24-0904wc - David & Jonathan, Part 1, Mike Mathis

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24-0904 Wed. Class - David & Jonathan, Part 1

Summary of Transcript (0:04 - 29:38)


Teacher: Mike Mathis

  1. (0:04 - 0:54) Introduction

    • The speaker is filling in for Tom Freed for this week and next week.

    • The lesson topic is "David and Jonathan," which will span two weeks depending on progress tonight.

  2. (0:55 - 2:36) Overview of David and Jonathan

    • The lesson focuses on two Old Testament figures: David and Jonathan.

    • David became king of Israel after Saul’s death and is well known, especially for his victory over Goliath.

    • Jonathan is less well-known, being King Saul’s son.

  3. (2:39 - 3:54) Introduction to Jonathan (1 Samuel 13:2-3)

    • Jonathan is first introduced in 1 Samuel 13:2-3, commanding part of Saul’s army.

    • The passage describes Jonathan’s attack on a Philistine garrison.

  4. (3:55 - 6:35) Jonathan’s Attack on the Philistines

    • Jonathan and his armor bearer boldly attack the Philistine garrison, trusting the Lord’s deliverance.

    • The passage highlights their faith and bravery, leading to the defeat of 20 men.

  5. (6:35 - 10:21) Saul’s Disobedience and Jonathan’s Heroic Actions

    • King Saul disobeyed God by performing unauthorized sacrifices.

    • Jonathan’s bravery contrasts with Saul’s failures, notably in a battle where Jonathan and his armor bearer killed 20 Philistines.

  6. (10:21 - 13:45) Saul’s Rejection by God (1 Samuel 15)

    • Saul disobeyed God’s command to utterly destroy the Amalekites, sparing King Agag and keeping spoils.

    • Samuel confronts Saul, emphasizing that obedience is more important than sacrifice.

    • Saul is rejected as king by God.

  7. (13:49 - 16:39) Introduction of David as Saul’s Successor (1 Samuel 16)

    • David is introduced and anointed by Samuel to be Saul’s successor, though he would not take the throne until after Saul’s death.

    • David is described as handsome and filled with God’s Spirit.

  8. (16:40 - 17:56) David and Goliath (1 Samuel 17)

    • David defeats Goliath with a stone from his sling, leading to a victory over the Philistines.

    • Afterward, David is brought before Saul with Goliath’s head.

  9. (17:59 - 20:44) Jonathan and David’s Bond (1 Samuel 18)

    • Jonathan’s soul is "knit" to David’s after David’s victory over Goliath.

    • Jonathan loved David as his own soul, and they made a covenant.

    • Jonathan gave David his robe, armor, sword, bow, and belt as a symbol of their bond.

  10. (21:15 - 24:02) Saul’s Jealousy and David’s Success

    • Saul becomes envious of David after hearing people sing that David has slain “ten thousands” compared to Saul’s “thousands.”

    • This jealousy leads Saul to view David as a threat and enemy.

  11. (24:03 - 25:32) David’s Mercy Toward Saul

    • Despite Saul’s attempts to kill him, David spares Saul’s life on multiple occasions, showing mercy and respect for Saul as the Lord’s anointed.

  12. (25:32 - 26:02) David’s Proof of Loyalty

    • David demonstrates his loyalty by taking Saul’s water jug and spear while Saul slept, proving he had no intent to harm him.

  13. (26:05 - 26:58) Closing and Preview of Part Two

    • The speaker runs out of time and announces that part two of the lesson will continue next week.

    • The next lesson will explore the depth of Jonathan and David’s friendship.

  14. (27:01 - 29:38) Prayer and Final Remarks

    • A closing prayer is offered, thanking God for the lesson and asking for blessings for those in need.

    • The speaker prays for God’s guidance and protection until the next gathering.