23-0903p - Satisfied with the Lord, Part 2, Mike Mathis
Bible Reader: Roger Raines
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Satisfied with the Lord, Part 2
Transcript (0:03 - 42:59)
Scripture Reading
- Bible Reader: Roger Raines
- Hebrews 4:12-13,
(0:03) Good evening. (0:06) Evening, Walter. (0:08) And to everyone on the phone. (0:11) Scripture reading is from the book of Hebrews, chapter 4, verses 12 and 13. (0:18) Hebrews 4, 12 and 13.
(0:23) For the word of God is living and active and sharper than any two-edged sword, (0:28) and piercing as far as the division of souls and spirits, of both joints and marrow, (0:36) and able to judge the thoughts and intentions of the heart. (0:40) And there is no creature hidden from his sight, (0:44) but all things are open and laid bare to the eyes of him to whom we have to do so. (0:52) Let’s conclude this reading. (0:53)
Preacher: Mike Mathis
(0:59) Good evening.
(1:00) Good evening. (1:01) I continue with the lesson I started this morning entitled Satisfied with the Lord. (1:15) I was thinking of a song that I heard years ago, (1:24) and it fills me when I heard it last.
(1:31) I do not know whether it was in the title, but within the lyrics, (1:40) it said, I want my Lord to be satisfied with me. (1:48) And as I was listening to that one day, (1:55) I thought, maybe it should be, the Lord wants me to be satisfied with him. (2:08) And so we started this.
(2:13) It’s more or less a personal beginning to this. (2:22) And towards the start of it, (2:25) we started with the basic or the elementary parts of it (2:35) to follow the plan of salvation, to reach salvation, (2:42) and then to stay in salvation. (2:48) And I say that if I am satisfied with the Lord, (2:56) I will seek to please him, (3:02) and I will seek to follow his plan of salvation.
(3:07) And that’s what we dealt with this morning. (3:12) Now I want to continue. (3:14) I want to pick up just about where I left off.
(3:20) At the end, it is to be faithful unto the Lord, (3:32) to be faithful unto the end, (3:35) according to Revelation 2.10. (3:40) And that means that I continue on. (3:47) When I come to being baptized, buried with him in baptism, (3:58) I arose to walk in newness of life. (4:05) And therefore, if I am satisfied with the Lord and his saving me, (4:14) I will seek him diligently, as Matthew 6.33 says, (4:25) to seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, (4:30) and all these things shall be added.
(4:33) The things that one might worry about, (4:38) like clothing and food to eat, (4:41) that God would provide these things. (4:46) And Hebrews 11.6, (4:51) For without faith it is impossible to please God. (4:56) For he that comes to God must believe that he is, (5:02) that he exists, (5:03) and that he is a rewarder of those who diligently seek him.
(5:11) So if I’m satisfied with the Lord, (5:14) I will do that. (5:17) I will seek him diligently. (5:22) Now, if I am satisfied with the Lord, (5:27) I will worship him on his terms.
(5:35) Now, that means when I gather with other saints, too, (5:43) and I meet with them, (5:45) there are things that God wants us to worship him. (5:55) We come together to worship him. (5:59) At John 4.23 and 24, (6:04) the Lord Jesus is talking to this American woman at the well (6:13) and at first he speaks to her, (6:21) telling her to give him some water.
(6:25) And that begins a conversation, (6:30) and that conversation turns to the worship. (6:43) And she says, (6:53) She said, (6:54) Our fathers worshiped on this mountain, (6:56) and you Jews say that Jerusalem is the place for one not to worship. (7:04) Jesus said to her, (7:05) Woman, believe me, (7:08) the hour is coming (7:10) when you will neither on this mountain nor in Jerusalem worship the Father.
(7:18) You worship what you do not know. (7:21) We know what we worship, (7:24) for salvation is of the Jews. (7:28) But the hour is coming, (7:31) and now is, (7:33) when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and in truth, (7:47) for the Father is seeking such to worship him.
(7:51) God is spirit, (7:53) and those who worship him must worship in spirit and in truth. (8:02) We must come in our gathering for the purpose of giving him the adoration that he is owed, (8:19) because of the things that he does for us, (8:23) and the good things that he provides us, (8:30) especially salvation. (8:34) And thus, when we meet together, (8:37) we must worship with that in mind, (8:41) and we must worship according to the truth, (8:46) as it is laid out in the scriptures.
(8:55) If I am satisfied with the Lord, (8:58) I will not change the prescribed items of worship. (9:05) When we come together, (9:08) we come together for prayer, (9:12) for teaching, (9:13) for singing, (9:17) taking collection, (9:19) and the Lord’s Supper. (9:23) Now the prayers, (9:25) the teaching, (9:26) and the singing, (9:27) we can do any time, (9:31) any time through the week.
(9:35) But the last two mentioned, (9:38) taking the collection and the Lord’s Supper, (9:42) is to be done every Lord’s Day, (9:45) every first day. (9:47) We have the commandments laid down in the scriptures, (9:56) concerning this. (10:00) Where prayer is concerned, (10:03) we have Philippians 4 and 6, (10:07) that Paul and writing to the Philippian brethren, (10:14) are telling them to rejoice.
(10:20) And you know, he’s telling them, (10:24) ironically, he is writing this as he is in prison, (10:31) suffering for the cause of Christ. (10:34) But in Philippians 4 and verse 6, (10:42) he says, (10:43) Be anxious for nothing, (10:46) but in everything by prayer and supplication. (10:51) With thanksgiving, let your requests be known to God.
(10:56) And so, when we gather together, (11:02) we offer up prayer to Him, (11:06) and it will be with thanksgiving for the things that He’s done for us, (11:13) and for those things that we ask Him. (11:21) We offer up by supplication. (11:26) We pray for those needs that are needed.
(11:36) Then we are to teach. (11:41) Now, we went over Matthew 28 this morning, (11:49) more in detail, (11:51) but right now I want to deal with verse 19 of Matthew 28. (11:59) And verse 18, or verse 19, (12:09) Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, (12:15) baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.
(12:24) Now, in order to make disciples, (12:28) they would have need to teach these nations. (12:37) And they were then making disciples of them. (12:43) They were to baptize them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.
(12:51) They were to teach. (12:54) And in 1 Timothy 2, (13:02) Paul is telling Timothy, (13:05) this young man, (13:08) that he considers his son in the faith. (13:15) He tells him in verse, (13:28) it’s really 2 Timothy 2, I believe it is, (13:39) beginning with verse 1, (13:40) You therefore, my son, be strong in the grace that is in Christ Jesus, (13:48) and the things that you have heard from me among many witnesses.
(13:57) Commit these to faithful men who will be able to teach others also. (14:05) And we are to teach. (14:07) But what we are to teach, (14:11) or to preach, (14:13) is the gospel of Christ.
(14:16) And it is one, (14:18) if we preach the gospel of Christ (14:23) and abide in that, (14:26) we will have the Son, (14:30) we will have the Father and the Son. (14:33) But if we do not abide in the doctrine of Christ, (14:38) we do not even have the Father, (14:41) because He is the one who is authorizing this doctrine. (14:53) We are to sing, (14:55) and to sing a cappella, (14:58) according to Ephesians 5, 19 and 3, 16, (15:08) that tells us to sing, (15:14) and to make melody, (15:19) and to sing, (15:23) in Ephesians 5 and verse 19, (15:31) so speaking to one another in songs and hymns and spiritual songs, (15:38) singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord.
(15:46) There is an absence of using a mechanical instrument, (15:52) but people really dive on to that. (16:01) Well, He didn’t say not to use instruments, (16:07) but He said speaking to one another in songs and hymns and spiritual songs, (16:17) singing and making melody in your heart in the Lord. (16:23) The only instrument that is seen here is the heart.
(16:29) And then in Colossians 3 and verse 16, (16:41) just about the same reading here, (16:45) it says, (16:47) Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom, (16:52) teaching and admonishing one another in songs and hymns and spiritual songs, (16:59) singing with grace in your hearts to the Lord. (17:05) And then in Ephesians and here, (17:12) after saying that, (17:14) it says, (17:15) And whatever you do in word or deed, (17:19) do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, (17:22) giving thanks to God the Father through Him, (17:29) that doing all in the name of the Lord means we do what He authorized. (17:37) And the only thing that He authorized in these passages is singing.
(17:41) We use our voices in teaching and admonishing one another. (17:48) We use our voices in songs, in singing. (17:56) And we pluck the heart strings and not the strings of a guitar or using a piano.
(18:12) And that is what the Scriptures say. (18:17) We take collection upon the Lord’s day, (18:20) as 1 Corinthians 16 says, (18:24) that upon the first day of the week, (18:28) let everyone lay by and store, (18:34) as God has proffered. (18:38) We ought to do that on the Lord’s day (18:42) when He speaks of the collection for the saints.
(18:47) Not only did He tell the Corinthians that, (18:51) but He said, (18:53) I have given orders to the churches of Galatia, (18:59) so you must do also. (19:05) On the first day of the week, (19:07) let each one of you lay something aside, (19:11) storing up as he may prosper, (19:14) that there be no collections when I come. (19:18) That’s done on the first day of the week.
(19:22) But how many times do we see people (19:26) that have meetings throughout the week? (19:32) And each day of that week, (19:35) they pass a collection plate, (19:40) bucket or basket or whatever they have (19:44) to take up a collection. (19:47) The collection is to be done on the first day of the week. (19:53) And the Lord’s Supper also.
(19:57) Jesus instituted the Lord’s Supper. (20:00) In Matthew 26, 26, (20:03) we read where He is gathered with the disciples (20:09) and He is telling them to partake of the bread (20:20) and then to partake of the fruit of the vine. (20:27) And He said, (20:30) And as they were eating, (20:32) Jesus took bread, blessed and broken, (20:36) and gave it to the disciples and said, (20:39) Take ye, this is my body.
(20:43) Then He took the cup and gave thanks (20:45) and gave it to them, (20:47) saying, Drink from it, all of you, (20:53) for this is my blood of the new covenant, (20:56) which is shed for many for the remission of sins. (21:00) But I say to you, (21:02) I will not drink of this fruit of the vine (21:04) from now on until the day (21:07) when I drink it new with you in my Father’s kingdom. (21:16) In another place, (21:17) Jesus said that when we partake of the Lord’s Supper, (21:23) we ought to do so in remembrance of Him.
(21:32) And then people say, (21:34) Well, how often are we supposed to take the Lord’s Supper? (21:42) And some have taken the Lord’s Supper (21:49) on Thursday or another day during the week. (22:02) But then in Acts 20 and verse 7, (22:08) this is when the disciples will come together. (22:17) Paul and his company came to Troas (22:28) and he said, (22:30) But we sailed away from Philippi (22:32) after the days of unleavened bread, (22:36) and in five days joined them at Troas (22:40) where we stayed seven days.
(22:44) Now on the first day of the week, (22:49) when the disciples came together to break bread, (22:54) Paul, ready to depart the next day, (22:57) spoke to them and continued his message until midnight. (23:05) This breaking bread, (23:10) this was a special meal. (23:14) This wasn’t a common meal.
(23:19) And it was on the first day of the week (23:22) when they came together to break bread. (23:26) That’s the Lord’s Supper. (23:29) And they did it upon the first day of the week, (23:34) just as they were commanded to take up the collection.
(23:41) So we are to take up the collection every Lord’s Day (23:49) and partake of the Lord’s Supper every Lord’s Day. (23:55) And if I am satisfied with my Lord, (24:00) I will make every effort to adhere to what the Word says, (24:10) as well as coming with the attitude of worshiping God (24:19) for all that He has done. (24:24) Further, if I am satisfied with the Lord, (24:28) I will be satisfied with His Word.
(24:34) See, we try to figure out, well, what is His Word? (24:45) Jesus, in His prayer in John 17, (24:50) He said in that prayer, (24:54) sanctify them through thy truth. (24:59) Thy truth is thy Word. (25:05) It’s the Word.
(25:08) In Hebrews 11, 2, it says that we understand (25:15) that the world was created by His Word. (25:21) But we read in Genesis 1, (25:29) God said, and God said, God said, (25:38) in beginning with Genesis 1, 2, (25:45) and then Psalms 33, 6 through 9, (25:53) we read in here that, a statement here, (26:01) that about His creating the world by His Word, (26:11) said He spoke, and things came to be. (26:23) By the Word of the Lord the heavens were made, (26:27) and all the hosts of them by the breath of His mouth.
(26:33) He gathers the waters of the sea together as a heap. (26:40) He lays up the deep in storehouses. (26:44) Notice it says, by the Word of the Lord the heavens were made.
(26:55) The Word has power. (26:58) And I appreciate Roger for reading Hebrews 4, verses 12 and 13. (27:17) For the Word of God is living and powerful.
(27:22) Some may treat the Bible as if it’s a dead letter edition. (27:28) But it’s living. (27:31) It’s powerful.
(27:34) And sharper than any two-edged sword. (27:39) Someone said, a two-edged sword cuts you common and gone. (27:49) Piercing even to the division of soul and spirit, (27:55) and of joints and marrow, (27:58) and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.
(28:04) People, I need to be satisfied with the Lord (28:08) so I can follow the things that pleases Him. (28:16) If I want the Lord to be pleased with me, (28:20) I need to be satisfied with Him. (28:24) I need to be satisfied with His Word.
(28:29) And it says, there is no creature hidden from His sight. (28:33) But all things are naked and open to the eyes of Him (28:38) to whom we must give account. (28:44) Think of that.
(28:47) God’s performing spiritual autopsy on us. (28:52) He really knows us. (28:57) And this Word of God is really powerful.
(29:06) The Word has power. (29:14) Thus I will not attempt to change the Word (29:17) by adding two or taking twenty, (29:22) as Deuteronomy 4.2 says to the people of Israel back in Deuteronomy. (29:34) In Deuteronomy 4.2, He tells the people, (29:47) You shall not add to the Word which I command you, (29:53) nor take promise that you may keep the commandments of the Lord your God (30:00) which I command you.
(30:03) He did not want them to add to His Word. (30:06) He did not want them to subtract from His Word. (30:14) He wanted them to keep the things that He commanded them.
(30:23) And then in Deuteronomy 12, we go over to verse 32. (30:45) Whatever I command you, be careful to observe it. (30:51) You shall not add to it nor take away from it.
(30:58) Now somebody might say, now that was to Israel. (31:03) That’s not for us. (31:07) Well, let’s turn over into Revelation chapter 22.
(31:18) Now, it is specifically talking about the book of Revelation. (31:32) But He says here that, (31:44) For I testify to everyone who hears the words of the prophecy of this book, (31:50) if anyone adds to these things, (31:55) God will add to him the plagues that are written in this book. (32:01) And if anyone takes away from the words of this book, (32:07) the book of this prophecy, (32:09) God shall take away his part from the book of life, (32:14) from the holy city, (32:16) and from the things which are written in this book.
(32:23) Now that ought to apply to you. (32:27) See, God is warning. (32:30) Don’t tamper with my Word.
(32:36) And then when we add or take away from it, from the Word, (32:40) then we come to substituting things (32:45) and bringing things in that’s not even in the Word. (32:57) These things we are not to do, (33:00) but we are commanded to do exactly what He says. (33:09) Now, I took myself saying, (33:18) if I am satisfied with the Lord, (33:21) that I will seek to please Him.
(33:24) I will seek to observe His plan of salvation, (33:32) or follow His plan of salvation. (33:36) If I am satisfied with the Lord, (33:38) I will worship Him on His terms. (33:44) And if I am satisfied with the Lord, (33:49) I will be satisfied with His Word.
(33:53) Now, I’m going to get away from me now. (33:59) And I’m wondering, (34:02) because I’ve been listening (34:05) to some things that are happening in the brotherhood. (34:13) And I am talking about even some well-known men in the brotherhood.
(34:24) And I’m amazed at what is going on. (34:29) So I’m asking, (34:31) are some in the brotherhood dissatisfied with the Lord? (34:35) With the situation in the brotherhood in the nation? (34:44) Some of them turn away from the divine Word. (34:53) They will also play politics.
(34:58) They say, (35:00) if I don’t have the power to control you, (35:06) we’re going to speak against you. (35:10) But then they exchange prophets with those who countenance are. (35:19) Now, there are these preachers and so on, (35:28) that they teach the truth, (35:34) and they observe the truth, (35:37) but they give countenance to those who are going away from the truth.
(35:54) In other words, (35:56) they’re fellowshipping those who use mechanical instruments of music. (36:06) They seem to have fellowship with them. (36:14) My friends, we’re teaching the truth.
(36:20) And just like tonight, (36:24) that I’m saying that according to what is there about instrumental music, (36:32) about our singing, (36:34) we use vocal cords, (36:39) and don’t use it, (36:42) but yet finally discover that I’m going out, (36:48) and this isn’t visiting them, (36:51) it’s having fellowship with them. (36:54) That’s out of place. (36:59) And then there are those who have women preachers.
(37:08) Now, in order to get from the Word what the Word says, (37:15) I’m going to turn to 1 Timothy 2, (37:27) and verse 12 through 14. (37:32) I’m going to read that, and it’s what the Word says. (37:37) And it’s nothing that I say, it’s what the Word says.
(37:46) 12 through 14. (38:29) Now, when a woman gets up in front of a mixed audience of men and women, (38:43) that is in a position where she’s having authority over the audience. (38:52) She doesn’t have the authority, and it’s from the Word.
(39:00) And there she said, (39:01) I do not permit a woman to teach or to have authority over a man, (39:06) but to be in silence. (39:10) And one of these well-known men, (39:13) if you recognize him, (39:18) made a declaration that is quoted and said, (39:26) I do not use women preachers, (39:29) but I do not care about the others that use. (39:36) But people, if we’re going to be loyal to the Word, (39:44) we’re going to have to believe it, (39:48) and we’re going to have to stand by it, (39:51) and we’re going to have to tell people that the Word says that that’s not to be done.
(40:02) And you know, the schools that the Brotherhood, (40:05) most of them that the Brotherhood supported, (40:09) they are going aside. (40:13) Pepperdine has completely gone by the wayside. (40:21) They have musical instruments.
(40:24) They even have women doing preaching. (40:31) There’s a picture that was shown on stage. (40:37) They had drums.
(40:39) They had guitars on the stage. (40:43) They had things that, (40:47) and I’m saying that this is as a part of their worship, (40:56) and those in the Brotherhood, (40:59) they are not speaking against it. (41:03) They’re not saying anything about it.
(41:11) But we do have the faithful few who will stand by the Word, (41:16) and we do have the Word. (41:20) And in conclusion, the Word is still powerful. (41:27) It has stood the test of time.
(41:30) It endures forever. (41:33) As 1 Peter 1.25 says, (41:36) as Isaiah 46 through 8 says, (41:41) error and falsehood are not everlasting. (41:46) So people, if we are satisfied with the Lord, (41:54) we are satisfied with His Word, (42:00) we are satisfied with what’s in His Word, (42:04) to the point of being obedient to it, (42:09) we will please God.
(42:13) And as that song was saying, (42:16) I want my Lord to be satisfied with me, (42:19) He will be pleased with us, (42:23) so long as we seek to please Him, (42:28) so long as it is that the Lord wants us (42:32) to be satisfied with Him. (42:37) So are you satisfied with the Lord? (42:40) Do you need to come forth (42:46) and are subject to the invitation in any way? (42:51) We urge you, therefore, (42:53) if you are subject, (42:56) to come while we stand and while we sing.