24-1229p - Sanctified, Part 2, Mike Mathis
Bible Reader: John Nousek

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Sanctified, Part 2

Transcript (0:04 - 29:17)

Scripture Reading

Bible Reader: John Nousek
1 Corinthians 6:9-11 (NASB)

(0:04) Well, good evening. So this evening’s scripture reading from God’s Word is (0:10) found in 1st Corinthians chapter 6 verses 9 through and including 11. So 1st (0:18) Corinthians 6 9 through 11 which reads,

Do you not know that the unrighteous (0:27) will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived, neither fornicators (0:34) nor idolaters nor adulterers nor homosexuals nor sodomites or thieves nor covetous or drunkards (0:43) nor revilers nor extortioners will inherit the kingdom of God. And such were some of you. (0:51) But you were washed, but you were sanctified, but you were justified in the name of the Lord (0:58) Jesus and by the Spirit of our God. Amen. (1:01)


Preacher: Mike Mathis

(1:06) Good evening, those that are here, (1:11) those that might be on the phone. I’m continuing the lesson I started this morning on sanctified. (1:22) We learn that to be sanctified is to be set apart or separate.

(1:30) There are things that can be sanctified, such as the seventh day, such as we studied in Genesis 2 (1:42) 1 through 3. God sanctified it and blessed it. Houses or fields can be sanctified (1:55) in order to be sold and at a value that they needed to value it. Take on the day of Jubilee (2:13) because after, the price of it would be fewer.

If it was approaching, (2:25) start with the highest and go toward the day of Jubilee. (2:32) And Mount Sinai was sanctified by God. (2:41) And Moses was going up to be with God and receive the law.

(2:55) But God did not want the people to approach the Mount and to come up. And he insisted on Moses (3:08) going down to make sure they didn’t. We learn that people are sanctified, which (3:22) we saw that Moses sanctified the people in Exodus 19, verse 14.

He (3:34) set them apart, separated them, and they washed their clothes and to be cleaned and (3:45) and to be prepared for receiving the law. In Isaiah, or rather Jeremiah 1 in verse 5, (4:01) which was read this morning, and time was slipping away, so I stopped just before getting to (4:13) this one. But God, speaking to Jeremiah, said, Before I formed thee in the belly, I knew thee.

(4:30) Before thou camest forth out of the womb, I sanctified thee, and I ordained thee a prophet (4:41) unto the nations. So before Jeremiah was even born, God knew him. (4:55) And God said, I sanctified you, or I set you apart, and I ordained thee a prophet (5:09) unto the nations.

So Jeremiah was to be the prophet to speak to the people. (5:19) And he was to speak to them in spite of the fact that they, for the most part, were not (5:26) listening to him. And God had told him that he was going to speak to a stiff-necked people, (5:37) that they would not listen to him, but he was telling them what God wanted them to know.

(5:50) Then in John 17, we have the prayer of Jesus just before he goes and is betrayed (6:08) and is taken captive and tried and crucified, that he prays to God. And in John 17, (6:26) if I get in the right book, is John 17. (6:44) And verse 17, Jesus prayed, Sanctify them through thy truth.

Thy word is truth. (7:05) And verse 19, And for their sakes I sanctify myself, that they also might be sanctified (7:23) through thy truth. Sanctify them through thy truth.

Later, when Jesus is before Pilate, (7:44) and Jesus tells him that he came to testify of the truth, Pilate asks him, What is truth? (7:58) There are some people that think that truth is relative. They think that what may be true (8:12) to one person might not be true to another. They don’t.

They think it’s relative. (8:25) They think that there is nothing such as absolute truth. But in the (8:38) 8th chapter of John, Jesus speaking to the Jews, many of them in verse 30 of John 8 said, (8:58) As he spake these words, many believed on him.

Then said Jesus to those Jews which believed on him, (9:12) If ye continue in my word, then are ye my disciples indeed. And ye shall know the truth, (9:25) and the truth shall make you free. And so the truth that he’s speaking of (9:34) is the word of God.

It is what we would say the gospel of Jesus. (9:45) But we, because the gospel is the good news, and it is the truth. It is speaking the word.

(9:58) And we preach the gospel for preaching the word. The word is truth. And what is contained (10:08) in these scriptures is truth.

Jesus even says in John 14 that he is the way, the truth, (10:30) and the life. So Jesus is the truth. And he is spoken of as the word (10:41) that comes from God.

And he told them that his disciples, I am the way, the truth, and the life. (11:00) Not man come unto the Father, but by me. But the word in which Jesus brought to them (11:14) is the truth.

And Jesus says to sanctify them through thy truth. Thy word is truth. (11:31) And then in verse 19 he said, I sanctify myself.

Which means that he sets himself apart. (11:47) And that they also might be sanctified through thy truth. (11:57) The Lord is sanctified.

(12:05) In Leviticus 10, we find that after the tabernacle has been erected, (12:19) and after they start with the sacrifices and such, in Leviticus 10, (12:38) we find that two of the sons of Aaron, Nadab and Abihu, the sons of Aaron, (12:49) took either of them his censer and put fire therein, and put incense thereon, (12:59) and offered strange fire before the Lord, which he commanded them not. And there went out fire (13:10) from the Lord, and devoured them, and they died before the Lord. Then Moses said to Aaron, (13:22) This is it that the Lord spake, saying, I will be sanctified in them that come nigh to me.

(13:35) Before all the people I will be glorified. And Aaron held his peace. (13:44) So, these men were devoured by fire.

They did not honor God in the fact that they took fire (14:03) from a place that God hadn’t told them to take the fire. And so it is called strange fire, (14:15) because it did not belong, it didn’t come from where God wanted it to come. The Lord was silent (14:29) on where they got the fire.

So we need to be careful that when we come to worship God, (14:42) to worship him as he wants, as he says. And let’s not presume upon doing things that (14:56) he doesn’t mention. When he says plainly how he wants the worship done, we do it that way.

(15:11) And we honor him when we do that, that we must sanctify him as we come near him. (15:25) And before all the people, God will be glorified. We’ll glorify him by doing what he wants.

(15:37) We will glorify him by doing the things that he wants, and not just do things according to (15:51) what we want to do. And in Isaiah 5-16, (16:04) we in this, Isaiah 5-16, tells the people that, he says, but the Lord of hosts shall be exalted (16:32) in judgment, and God that is holy shall be sanctified in righteousness. So when he is (16:45) speaking to these people, these people are doing things that are not right, that are not pleasing (16:54) in God’s sight.

But he says that he shall be exalted in judgment. And he says God that is holy, (17:08) that is separate, shall be sanctified in righteousness. So we need to set God (17:21) apart, and we need to put and sanctify him in righteousness, which is right doing.

(17:33) Now, in conclusion, we want to look at a few things that can be sanctified. (17:49) 1 Timothy 4-5, Paul is telling Timothy about what is going to take place and such. And he (18:18) speaks to him about what is going to take place.

He says that the Spirit speaketh (18:34) expressly, beginning in verse 1, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, (18:43) giving heed to seducing spirits and doctrines of devils, speaking lies and hypocrisy, (18:51) having their conscience seared with the hot iron, forbidding to marry, and commanding to abstain (19:00) from means which God hath created to be received with thanksgiving of them which believe and know (19:11) the truth. For every creature of God is good, and nothing to be refused if it be received with (19:21) thanksgiving. For it, that is the food, is sanctified by the word of God and prayer.

(19:31) So the food is sanctified. We have those that have in the religious world been forbidden (19:44) on certain days of eating meat and doing so, and those that are within the priesthood (20:00) of these denominations, they are forbidden to marry and such. But Paul says every creature of (20:15) God is good, and nothing to be refused if it be received with thanksgiving.

For it is sanctified (20:24) by the word of God and prayer. And then in 2 Timothy 2 and verse 21, (20:46) well, in verse 20, he says, But in a great house there are not only vessels of gold (21:02) and of silver, but also of wood and of earth, and some to dishonor, and some to dishonor. (21:16) If a man therefore purge himself from these, he shall be a vessel of honor, (21:26) sanctified, and made for the master’s use, and prepared unto every good work.

(21:36) So if a man does not disregard these material things, except as they are useful, (22:01) that this man shall be a vessel of honor, sanctified, and made for the master’s use. (22:14) So we can see then that there are things that can be sanctified and made for use. (22:31) And then 1 Corinthians 6, verses 9 through 11, that was read in our hearing.

(22:43) And I thank John for reading that passage of scripture. 1 Corinthians 6, verse 9 through 11. (23:03) It says, Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? (23:12) And he lists the things that would keep one out of the kingdom, (23:22) keep one from inheriting the kingdom.

And he lists these things that (23:31) that keeps those from being in the kingdom. When we list these things, there are some of these that (23:44) there are those that would say that they were born to be that way, (23:52) but they were, but they couldn’t, can’t help them being such. (24:02) Now God says these will keep you out of the kingdom if we do these things, (24:14) because they’re unrighteous.

But he tells the Corinthians, (24:24) And such were some of you, but ye are washed. They were washed in the waters of baptism, (24:37) and they were baptized. They came in contact with the blood of Jesus, who shed his blood for us.

(24:49) And the blood of Christ is what washes our sins away. Yes, I know that Acts 22, 16 says (25:04) that Ananias tells Saul of Tarsus, Now why tarryest thou? Arise and be baptized, and wash away (25:16) your sins, calling on the name of the Lord. But that’s what happens.

That’s why we need to (25:28) be baptized, to be immersed in water. We’ll wash them through the waters of baptism. (25:38) Having our bodies washed in pure water, and having our hearts sprinkled by the blood of Jesus.

(25:55) And that is when we become saved. He says, But ye are sanctified. (26:09) Sanctified means that we are separate.

What are we separate from? Separated from the world. (26:21) We’re now in Christ. Baptism puts us into Christ.

As Romans 6 says that we are baptized (26:36) into Jesus. We are baptized into his death. And we are baptized into Jesus.

We are become saved. (26:53) We are become separated from the world. And we are told as Peter said in 1 Peter, (27:09) we are to be holy, which means separate.

As God is holy, he’s telling the people who are (27:22) in Christ, in the church, that they need to be separate from the world. (27:31) And here is where being sanctified is connected to salvation. But you are justified.

(27:48) We can’t justify ourselves if we keep practicing sin. If we continue in sin. (27:59) Even after we are baptized.

But when we are baptized, we are washed, we are sanctified, (28:12) we are justified in the name of the Lord Jesus and by the Spirit of our God. So here is where (28:32) being sanctified is have this connection to salvation. (28:39) But it doesn’t, to be sanctified does not mean we are saved as we’ve seen.

It means though that we (28:50) get to be separate or to separate. So if one wishes to become separated from the world, (29:04) the invitation is to come, be washed, be sanctified, be justified. Do so while we stand (29:15) and while we’re sinning.