25-0209p - Flaws in Calvinism, API, Scott Reynolds
Bible Reader: John Nousek
These Sermon Notes by Scott Reynolds
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​Dave Miller, Ph.D., Published: March 6, 2017, https://apologeticspress.org/flaws-in-calvinism-5387/
Flaws in Calvinism, API
Summary of Transcript (0:04 - 21:55)
Scripture Reading
- Bible Reader: (0:04 - 0:32), John Nousek
- Colossian 2:8,
The session begins with a scripture reading from Colossians 2:8, warning against being misled by human philosophy and deceit.
Preacher: Scott Reynolds
0:37 - 2:01 Scripture Reading and Introduction
The speaker introduces the evening’s lesson, which is tailored for the Wednesday night class attendees, although it’s being held on a Sunday night. The class is currently studying "The Truth Project" by Dr. Del Tackett, who, despite not being from the Church of Christ but from the Reformation Movement, effectively contrasts worldly philosophies with scriptural teachings to cultivate a biblical Christian worldview. However, the speaker notes that Dr. Tackett’s Protestant and Calvinist biases are evident in his teachings.
2:02 - 9:26 Discussion on Calvinism and Its Critique
The speaker explains the decision to delve into Calvinism, to clarify distinctions between human creeds and biblical teachings, especially relevant to the Restoration Movement’s principle of having "no creed but the Bible." An article by David Miller, PhD, titled "Flaws in Calvinism" is introduced, available both online and in printed form for attendees. This article critiques Calvinism’s core doctrines summarized by the TULIP acronym, offering biblical counterpoints to each doctrine. The speaker provides background on John Calvin, emphasizing his influence on Christian theology with his "Institutes of the Christian Religion." The first doctrine discussed is Total Depravity, where Calvinism posits that all humans inherit Adam’s sin, rendering them incapable of choosing salvation. Contrasting scriptures from Ezekiel, Zechariah, Matthew, and Romans are presented to challenge this view, highlighting personal responsibility for sin and the possibility of righteousness.
9:26 - 9:53 Unconditional Election
The discussion moves to Unconditional Election, where Calvinism holds that God chooses specific people for salvation without regard to their merit or faith. Scriptures from Luke, John, and Acts are cited to argue against this, emphasizing repentance, belief, and God’s impartiality as prerequisites for salvation.
9:54 - 11:54 Further Examination of Calvinist Doctrines
Continuing from Unconditional Election, the speaker references more scriptures like John 8:24 and Acts 10:34-35 to stress that salvation is open to all who believe and act righteously, countering the notion of predestined election.
11:56 - 17:20 Limited Atonement
The doctrine of Limited Atonement is introduced, where Calvinism asserts that Christ’s death was only for the elect. This is opposed by scriptures from 1 Timothy, Titus, 1 John, and 2 Peter, which suggest that Christ’s sacrifice and God’s grace are intended for all humanity, not just a select few.
17:22 - 17:36 Irresistible Grace
The concept of Irresistible Grace, where God’s grace ensures the salvation of the elect, is critiqued with references from Deuteronomy, Joshua, Luke, John, and Acts, which underline human agency in choosing to follow or resist God.
17:37 - 19:35 Perseverance of the Saints
Finally, the doctrine of Perseverance of the Saints is examined, which claims that the elect cannot lose salvation. Scriptures from Galatians, 2 Peter, and Hebrews suggest otherwise, warning of the possibility of falling away from grace and the need for diligence in faith.
19:35 - 21:41 Perseverance of the Saints (Continued)
The discussion on the Perseverance of the Saints concludes with additional scriptural references from James, Revelation, and Hebrews, emphasizing the possibility of falling away from faith. James 5:19-20 speaks to the importance of bringing back those who wander from the truth, highlighting the potential for salvation and forgiveness. Revelation chapters 2 and 3 caution believers against spiritual regression, with warnings that failure to repent could lead to the removal of one’s spiritual standing or even exclusion from the book of life. Revelation 22:19 further stresses the gravity of altering prophetic words, with consequences including being removed from the book of life. This part of the session wraps up the critique of Calvinism’s doctrine of perseverance, using these scriptures to illustrate that salvation requires ongoing faith and repentance, contrary to the Calvinist assertion of eternal security for the elect.
21:44 - 21:55 Conclusion and Invitation
The speaker concludes the lesson by reiterating that the presentation was intended for the Wednesday night class to familiarize them with Protestant theological concepts, particularly Calvinism, so they can critically engage with "The Truth Project" video series. The aim is to ensure that the attendees' Christian worldview is built solely on scripture rather than human doctrines. The session ends with an invitation for anyone in need to respond, accompanied by a call to stand and sing, signaling the close of the teaching segment.