Types come from God
1 Now the point in what we are saying is this: we have such a high priest, one who is seated at the right hand of the throne of the Majesty in heaven, 2 a minister in the holy places, in the true tent that the Lord set up, not man… 4 Now if he [Jesus] were on earth, he would not be a priest at all, since there are priests who offer gifts according to the law.
- type
The tent (tabernacle), Levitical Priests serve a copy, shadow
- antitype
Heaven, Jesus, our high priest is seated in heaven, the true tent (tabernacle)
- God’s warning to Moses about building the copy
“See that you make everything according to the pattern (typos) that was shown you on the mountain.”
God helped Moses build the tabernacle (type) according to His plans
1 The LORD said to Moses,
that they may make all that I have commanded you:
According to all that I have commanded you, they shall do.”
What does this type, antitype show?
An excerpt from Hebrews, the tabernacle was an earthly place of holiness
More types alluded to that the writer doesn’t have time to talk about.
Below we are told that the Holy Spirit was using these types to [indicate] that the way into the holy places is not yet open as long as the 1st section is still standing
What happens when the antitype shows up?
The point is: a type is used to help us understand the antitype better
With this in mind, lets take a look at a familiar story
The point of what we’re trying to do here is to show the importance God places on the type in a type, antitype relationship
Another point to make is: finding & investigating types, antitypes in the scriptures is not something man made up. We’re not stretching the words to make it say something it doesn’t. We’re looking at the actual words given and trying to discover what is actually being said! |
Nadab & Abihu
We’re going to look at what happens to Nadab & Abihu to show us the importance God places on types (in this case the activity performed by Nadab & Abihu).
1 Now Nadab and Abihu, the sons of Aaron, each took his censer and put fire in it and laid incense on it and offered unauthorized fire before the LORD, which he had not commanded them. 2 And fire came out from before the LORD and consumed them, and they died before the LORD. 3 Then Moses said to Aaron, “This is what the LORD has said: ‘Among those who are near me I will be sanctified, and before all the people I will be glorified.’” And Aaron held his peace. 4 And Moses called Mishael and Elzaphan, the sons of Uzziel the uncle of Aaron, and said to them, “Come near; carry your brothers away from the front of the sanctuary and out of the camp.” 5 So they came near and carried them in their coats out of the camp, as Moses had said. 6 And Moses said to Aaron and to Eleazar and Ithamar his sons, “Do not let the hair of your heads hang loose, and do not tear your clothes, lest you die, and wrath come upon all the congregation; but let your brothers, the whole house of Israel, bewail the burning that the LORD has kindled. 7 And do not go outside the entrance of the tent of meeting, lest you die, for the anointing oil of the LORD is upon you.” And they did according to the word of Moses. 8 And the LORD spoke to Aaron, saying, 9 “Drink no wine or strong drink, you or your sons with you, when you go into the tent of meeting, lest you die. It shall be a statute forever throughout your generations. 10 You are to distinguish between the holy and the common, and between the unclean and the clean, 11 and you are to teach the people of Israel all the statutes that the LORD has spoken to them by Moses.”
What can we learn from this?
God expects to respected & demands respect
A type has great responsibility
Husbands of types of Jesus! We represent Jesus
Wives represent the church
God says: "vengence is mine, I will repay!"
We can determine what is right & wrong when we compare it to the type, antitype
Since the husband, wife relationship typifies Christ and His church (worshippers)
ANY sexual relationship that does not show Christ and His church is a wrong relationship
Prostitution is wrong, it typifies idolitry. One woman (the church/worshipper) with multiple men (deities, ie false gods). Now we can understand why God calls Israel & Judah prostitutes in the Old Testament.
Heterosexual fornication is wrong. Worshipper & deity union with no commitment, no convenant, no testament, etc
Homosexual fornication is wrong. The husband (males) represent deity. Two gods do not represent Christ and His church
Lesbian fornication is wrong. Two worshippers do not represent Christ and His Church.