25-0226wc - Tour 5a.2, Science: What is True?, Scott Reynolds

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25-0226 Wed - Tour 5a.2, Science: What is True?

Transcript (0:04 - 8:29)


Teacher: Scott Reynolds

(0:04) Just to bring you up to speed on our outline, (0:12) so I’d like to look at Psalm 19, 1 through 4. (0:17) Psalm 19, beginning in verse 1. (0:21) The heavens are telling of the glory of God, (0:25) and their expanse is declaring the work of his hands. (0:29) Day to day pours forth speech, and night to night (0:32) reveals knowledge. (0:34) There is no speech, nor are there (0:37) words where their voice is not heard.

(0:40) Their line has gone out through all the earth, (0:43) and their utterance to the ends of the world. (0:47) OK, and that’s saying the heavens are declaring. (0:52) If we look and study the heavens, (0:55) and study what God has made, it declares that there is a God.

(1:02) And that brings up Romans chapter 1, verse 18 through 20. (1:09) Romans chapter 1. (1:11) For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven (1:14) against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, (1:20) who by their unrighteousness suppress the truth. (1:24) For what can be known about God is plain to them, (1:29) because God has shown it to them, or has made it plain.

(1:33) For his invisible attributes, namely (1:36) his eternal power and divine nature, (1:39) have been clearly seen ever since the creation of the world (1:44) in the things that he has made. (1:49) So by looking at what God has made, (1:52) God says that he made it plain for us (1:56) to see that he exists. (1:59) And then Del Tackett made two points.

(2:02) He said there are two possibilities about the cosmos. (2:07) The cosmos has always existed. (2:10) And if you remember from Carl Sagan saying, (2:13) the cosmos, the creation, is all there is, all there ever was, (2:19) and all there ever will be.

(2:21) So what is he saying? (2:22) He’s saying creation, matter, has always been here. (2:27) It’s here now, and it will always be here. (2:31) There is nothing but natural matter.

(2:34) That’s what he’s saying. (2:36) So it’s either existed forever, or the other possibility (2:41) is it had a beginning, that it wasn’t here, (2:45) and then it showed up. (2:47) And that’s where this idea of the Big Bang (2:49) comes from, because they were trying (2:53) to say the universe is eternal.

(2:57) But then they ran into two problems. (3:01) One is that there is a law in nature. (3:07) It’s called the second law of thermodynamics.

(3:10) And it says what we observe is not things building up. (3:15) What we observe is things running down. (3:19) And that the universe, things wear out, things rust, (3:24) things decay.

(3:27) You don’t see things being built up. (3:29) You don’t see it going the other way. (3:31) So there’s a law in nature that says what we see in nature (3:36) is nature’s running down.

(3:38) So if nature has existed forever, and it’s running down, (3:44) how long does it take something to run down? (3:48) Would forever be long enough for it to have run down? (3:53) So if nature had no beginning, and it’s going on forever, (3:58) and we know it’s running down, that’s (4:02) what the laws of nature say today. (4:05) We observe it running down. (4:07) Things rust.

(4:08) They wear out. (4:09) They break down, and they become less usable. (4:14) So if it’s running down, and it’s been around forever, (4:18) shouldn’t it have been run down by now? (4:23) Why? (4:24) Why is it not run down? (4:28) So that’s the problem.

(4:36) The other point that he made is that if it had the beginning, (4:42) and we have noticed from our perspective, (4:46) everything is moving away from us, from our solar system. (4:53) We’re in sync with our solar system. (4:56) All of the stars from everywhere we look (5:00) are moving away from us.

(5:02) And the Bible flatly says several places (5:06) that God is stretching out the stars. (5:11) So he’s still stretching out the stars. (5:14) They’re just moving away from us in every direction.

(5:18) Where did it start? (5:19) It’d have to be like at the center of all of that (5:22) and be moving out. (5:25) So that points to nature having a beginning. (5:30) Because at some point, they would (5:32) have been all together at a central point (5:36) because they’re in motion away from us.

(5:39) And that’s why they think there was a Big Bang, (5:42) that all the matter was in this tiny little ball, (5:46) and it exploded, and it went out in every direction, (5:50) and it’s still moving out in that direction. (5:53) So the problem is, OK, it had a beginning. (5:59) Where did it come from? (6:03) And that’s the only two possibilities.

(6:06) Either it’s always been here, or it had a beginning (6:11) and came into being. (6:13) And nature is not sufficient, is not (6:17) a sufficient reason for nature coming into existence. (6:23) Nature doesn’t have the capability.

(6:26) We have no explanation for how nature on its own (6:33) comes into existence. (6:36) The Bible has an answer, and that (6:39) is, there is a God that has existed forever (6:42) who’s not matter. (6:44) He made matter.

(6:47) So he’s outside the realm of nature. (6:50) He’s not supernatural. (6:52) He’s not natural.

(6:54) He made nature and what’s natural. (6:57) He’s the maker of that. (7:00) And so he brought nature into being.

(7:04) So let me start the video, and then (7:07) he’s going to tell us a little bit about what (7:11) he’s going to do today, set up what we’re going (7:14) to be doing in the last disc. (7:17) And that is, we’re going to be testing Carl Sagan’s statement (7:21) that evolution is a fact, amply demonstrated (7:25) by the fossil record and contemporary molecular biology. (7:32) Does the fossil record show that evolution is true? (7:36) And does molecular biology, biology (7:39) on the microscopic level, does that (7:43) show that evolution is true? (7:47) OK.

(7:53) So the next one, he’s going to test what Carl Sagan said, (7:59) that evolution is a fact, amply demonstrated (8:03) by the fossil record. (8:05) So Carl Sagan’s saying the evidence (8:07) is in the fossil record that evolution is a fact. (8:12) Did you notice that they won’t say it’s a law? (8:17) They won’t say that, because that (8:20) requires specific scientific evidence, (8:24) and they don’t have it.

(8:27) OK. (8:28) That’s all I have for tonight.