The Coronavirus, COVID-19
There is a lot of information out now about this virus. Search the internet to learn all about it.
However, just a few points…
The virus is extremely dangerous to the elderly and those with impaired immune systems
The virus mainly spreads through respiratory droplets in the air. Which means just by breathing in a contaminated environment can spread the virus.
It also has a long life on some surfaces, so it can spread through touch.
The best way to stop the virus is to keep it from spreading. And “social distancing” is very effective against the virus as is washing your hands and not touching your face.
Social distancing is why the authorities have implemented quarantines & lockdowns. You may have noticed all the closed libraries, restaurants and other establishments.
It’s a challenge for us
We’ve been looking for ways that we can still worship together though we are physically apart. Pam Biragbara tipped us off to the Free Conference Call option. We tried it last Wednesday night with limited success. It was a little rough. But, it was a learning experience. We hope everyone is still worshipping God on Sunday. We published an email with tips on worshipping remotely together.
If the state issues a lockdown then the church building with have to close. But the building is not the church. We are the church. And with today’s technology we can communicate, as a group, audibly & perhaps shortly, for those who have computers, visually as well.
Once we are all back again meeting in person, we will have developed strategies & experience for worshipping remotely that our sick & shut-ins can use to worship with us again.
— Scott Reynolds