
Who Is Man?

Who is man? Where did he come from? What is the meaning and purpose of his existence? There is a fundamental conflict between Christianity and the perspective of contemporary culture.

The Bible teaches that man consists of both body, soul and spirit and is created in the image of God; our culture assumes that he is purely material, the product of mindless, purposeless forces.

The Bible says that man has rebelled against God and fallen from his original state of innocence; contemporary thought maintains that he is “basically good.”

The Bible affirms man’s need for divine grace, redemption, and regeneration; popular thinking asserts that “self-actualization” is the key to happiness and fulfillment.

Christianity represents evil as the product of the Cosmic Battle that rages within man – the conflict between humanity as it was meant to be and what it has actually become as a result of sin. Godless philosophy and psychology, on the other hand, can suggest only one possible solution to the problem of evil in the world: man must throw off the restraints of superimposed social conventions and institutions (i.e., any kind of moral standard) and pursue “self-fulfillment” to the fullest possible extent. This is what Dr. Tackett calls “the pernicious lie.”

Matthew 10:39 (WEB)

He who finds his life will lose it; and he who loses his life for my sake will find it.