25-0216p - 7 Reasons To Believe In God, Part 2, Scott Reynolds
Bible Reader: Mike Mathis

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Eric Lyons, M.Min., Kyle Butt, M.A., Apologetics Press article, October 3, 2014
From Issue: Valor & Virtue – Issue 5, R&R – Issue 34 #10, Valor & Virtue – Issue 1

7 Reasons To Believe In God, Part 2

Transcript (0:04 - 28:52)

Scripture Reading

Bible Reader: Mike Mathis
Isaiah 44:24,28,

(0:04) The script of reading is from Isaiah 44, verse 24, and verse 28. (0:21) First verse 24,

(0:23) Thus says the Lord, your Redeemer, and he who formed you from the womb, I am the Lord who makes all things, who stretches out the heavens all alone, who spreads abroad the earth by myself. (0:48) And now verse 28, Who says of Cyrus, He is my shepherd, and he shall perform all my pleasure, saying to Jerusalem, You shall be built, and to the temple your foundation shall be laid.

(1:15) That is the reading. (1:18)


Preacher: Scott Reynolds

(1:23) We’ll be dealing with part two tonight of seven reasons to believe in God. (1:30) All right.

(1:32) So how can you know that God exists? (1:35) You can’t see, hear, touch, smell, or taste him. (1:39) You can’t weigh him like you can a five-pound bag of potatoes. (1:44) You can’t put him under an electron microscope to show your friends what he looks like on an atomic level.

(1:52) You can’t experiment on him and probe him with scalpels. (2:06) You can’t take a picture of him to show your neighbors that he’s not just an imaginary friend. (2:11) You can’t magically make him appear in the classroom of an atheistic professor who is challenging anyone to prove that God exists.

(2:22) So how can you know that God exists? (2:26) Although atheists contend that God does not exist, and agnostics allege that there is a very high probability that he does not exist, theism is the rational belief that there is a God. (2:41) A sincere pursuer of truth who follows the available evidence will come to the logical conclusion that God exists. (2:51) Admittedly, this belief in the 21st century is not the result of seeing God’s spirit or touching his actual essence.

(3:00) What we have at our fingertips, however, is a mountain of irrefutable, indirect, credible evidence that testifies on God’s behalf. (3:13) Consider seven lines of evidence that warrant the conclusion that an eternal, supernatural creator, God, exists. (3:24) This morning we covered the first three lines of evidence to believe God.

(3:29) Number one, matter demands a maker. (3:32) Every material effect must have a cause that came before it and was simultaneous to it and is greater than the effect. (3:44) The universe is a material effect.

(3:47) Therefore, the universe must have a cause that came before it and was greater than it. (3:54) Number two, life demands a life giver. (3:59) In the material universe, life arises from previously existing life of its own kind.

(4:07) Life cannot spontaneously generate from non-living chemicals. (4:13) Thus, a supernatural, intelligent mind must have created living organisms. (4:19) And number three, design demands a designer.

(4:24) Anything that exhibits complex functional design demands an intelligent designer. (4:33) The universe exhibits complex functional design. (4:37) Therefore, the universe must have a designer.

(4:42) And that will continue with the rest of the story. (4:46) Number four, intelligent demands an intelligent creator. (4:53) Intelligence is defined as the capacity to acquire and apply knowledge, (4:58) the ability to learn or understand things, or to deal with new and difficult situations.

(5:05) It is not difficult to identify certain things that have some measure of intelligence, (5:12) while recognizing other things that have no intelligence. (5:17) Man obviously has an extremely high level of intelligence. (5:23) He has constructed spaceships that he can guide 240,000 miles to the moon, (5:29) while both the earth and the moon are in motion.

(5:35) He has built artificial hearts that can extend the lives of the sick. (5:39) He continues to construct computers that can process billions of pieces of information a second. (5:46) He can write poetry, calculate where Mars will be 50 years from the present, (5:52) and build everything from pianos to PlayStation video game consoles.

(5:57) Man is an intelligent being. (6:01) Although there is a great chasm between mankind and the animal kingdom, (6:06) animals do possess a measure of intelligence. (6:11) Dogs can learn to sit, stay, roll over, and play dead.

(6:15) Dolphins can learn to jump through hoops on command. (6:19) Birds can make helpful tools from twigs in order to accomplish some basic tasks. (6:26) A few years ago, two colorful eight-legged celestial pods, known as cuttlefish, (6:35) graced the cover of the journal New Scientist.

(6:40) The authors referred to this amazing sea creature as a sophisticated, inventive, (6:47) eight-legged genius with intelligence and a secret code. (6:53) Anything that possesses intelligence must have been caused by something intelligent. (7:01) Organisms such as animals and humans possess intelligence.

(7:06) Therefore, animals and humans must have been created by an intelligent being. (7:14) According to the atheistic evolution, billions of years ago, (7:19) nothing caused a tiny ball of matter to explode. (7:24) Then billions of years after this Big Bang, (7:28) galaxies began to form from lifeless, mindless, unintelligent particles (7:33) floating around in space in massive clouds of dust.

(7:37) Allegedly, Earth eventually evolved from such a cloud. (7:42) Hundreds of millions of years later, intelligent animals and humans evolved. (7:49) What humans have consistently observed in nature, however, (7:53) is that intelligence demands previous intelligence.

(7:57) The reason that humans in the 21st century are intelligent (8:01) is because our ancestors were intelligent. (8:05) The reason that animals have some measure of intelligence (8:08) is due to the intelligent creatures that came before them. (8:14) Dust does not give way to organized dust particles (8:17) that have the capacity to acquire and apply knowledge.

(8:21) Water does not think. (8:24) The mindless mud that evolutionists contend gave way to intelligent life on Earth (8:29) is nothing but a delusional pail, (8:32) unsupported by everything we know from observation and experience. (8:38) Neither nothing nor inorganic matter ever produces intelligent creatures.

(8:45) So how did the first intelligent creatures come to inhabit the universe? (8:50) Just as the first life demands a supernatural life, (8:54) so the first intelligent beings demand a self-existent, (9:00) miracle-working creator of intelligence. (9:04) Number five, morality demands a moral lawgiver. (9:11) Why do people generally think that some actions are right (9:15) and some actions are wrong, regardless of their subjective opinions? (9:21) Why do most people believe that it is evil or wicked (9:24) for an adult to torture an innocent child simply for the fun of it, (9:30) for a man to beat and rape a kind, innocent woman, (9:34) or for parents to have children for the sole purpose of abusing them sexually (9:39) every day of their lives? (9:41) Because, as evolutionist Edward Slingerland noted, (9:46) humans have metaphysical rights, (9:49) rights that are a reality beyond what is perceptible to the senses (9:55) and rely on moral values.

(9:59) The fact is, most people, even many atheists, (10:03) have admitted that real objective good and evil exists. (10:09) Although objective morality may be outside the realm of the scientific method, (10:14) every rational person can know that some things are innately good (10:19) while other things are innately evil. (10:23) Antony Flew and Wallace Matson, (10:26) two of the leading atheistic philosophers of the 20th century, (10:30) forthrightly acknowledge the existence of objective morality in their debates, (10:36) with theistic philosopher Thomas B. Warren in the 1970s.

(10:45) Atheist Michael Ruse admitted in his book, Darwinism Defended, (10:50) that the man who says that it is morally acceptable to rape little children (10:56) is just as mistaken as the man who says that two plus two equals five. (11:04) Philosophers Francis Beckwith and Gregory Coleman said it well. (11:10) Those who deny obvious moral rules, (11:13) who say that murder and rape are morally benign, (11:17) that cruelty is not a vice, and that cowardice is a virtue, (11:22) do not merely have a different moral point of view.

(11:26) They have something wrong with them. (11:28) Most rational people do not merely feel like rape and child abuse may be wrong. (11:35) They are wrong, innately wrong.

(11:39) Just as two plus two can really be known to be four, (11:42) every rational human can know that some things are objectively good (11:47) while other things are objectively evil. (11:53) However, reason demands that objective good and evil (11:56) can only exist if there is some real objective point of view (12:03) or point of reference. (12:05) If something like rape can be legitimately criticized as morally wrong, (12:12) then there must be an objective standard, (12:15) some higher law which transcends the provincial and transient.

(12:20) If objective moral values exist, then God exists. (12:25) Objective moral values such as good and evil, justice and injustice do exist. (12:33) Therefore, God exists.

(12:36) Recognition by atheists of anything being morally wrong begs the question, (12:49) how can the atheist logically call something atrocious, deplorable, evil, or wicked? (12:54) According to atheism, man is nothing but matter in motion. (13:00) Humankind allegedly evolved from rocks and slime over billions of years. (13:05) How could moral value come from rocks and slime? (13:09) Whoever speaks of wrong rocks or moral minerals or corrupt chemicals, (13:15) people do not talk about morality who crave monkeys, evil elephants, or immoral monkeys.

(13:22) Pigs are not punished for being immoral when they eat their young. (13:27) Komodo dragons are not corrupt because 10% of their diet consists of younger Komodo dragons. (13:33) Killer whales are not guilty of murder.

(13:36) Male animals are not tried for rape if they appear to be forcibly cocculating with females. (13:43) Dogs are not depraved for stealing the bone of another dog. (13:47) Moral value cannot arise from rocks and slime.

(13:53) The fact that humans even contemplate morality testifies to the huge chasms between man and animals (14:02) and the fact that moral value could not have arisen from animals. (14:07) Atheistic evolutionists have admitted that morals arise only in humans. (14:12) Though George Gaylord Simpson, one of the most recognized atheistic evolutionists of the 20th century, (14:20) confessed that good and evil, right and wrong, (14:24) concepts irrelevant in nature except for the human viewpoint, (14:28) become real and pressing features of the whole cosmos as viewed morally because morals arise only in man.

(14:39) Atheists admit that people, even atheists, have their own innate sense of morality. (14:46) No rational person makes such admissions about animals. (14:50) Humans, not animals, rely on moral values.

(14:54) The moral argument for God’s existence exposes atheism as the self-contradictory, (15:02) atrocious philosophy that it is. (15:05) Atheists must either reject the truthfulness of the moral argument’s first premise, (15:11) if objective moral values exist and God exists, (15:15) and illogically accept the indefensible idea that objective morality somehow arose from rocks and reptiles, (15:24) or they must reject the argument’s second premise, (15:28) objective moral values exist, (15:31) and accept the insane, utterly repulsive idea that genocide, rape, murder, theft, (15:38) child abuse, et cetera, can never once be condemned as objectively wrong. (15:44) What’s more, if atheism is true, (15:47) individuals could never logically be punished for such immoral actions (15:53) since no inherent moral or ethical laws would exist.

(16:00) If there is no God, (16:03) then there is no objective basis to say that some things are right and other things are wrong. (16:10) Reason demands that objective good and evil can only exist (16:15) if there is some real objective reference point outside of nature. (16:21) The only reasonable answer to an objective moral law for humans is a supernatural moral lawgiver.

(16:41) Christians do not believe that God exists simply because the Bible teaches that he does, (16:46) nor do Christians believe that the Bible is the word of God (16:50) simply because the Bible claims to be inspired by God. (16:57) Anyone can make claims about whatever they wish. (17:00) Simply because a person claims to have revelation from a supernatural creator (17:04) doesn’t make it so.

(17:07) For example, the Book of Mormon. (17:09) However, if the Bible possesses attributes that are superhuman, (17:14) then the Bible proves itself to be of supernatural origin (17:19) and has indirectly proven the existence of the supernatural author. (17:28) American atheist Dan Barker alluded to the legitimacy of this argumentation (17:34) for God’s existence in 2009 (17:36) when he explained that one of the things which could falsify atheism (17:44) would be if God spoke to man and gave him specific information about future events.

(17:52) Indeed, one extremely valuable line of evidence that confirms the Bible is the inspired word of God (18:01) is the presence of accurate predictive prophecy contained in its pages. (18:06) Not only are the prophecies of the Bible fulfilled in minute detail with complete accuracy, (18:12) but these fulfillments are often accomplished centuries after the prophecies were made. (18:21) Even the skeptic understands that if this is the case, (18:25) a supernatural agent must be responsible for writing the Bible.

(18:32) That is why the skeptic attempts to discredit the prophecies (18:36) by claiming that they were written after the events (18:39) or by claiming that they were not fulfilled in detail. (18:43) By attempting to disparage the prophecies using these methods, (18:48) the skeptic admits that if the prophecies were written centuries before the events (18:53) and if they are fulfilled in detail, (18:57) then a supernatural agent is responsible for them. (19:01) As the prophet Jeremiah wrote, (19:03) As for the prophet who prophesies of peace, (19:07) when the word of the prophet comes to pass, (19:09) the prophet will be known as one whom the Lord has truly sent.

(19:15) Completely accurate, fulfilled prophecy is a characteristic (19:20) that verifies the divine inspiration of the Bible. (19:26) If anything in the world exhibits qualities that are supernatural, (19:31) then there must be something supernatural. (19:35) The Bible exhibits characteristics such as predictive prophecy that are supernatural.

(19:41) Therefore, a supernatural mind must exist, (19:45) and the Bible must be the product of that mind. (19:50) One such prophecy concerned a man named Cyrus and two nations, (19:55) Babylon and the Medo-Persian Empire. (19:59) Isaiah, who prophesied around 700 B.C., (20:02) vividly described how God would destroy the powerful kingdom of Babylon, (20:07) the glory of kingdoms.

(20:09) Writing as if it had already occurred, commonly known as the prophetic perfect, (20:15) frequently employed in the Old Testament to stress the absolute certainty of fulfillment, (20:22) For example, Isaiah 53, Isaiah declared Babylon would fall. (20:29) He then prophesied that Babylon would fall to the Medes and Persians, (20:34) and later he proclaimed that the golden city, Babylon, (20:39) would be conquered by a man named Cyrus. (20:43) This is a remarkable prophecy, (20:45) especially since Cyrus was not born until almost 150 years after Isaiah penned these words.

(20:54) And not only did Isaiah predict that Cyrus would overthrow Babylon, (21:00) but he also wrote that Cyrus, serving as Jehovah’s anointed and shepherd, (21:05) would release the Jews from captivity and assist them in the return to Jerusalem (21:11) for the purpose of rebuilding the temple. (21:16) Isaiah’s prophecies were recorded almost 200 years before Cyrus conquered Babylon. (21:22) Amazing.

(21:24) And note, secular history verifies that all of these events came true. (21:30) There really was a man named Cyrus who ruled the Medo-Persian Empire. (21:34) He did conquer Babylon, and just as Isaiah prophesied, (21:38) he assisted the Jews in the return to Jerusalem and in rebuilding the temple.

(21:46) Truly, no prophecy of Scripture is of any private interpretation, (21:55) for prophecy never came by the will of man, (21:58) but holy men of God spoke as they were moved by the Holy Spirit. (22:03) And if men were inspired of God to write the Scriptures, (22:07) then God exists. (22:10) In short, the Bible’s supernatural attributes logically demand a supernatural author.

(22:19) And finally, number seven, the historical, miracle-working, resurrected Jesus (22:26) demands a supernatural explanation. (22:32) Human beings can do many amazing things. (22:36) They can run 26.2 miles without stopping.

(22:40) They can show remarkable courage in the face of great danger. (22:45) They can even walk along a tightrope hundreds of feet above the ground, (22:49) but there are certain actions that are humanly impossible. (22:55) Humans cannot walk in water unassisted, give sight to the blind, (22:59) instantly reattach severed ears with only their hands, or raise the dead.

(23:07) If ever such a man existed, his life would logically testify (23:11) to the existence of a supernatural being. (23:16) Atheists understand the rationality of this argument. (23:21) Dan Barker once said on record, (23:23) If Jesus were to materialize and work any number of miraculous deeds, (23:30) atheism would be disproven, and thus theism would be established as fact.

(23:36) The truth is, the very proof that Barker and other atheists require (23:40) was provided 2,000 years ago when God put on fleck and came to the earth (23:46) in the form of man, and he did not merely claim to be God. (23:50) He did what a reasonable person would expect (23:54) if God were ever to prove his divinity on earth. (23:58) He fulfilled precise prophecies and worked supernatural miracles, (24:03) including coming back from the dead himself.

(24:07) The life and works of Jesus testify to the existence of a supernatural being. (24:16) If even one person were to perform supernatural feats, (24:21) such as raising the dead and fulfilling prophecies, (24:25) then a supernatural being must exist. (24:29) Jesus Christ did perform supernatural feats, (24:32) impossible to perform in a purely materialistic world.

(24:37) Therefore, a supernatural being, God, must exist. (24:44) In 2012, renowned atheist Richard Dawkins was questioned (24:49) about his unbelief in God. (24:51) Specifically, he was asked, (24:53) what proof, by the way, would change your mind? (24:56) And he quickly responded by saying, (24:59) that is a very difficult and interesting question because, I mean, (25:03) I used to think that if somehow, you know, great, big, giant, (25:07) 900-foot-high Jesus with a voice like Paul Robeson (25:12) suddenly strode in and said, I exist, here I am.

(25:17) But even that, I actually sometimes wonder if that would. (25:22) So though Dawkins raises the possibility of the legitimacy (25:26) of disproving atheism with a 900-foot-high hypothetical Jesus, (25:32) he continually rejects the historical, (25:36) miracle-working, resurrected-from-the-dead Jesus, (25:39) who walked the earth 2,000 years ago. (25:42) Sadly, such irrational, hard-hearted unbelief is nothing new.

(25:49) Even some, in the very presence of Jesus in the first century, (25:54) he testified to the supernatural feats that he worked, rejected them. (26:00) Thus, it should not be surprising that many will reject the Lord God today, (26:06) despite the evidence for his existence. (26:11) So our conclusion.

(26:14) Atheists are fond of claiming that their way of thinking is logical, (26:19) reasonable, and intellectual. (26:22) Yet atheism, irrationally, says that everything came from nothing. (26:28) Atheists says that an explosion caused exquisite order.

(26:34) It says that random chances produced precision, (26:39) and that life popped into existence in nature from non-life. (26:45) Atheism contends that a well-designed universe could come about without a designer. (26:51) Atheism says fish and frogs are men’s distant forefathers, (26:55) and that intelligence is ultimately the result of non-intelligence.

(27:01) Atheism alleges that either man is on the same moral plane as a moose, (27:08) or he actually evolved a sense of morality from amoral mice. (27:13) While trying to convince others, (27:16) he’s galloping confidently atop a stallion called common sense. (27:22) Atheism stumbles on the back of a donkey called foolishness.

(27:28) Atheism, on the other hand, is absolutely rational. (27:32) Why? (27:33) Because, among other things, matter demands a maker. (27:38) Life demands a life giver.

(27:41) Design demands a designer. (27:44) Intelligence demands an intelligent creator. (27:48) Morality demands a moral law giver.

(27:51) The Bible’s supernatural attributes demand a supernatural author, (27:57) and a historical miracle-working resurrected Jesus demands a supernatural explanation, (28:05) which demands God. (28:08) As former atheist Antony Flew so eloquently concluded, (28:14) I must say again that the journey to my discovery of the divine (28:19) has thus far been a pilgrimage of reason. (28:24) I have followed the argument where it has led me, (28:27) and it has led me to the acceptance of the existence of a self-existent, (28:34) immutable, immaterial, omnipotent, and omniscient being.

(28:40) So, indeed, the Christian can say with all confidence, (28:46) I know that God exists. (28:49) The invitation is being extended.