Topical Bible Study
Last Updated: 8-1-2010
Suggestions for studying a specific topic
Gather information:
Look up each occurrence of the topic from a concordance.
Or perform a search in a Bible program
NoteTry Olive Tree software, the app is free & there are some free Bibles & other materials
Evaluate each occurrence
Determine applicability - does the particular scripture help explain the topic?
Compile a list of applicable scripture
Write down any other words you come across as you evaluate each occurrence that may help our understanding of the topic — look these words up also and evaluate them.
Study each scripture on the list
When did it take place? (Patriarchal, Mosaical, Christian)
Who was speaking?
Who was the audience?
What does the scripture say?
What is the context?
Organize your findings (putting the puzzle together)
Categorize the various verses
Look for similarities
Look for differences
Apply it to ourselves (what does this mean to us?), this is the hardest step
How did the original audience understand this topic?
What action did the original audience take?
What does God expect of me?
Put it into action/practice
Think of specific ways to implement this learned knowledge