

(11:57) It’s a miserable life. (12:00) Solomon lived a great life and did whatever his heart desired (12:02) to find joy and happiness. (12:06) And at the end he came to one conclusion.

(12:10) Ecclesiastes 12.13 (12:13) This is the end of the matter. (12:16) All has been heard. (12:19) Fear God and keep his commandments, (12:21) for this is the whole duty of man.

(12:26) Most people go through life having no idea (12:28) why they’re here (12:31) or what their purpose in life is. (12:33) If you’re not a Christian, you have no purpose. (12:36) People spend their whole lives wondering (12:39) why they’re on earth.

(12:40) But King Solomon hit the nail on the head. (12:45) The whole duty of man is to fear God (12:47) and obey what he says. (12:50) It’s that simple.

(12:52) The world will not provide you (12:53) with the satisfaction that God can. (13:00) So let us learn from Solomon’s mistakes (13:02) and his wisdom (13:04) and look to God to find satisfaction in life. (13:09) If you delight yourself in the Lord, (13:11) he will give you the desires of your heart.

(13:13) Psalm 37.4 (13:16) If you follow God’s commands, (13:19) he will guide you continually (13:23) and satisfy your desires. (13:25) Isaiah 58.11 (13:28) The Lord will guide you continually (13:31) and satisfy your soul in drought (13:33) and strengthen your bones. (13:36) You shall be like a watered garden (13:38) and like a spring of water (13:39) whose waters do not fail.

(13:43) God satisfies the longing soul (13:45) and the hungry soul he fills with good things. (13:49) Psalm 107.9 (13:52) If you have Jesus in your life, (13:54) you will never hunger or thirst. (13:56) John 6.35 (13:58) And Jesus said to them, (14:00) I am the bread of life.

(14:02) He who comes to me shall never hunger (14:04) and he who believes in me shall never thirst. (14:09) We need to be like Paul (14:11) who learned to be content in any situation. (14:16) Paul had a rough life.

(14:19) It was miserable (14:20) with a lot of pain and suffering. (14:23) And he was poor. (14:25) He had next to nothing.

(14:27) 2 Corinthians 11.23-29 (14:31) Are they servants of Christ? (14:33) I am a better one. (14:35) I am talking like a madman (14:38) with far greater labors, (14:40) far more imprisonments, (14:43) with countless beatings (14:44) and often near death. (14:46) Five times at the hands of the Jews (14:48) I received forty lashes, (14:50) less one.

(14:52) Three times I was beaten with rods. (14:55) Once I was stoned. (14:57) Three times I was shipwrecked.

(14:59) A night and a day I was adrift at sea (15:01) on frequent journeys (15:03) in danger from rivers, (15:06) danger from robbers, (15:08) danger from my own people, (15:10) danger from the Gentiles, (15:13) danger in the city, (15:15) danger in the wilderness, (15:17) danger at sea, (15:19) danger from false brothers, (15:21) and toil and hardship (15:24) through many sleepless nights (15:26) and hunger and thirst, (15:28) often without food (15:30) and cold and exposure. (15:32) And apart from the other things, (15:34) there is a daily pressure on me (15:37) of my anxiety for other churches. (15:39) Who is weak and I am not weak? (15:42) Who is made to fall (15:44) and I am not indignant? (15:47) You can see he went through a lot.

(15:49) We sit here and complain (15:51) how bad our life is. (15:52) Look what Paul went through. (15:55) He was almost stoned to death (15:56) and the next day he was (15:59) preaching again.

(16:01) We cry about everything. (16:03) But Paul really had it rough. (16:05) The early Christians (16:06) really had a rough time.

(16:08) We haven’t made it in this country. (16:13) He went through all this struggle (16:15) and suffering and was still satisfied (16:17) because he learned to be content (16:19) in any situation. (16:21) Philippians 4, 11-13.

(16:25) I am not saying this (16:26) because I am in need, (16:28) but I have learned to be content (16:30) whatever the circumstances. (16:32) I know what it is to be in need (16:35) and I know what it is to have plenty. (16:37) I have learned the secret (16:38) of being content (16:40) in every and any situation.

(16:42) Whether well fed or hungry. (16:45) Whether living in plenty or in want. (16:47) I can do anything (16:48) through Him who gives me strength.

(16:53) We found the secret. (16:56) The secret is the strength (16:58) to do and bear all things (17:00) comes from Christ. (17:02) He was completely satisfied (17:03) knowing that he had Jesus in his life (17:06) and we should be the same way.

(17:10) So, (17:11) Christ is the best thing you can have. (17:16) And Paul knew that. (17:17) Paul didn’t have material things.

(17:20) He suffered greatly, (17:21) but he was still satisfied. (17:23) He was still content with what he had. (17:27) We have gone through nothing (17:28) compared to him (17:30) and the apostles.

(17:32) Yet most of us aren’t satisfied. (17:35) We are spoiled and rotten in this country (17:37) which is the most abundant (17:39) prosperous country (17:40) that has ever existed. (17:43) We have nice homes, (17:45) cars, cell phones, (17:48) computers, video games, sports, (17:51) endless entertainment.

(17:53) The list goes on (17:55) and still we are not satisfied. (17:57) How many people are depressed and miserable? (18:00) How many people are on drugs to feel better? (18:03) Or how many people commit suicide? (18:06) We don’t have a problem (18:08) with people starving in this country, (18:11) but we have a problem (18:12) with too many people being overweight. (18:15) We have an abundance (18:18) and we don’t know how good we have it.

(18:21) And we still complain and groan (18:23) and think that our lives are miserable at times. (18:25) How many people cry and complain (18:28) and think, (18:29) oh man, my life stinks. (18:31) My parents took my video games away.

(18:35) I didn’t get a raise. (18:38) All these small petty things. (18:41) And we look at the apostles, (18:42) they really had it rough.

(18:44) They had nothing. (18:45) They were treated like dirt. (18:48) And their lives were in danger.

(18:51) Many of them died brutal deaths. (18:54) And they were probably more satisfied than we are. (18:58) The bottom line is, (18:59) just like the early apostles, (19:02) we should be content with just food, (19:04) clothing and having God in our lives.

(19:07) But godliness with contentment is great gain. (19:11) For we brought nothing into this world (19:13) and we can take nothing out of it. (19:15) But if we have food and clothing, (19:17) we should be content with that.

(19:20) 1 Timothy 6, 6-8. (19:24) Everything else is icing on the cake. (19:27) If you have God in your lives, (19:29) food and clothing, (19:30) then everything else is a bonus.

(19:33) You know, we’re not entitled to anything. (19:36) We shouldn’t think we should have all these (19:38) earthly things. (19:41) We need to learn to be content in life (19:44) no matter what, (19:46) how much or how little we have.

(19:49) Sometimes it’s best just to be right in the middle. (19:52) Not too poor, not too rich. (19:54) Proverbs 38-9.

(19:58) Remove falsehood and lies far from me. (20:01) Give me neither poverty nor riches. (20:04) Feed me with the food allotted to me.

(20:06) Lest I be full and deny you (20:08) and say, who is the Lord? (20:10) Or lest I be poor and steal (20:13) and profane the name of my God. (20:16) So it’s better to just be even keeled. (20:20) Not too high up and not too far down.

(20:24) You know, I think most of us here (20:27) are somewhere in the middle. (20:28) I mean, some of us have less than others. (20:31) But most of us aren’t lacking too much.

(20:38) So contentment is a prelude to satisfaction. (20:41) If we can learn to be content like Paul did (20:44) in any situation, (20:45) it’s going to take a lot less (20:47) to satisfy our desires. (20:49) To be satisfied means (20:51) we’re not yearning for something else.

(20:53) When our hunger is satisfied, (20:55) we don’t want any more food. (20:58) When our thirst is satisfied, (20:59) we don’t crave more water. (21:02) When we’re in the right relationship with God, (21:04) our souls are satisfied.

(21:07) Psalm 73, 25-26. (21:11) Whom have I in heaven but you? (21:15) And there is none upon earth (21:17) that I desire beside you. (21:20) My flesh and my heart fail, (21:22) but God is the strength of my heart (21:24) and my portion forever.

(21:27) When God is your portion, (21:29) is our portion, (21:31) and we are satisfied with Him, (21:33) we shouldn’t worry about pleasing the flesh. (21:36) There could be nothing better (21:38) than a portion with God. (21:41) Having Jesus in our lives (21:42) is better than anything (21:47) There’s a difference (21:48) between self-satisfaction (21:50) and godly satisfaction.

(21:53) They’re at war with each other. (21:54) Galatians 5, 16-17. (21:57) But I say walk by the Spirit, (22:00) and you will not gratify (22:02) the desires of the flesh.

(22:05) For the desires of the flesh (22:06) war against the Spirit, (22:09) and the desires of the Spirit (22:11) are against the flesh. (22:13) For these are opposed to each other (22:15) to keep you from doing (22:16) the things you want to do. (22:20) This verse is similar (22:23) to the tale of two wolves, (22:25) which I’m sure some of you (22:27) have heard before.

(22:30) One evening an elderly Cherokee brave (22:32) told his grandson about a battle (22:34) that goes on deep inside people. (22:39) My dear one, (22:40) the battle between two wolves (22:42) is inside us all. (22:44) One is evil.

(22:45) It is anger, envy, jealousy, (22:49) greed, arrogance, self-pity, (22:52) guilt, resentment, (22:54) inferiority, lies, (22:56) false pride, (22:57) superiority, and ego. (23:00) The other is good. (23:03) It is joy, peace, love, hope, (23:05) serenity, humility, (23:07) kindness, benevolence, (23:09) empathy, generosity, truth, (23:12) compassion, and faith.

(23:15) The grandson thought about it (23:16) for a moment, (23:17) and then he asked his grandfather, (23:19) which wolf wins? (23:22) The old Cherokee replied, (23:24) the one you feed. (23:27) We can see that could (23:27) almost have been a parable (23:29) from Jesus. (23:31) He talks about (23:34) all the bad things in life.

(23:36) He also talks about (23:38) almost certain things (23:40) like the fruit of the spirit. (23:42) It depends on which one (23:44) you decide to feed, (23:45) which one is going to grow, (23:46) which one is going to be (23:47) stronger in the wind. (23:52) What you are feeding in life (23:53) will determine the kind of life (23:56) you live and how you will (23:58) spend eternity.

(23:59) Galatians 6.8 (24:02) The one who sows the flesh (24:05) will reap from the flesh (24:07) corruption. (24:08) But the one who sows in the spirit (24:10) will from the spirit (24:11) reap eternal life. (24:15) And this is eternal life (24:19) for the only true God (24:20) in Jesus Christ, (24:21) whom he has sent.

(24:23) John 17.3 (24:25) So it’s not only a battle (24:28) while you’re on earth, (24:30) but depending on which side (24:32) you feed, (24:33) the flesh and the spirit (24:34) determines eternity for you. (24:38) You’re either going to spend (24:39) eternity in heaven or hell. (24:42) Those that do not know God (24:44) will spend eternity (24:44) separated from him (24:49) in hell.

(24:49) Galatians 7.23 (24:50) And then I will declare to them, (24:52) I never knew you, (24:54) depart from me, (24:55) you who practice lawlessness. (24:58) And the king said to the servants, (25:00) find him hand and foot, (25:03) take him away (25:03) and cast him into outer darkness. (25:06) There will be weeping (25:06) and gnashing of teeth.

(25:09) For many are called, (25:10) but few are chosen. (25:13) That’s the last thing (25:20) you know, it’s a scary thing (25:21) to fall into the hands of the Lord. (25:23) And you don’t want to do it (25:24) not prepared.

(25:27) Why be stuck in darkness (25:28) looking to satisfy (25:30) your flesh? (25:33) Move to the light (25:34) and be a chosen one of God, (25:36) satisfying your spirit. (25:38) 1 Peter 2.9 (25:41) But you’re a chosen generation, (25:43) a royal priesthood, (25:45) a holy nation, (25:47) his own special people. (25:50) You may proclaim (25:51) the praises of him (25:52) who called you out of darkness (25:53) into the marvelous light.

(25:56) This world will never be able (25:58) to satisfy you like God can. (26:01) Learn from those (26:02) who have gone before us. (26:04) Don’t make the same mistakes (26:05) they have.

(26:08) As we saw, Solomon was (26:09) the wisest person (26:11) besides Jesus to walk the earth. (26:16) And after experiencing (26:18) a lot in life, (26:19) he found only one thing (26:20) to give him true satisfaction. (26:22) To fear God and keep (26:24) his commandments.

(26:26) It should be the same for you. (26:29) If you’re not a Christian, (26:30) you’re missing out on (26:31) the greatest thing in life. (26:33) And you’ll spend eternity (26:35) in the devil’s hell.

(26:37) God made it easy (26:39) to be saved. (26:41) It’s only a step away. (26:42) He did all the hard lifting.

(26:48) He died for us. (26:49) He made it easy for us. (26:51) We have it way easier (26:53) than the Old Testament.

(26:54) He’s a continual sacrifice. (26:56) They had to bring animals (26:58) to sacrifice every year. (27:01) He has made it easy as can be. (27:05) It’s only a step away. (27:07) It’s a free gift from God. (27:09) And you only have to obey (27:10) to receive it.

(27:13) The wages of sin is death. (27:15) But the free gift of God (27:16) is eternal life in Christ Jesus (27:21) If you’re a Christian (27:22) and you want to accept (27:23) the free gift (27:25) or if you need the praise (27:26) of the congregation (27:27) just come forward.