24-1013a - Can’t Get No Satisfaction, Tom Freed
Bible Readers: Mike Mathis and Roger Raines

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Can’t Get No Satisfaction

Summary of Transcript (0:04 - 27:29)

Scripture Readings:

1st Scripture Reading (0:04 - 0:37), Mike Mathis
Scripture Reading from Proverbs

Proverbs 27:20 is read: “Hell and destruction are never full, so the eyes of man are never satisfied.”

2nd Scripture Reading (0:42 - 1:35), Roger Raines
Scripture Reading from 1 Timothy

1 Timothy 6:6-9 is read. The speaker greets the congregation, expressing joy to see everyone.


Preacher: Tom Freed

  1. (1:36 - 2:04) Sermon Introduction

    • The sermon is titled "Can’t Get No Satisfaction."

    • The speaker humorously remarks on not singing the famous Rolling Stones song.

    • The central question is posed: How many people are satisfied with what they have in life?

  2. (2:06 - 3:20) Material Desires and Comparison

    • The speaker reflects on how people often compare themselves to others, desiring what others have (referred to as "keeping up with the Joneses").

    • Despite being Christians who shouldn’t focus on material things, many still feel unsatisfied.

    • The speaker mentions examples like cars, houses, money, and vacations, noting that even millionaires and billionaires (e.g., Gates, Bezos, Musk) are never satisfied and always want more.

  3. (3:20 - 4:25) The Insatiable Desire for More

    • People, including small business owners with millions, are never content, always seeking more wealth.

    • The speaker references Proverbs 27:20 again, saying the human desire is never satisfied, similar to how rock stars like The Rolling Stones had everything but still wrote "I Can’t Get No Satisfaction."

  4. (4:27 - 5:05) Rock Stars and Worldly Pleasures

    • Despite having fame, fortune, and fans, the Rolling Stones, like many others, couldn’t find satisfaction in worldly pleasures.

    • The speaker shares a personal experience of never being fully satisfied when trying to please the flesh.

  5. (5:06 - 6:08) True Satisfaction Through God

    • The speaker asserts that true satisfaction comes only from a relationship with God through Jesus Christ, not from material things.

    • Quoting Luke 9:23, the speaker emphasizes denying oneself and following Jesus to find happiness.

  6. (6:09 - 7:05) King Solomon’s Wealth and Wisdom

    • King Solomon, the richest and wisest king, had everything his heart desired, yet was not satisfied.

    • 1 Kings 10:23-21 is cited, illustrating Solomon’s immense wealth, including golden drinking vessels and a throne made of ivory overlaid with gold.

  7. (7:07 - 8:27) Solomon’s Endless Pursuit of Pleasure

    • Solomon had a vast army, horses, chariots, and a harem of 1,000 women, but still could not find true satisfaction.

    • Despite being wiser than anyone else, Solomon found all his pursuits meaningless, as described in Ecclesiastes 2:1-11.

  8. (8:28 - 10:01) The Futility of Worldly Pleasures

    • Solomon tested every form of pleasure, from laughter and wine to building grand projects and acquiring wealth, but found it all meaningless.

    • His conclusion: all worldly pursuits are "chasing after the wind" and cannot provide true satisfaction.

  9. (10:02 - 12:23) Lessons from Solomon’s Wisdom

    • Even as Christians, people can stray from God’s path in pursuit of worldly pleasures, but sin only satisfies for a season.

    • The speaker references Hebrews 11:25, warning that sowing to the flesh brings consequences.

    • Sin leads to addiction, pain, and the desire for more, and ultimately, only leaves people wanting.

  10. (12:26 - 12:51) Man’s Purpose: Fear God and Obey Him

    The speaker highlights Ecclesiastes 12:13, where Solomon concludes that the whole duty of man is to fear God and obey His commandments. Without God, people have no purpose in life, and satisfaction cannot be found in the world.

  11. (12:52 - 13:41) Finding Satisfaction in God

    • Psalm 37:4 and Isaiah 58:11 are cited, showing that following God’s commands will bring satisfaction and fulfillment.

    • God fills the longing soul, and those who come to Jesus will never hunger or thirst (John 6:35).

  12. (13:43 - 15:48) Paul’s Contentment Despite Suffering

    • The speaker emphasizes the Apostle Paul’s contentment in any situation, despite his many hardships and suffering (2 Corinthians 11:23-29).

    • Paul endured beatings, imprisonment, and extreme danger, yet remained satisfied because of his faith.

  13. (15:49 - 16:23) Paul’s Endurance and Our Complaints

    • The speaker contrasts Paul’s severe trials with modern-day complaints, stressing that despite all his suffering, Paul was still content.

    • The early Christians faced extreme difficulties, and the speaker points out how much easier life is for many people today in comparison.

  14. (16:25 - 17:07) Contentment and Christ’s Strength

    • Paul expresses that he learned to be content in all circumstances, whether in need or in plenty.

    • The key to enduring all things lies in Christ’s strength.

    • Paul’s contentment stemmed from his satisfaction in Christ, not material things.

  15. (17:07 - 19:06) Contrasting Modern Discontent with Apostolic Suffering

    • Many today, despite living in prosperity, remain unsatisfied.

    • Paul and the apostles suffered greatly yet found contentment in Christ.

    • The speaker contrasts modern complaints with the apostles’ harsh lives, emphasizing that they were more satisfied than people are today.

  16. (19:06 - 20:22) Godliness and Contentment

    • True contentment comes from godliness, not material wealth.

    • 1 Timothy 6:6-8 emphasizes the importance of being satisfied with basic necessities like food and clothing.

    • The speaker stresses that additional comforts are a bonus, not entitlements.

  17. (20:22 - 21:06) The Balance of Life

    • Proverbs 30:8-9 advocates for balance, neither poverty nor riches, to avoid temptation.

    • Being “even-keeled” in life fosters contentment.

  18. (21:06 - 22:03) Satisfaction in God

    • Contentment with God leads to a soul satisfied beyond physical desires.

    • Psalm 73:25-26 highlights how God is the ultimate source of strength and satisfaction.

  19. (22:03 - 23:36) The Conflict Between Flesh and Spirit

    • Galatians 5:16-17 and 6:8 describe the internal battle between fleshly desires and spiritual fulfillment.

    • The Cherokee "Two Wolves" parable illustrates that feeding the spirit, not the flesh, leads to a righteous life.

  20. (23:36 - 25:25) Eternal Consequences

    • The choice between feeding the flesh or the spirit impacts one’s eternal destiny, either heaven or hell.

    • Scripture warns about the consequences of choosing to live by the flesh, including separation from God.

  21. (25:25 - 26:24) Chosen by God

    • 1 Peter 2:9 celebrates believers as a "chosen generation" called out of darkness into light.

    • The speaker urges people to avoid worldly mistakes and seek God for true satisfaction.

  22. (26:24 - 27:29) Salvation is a Free Gift

    • Salvation is described as a free gift made possible by Christ’s sacrifice.

    • Unlike the Old Testament, salvation is now simpler, and people only need to accept the gift and follow Christ.