Lesson 2 - Philosophy & Ethics: Says Who?
Introduction — Have you been taken captive? - 2 Timothy 2:24-26
Scriptural warning against hollow and deceptive philosophy - Colossians 2:8
Carl Sagan’s Worldview - "The Cosmos is all there is, or ever was, or will be"
Assumptive language - A powerful and dangerous form of knowledge
Cosmic Cube - Illustrates the naturalistic worldview belief that there is nothing outside the cosmos; reality is a closed box and all truth must be materially perceived
Biblical presuppositions - God is and He has revealed himself to us (general revelation through our world and specific revelation through His word)
God’s Nature - Transcendent and immanent - He is above and works within the box
Philosophy — What is it?
Webster 1828 definition vs Current definition - God has been removed from the discipline of philosophy in today’s culture
Philosophical Questions - What is existence? What is the meaning and purpose of life?
Universal and Particulars - Aristotle and Plato’s philosophical dilemma - How do we arrive at Truth? How do we make sense of the unity and diversity of our world?
Postmodernism — Can you live it?
What is Right? What is wrong? - Ethical implications of postmodernism - There is no basis for ethical standards or ethical language in a naturalistic worldview
Plato’s Question - "Is an act right because God said it, or did God know it was right and told us about it?" - His laws are an expression of His nature
Naturalistic philosophy implications - Darwin’s views in non-assumptive language
Statistical Ethics - Our culture determines ethics through normalcy and survey data
Worldview — Formal worldview vs personal worldview
Lack of a personal, biblical worldview in America - We fail to see Christianity as a worldview that governs every area of life
Our worldview drives how we think, act, and feel - What we really believe
Consequences of a non-biblical worldview: We buy the lies and conform to the world
Conclusion and Solution — Renewing of the Mind — Metamorphoo
- Romans 12:2,
"Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind."