In our Wednesday night bible study of the elementary teachings of Christ, we are in 1 Corinthians 15, learning about the resurrection of the dead. As I prepared for my lesson and read through the chapter, I marveled at Paul’s determination to bring to the gentiles at great cost to himself, the gospel of Christ.
He tells us the opposition he had was like fighting wild beasts from Ephesus, but that did not discourage nor diminish his resolve to labor on their behalf for the Lord. His closing remarks in the chapter on the resurrection encourages them to be steadfast, and immovable in their belief and labor for the Lord and that it was not in vain. That is good advice for all of us during this pandemic we are in. Our way of life has temporarily been turned upside down, but do not lose heart, stay focused and resolved like Paul, he even said, “be imitators of me as I imitate Christ.”
So though we are limited in what we can do in our daily lives, we can still be resolved to labor for the Lord in our own ways. And we can still meet together in worship and study with our teleconference calls.
‘I am Resolved’ is one of my favorite hymns to sing. The song teaches us to have a steadfast determination to follow the Lord. Jesus has the words of life and He is the true and living way to heaven, He provided salvation for all of mankind for those who want to leave a sinful life by following Him, and doing what He says.
Though we may be opposed by friends and foes alike, we still have the resolve to “enter in.” The last verse of the song has the believer beckoning friends to come and believe too, to study the word of God together and to be led by the Spirit walking the heavenly way. So don’t be discouraged, be resolved to continue in the work of the Lord! Hasten to Him! – Jim