24-1229a - Sanctified, Part 1, Mike Mathis
Bible Readers: Tom Freed and Roger Raines

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Sanctified, Part 1

Transcript (0:04 - 27:14)

Scripture Readings

1st Reader: Tom Freed
Genesis 2:1-3,

(0:04) Morning. I’ll be reading Genesis 2, 1-3. That’s Genesis 2, 1-3.

(0:14) Thus the heavens and the earth were completed and all their hosts. (0:19) On the seventh day God completed His work which He had done. (0:23) And He rested on the seventh day from all His work which He had done. (0:28) And God blessed the seventh day and sanctified it, (0:31) because in it He rested from all His work which God had created and made. (0:37)

2nd Reader: Roger Raines
Jeremiah 1:5,

(0:42) Good morning. I’ll be reading from the book of Jeremiah. (0:46) Chapter 1, verse 5. (0:49) Jeremiah 1, verse 5.

(0:52) Before I formed you in the world, I knew you. (0:55) And before you were born, I consecrated you. (0:59) I have appointed you a prophet to the nations. (1:04) This concludes this reading. (1:06)


Preacher: Mike Mathis

(1:11) Good morning. (1:13) Those that are here and those that are on the phone, (1:20) it befalls me this morning to present the lesson and also tonight.

(1:31) You know, in all the time that I have presented sermons, (1:38) no one has ever asked me a question after a sermon that I presented. (1:51) It was always, there was something critical about it. (2:01) I would be given encouragement because of the sermon I presented.

(2:13) But a few weeks ago, after one of my sermons, (2:18) in which I stated that one well-known creature who has now passed on, (2:28) made the statement, (2:30) one could be saved even if he or she has not heard of Jesus Christ. (2:42) I countered that with the statement that Jesus made in John 8, 24, (2:52) when he said, (2:55) except you believe that I am he, you shall die in your sins. (3:07) Then I was approached with the question, (3:12) and their concerns being sanctified.

(3:16) That’s the title of my lesson, Sanctified. (3:23) I was shown 1 Corinthians 7, 14, which reads, (3:31) For the unbelieving husband is sanctified by the wife, (3:36) and the unbelieving wife is sanctified by her husband. (3:42) Thus were your children unclean, but now they are holy.

(3:52) It might seem like that in this statement they would be. (4:02) However, it contradicts what Jesus said, (4:06) that one must believe that he is. (4:15) But then, this is a matter that Paul is speaking to the people, (4:27) the married people.

(4:31) He says in verse 10, (4:36) And unto the married I command, yet not I, but the Lord. (4:42) Let not the wife depart from her husband, (4:48) and if she depart, let her remain unmarried, (4:54) or be reconciled to her husband, (4:58) and let not the husband put away his wife. (5:04) But to the rest I speak, but to the rest speak I, (5:10) but not the Lord.

(5:13) If any brother hath a wife that believeth not, (5:19) and she be pleased to dwell with him, (5:23) let him not put her away. (5:27) And the woman which hath a husband that believeth not, (5:34) and if he be pleased to dwell with her, (5:38) let her not leave him. (5:41) For the unbelieving husband is sanctified by the wife, (5:47) and the unbelieving wife is sanctified by the husband.

(5:55) Thus were your children unclean, but now they are holy. (6:02) Do you know that if we had just read two verses on in this, (6:13) we would have had the answer right then. (6:17) But due to the fact that I had other matters (6:23) that I was dealing with at the time, (6:27) I got them out of the way, (6:30) and I started looking at the word sanctify.

(6:36) And I was looking at this particular scripture. (6:45) It says, but if the unbelieving depart, let him depart. (6:54) A brother or a sister is not under bondage in such cases, (7:02) but God hath called us to peace.

(7:06) Now listen to verse 16. (7:11) For what knowest thou, O wife, (7:15) whether thou shalt save thy husband? (7:21) Or how knowest thou, O man, (7:26) whether thou shalt save thy wife? (7:34) Well, it looks as if sanctified, (7:38) and this does not mean that the unbelieving spouse is saved. (7:51) Well, if sanctified doesn’t necessarily mean salvation, (8:00) what does it mean? (8:04) Sanctified is from Hebrew and Greek words, (8:10) meaning to set apart, separate.

(8:16) Now, also within this particular reading is the word holy. (8:25) It comes from the same Hebrew and Greek words, (8:33) meaning to set apart and separate. (8:40) So we need to know.

(8:44) Sometimes now people will get things that they mean, (8:53) but they, in their minds, think they mean. (8:57) That’s why we have dictionaries. (9:01) And that’s why in the Bible we also have concordance and lexicons.

(9:16) I have Young’s Analytical Lexicon at home (9:22) and find out that sanctified comes from Hebrew and Greek words, (9:35) and these words mean set apart or separate. (9:45) Now, in Genesis 2 verses 1 through 3, (10:02) in this we’re going to look at things that are sanctified. (10:12) And in this particular reading, it is the seventh day.

(10:21) We know that God, or we read Genesis, (10:27) and we believe what Genesis says, (10:32) we realize that God made the world in six days. (10:39) And on the seventh day He rested. (10:43) Let’s read.

(10:47) Thus the heavens and the earth were finished, (10:52) and all the hosts of them. (10:55) And on the seventh day God ended His work, (10:59) which He had made. (11:02) And it rested on the seventh day from all His work, (11:09) which He had made.

(11:12) God blessed the seventh day and sanctified it. (11:18) Now just keep in mind what it means, (11:22) because that in it He had rested from all His work, (11:28) which God created and made. (11:35) Now in Bible class, in the teen Bible class that we at one time had, (11:45) the question was asked, (11:48) when we read Genesis, (11:53) can’t we say that God started (12:00) and then everything fell into place? (12:09) And then I brought to their attention chapter 2, (12:15) which says, (12:17) Thus the heavens and the earth were finished.

(12:22) God finished what He began on the first day. (12:28) And He began. (12:33) And He took six days to create.

(12:40) He rested on the seventh day. (12:44) Now, I know Scott talked about this, (12:53) and God resting. (12:56) Some people may say, oh, God needed rest.

(13:01) That’s not the reason God rested. (13:04) He didn’t create anymore. (13:09) He stopped creating.

(13:14) And I told the teen class, (13:17) for those things that are living, (13:20) it’s not evolution. (13:24) It’s reproduction. (13:27) For He, in the plants, (13:30) put the seed after the kind of plant that the seed which it contained (13:40) would buy after its kind.

(13:45) It would be reproduced. (13:50) But now, let’s pay attention here, (13:53) that God set apart, (13:55) God sanctified the seventh day. (14:01) Why did He set it apart? (14:05) Why did He bless this day that He rested on? (14:13) We go to Exodus chapter 20, (14:24) and we’ll find the answer to that question.

(14:33) And it is, (14:37) in beginning with verse 8, (14:43) God tells them, (14:45) remember the seventh day, (14:48) and keep it holy. (14:53) Now, before the children of Israel left Egypt, (15:02) they had what is called the patriarchal age. (15:07) Up to the time that is right here, (15:14) it was the patriarchal age.

(15:17) When God gave the law to Moses and ratified it, (15:25) now He is giving them the command to keep the Sabbath. (15:30) They didn’t keep the Sabbath under the patriarchal age. (15:35) But now they are told to remember the seventh day, (15:39) to keep it holy.

(15:42) Six days shalt thou labor, (15:45) and do all thy work. (15:47) But the seventh day is the Sabbath of the Lord thy God. (15:53) In it thou shalt not do any work, (15:57) thou, nor thy son, nor thy daughter, (16:02) thy manservant, nor thy maidservant, (16:06) nor thy cow, nor thy stranger within thy gates.

(16:13) For in six days the Lord made heaven and earth, (16:18) the sea, and all that in them is, (16:24) and rested on the seventh day. (16:27) Wherefore the Lord blessed the seventh day, (16:36) and hallowed it, (16:38) and made desanctified it, and blessed it, (16:43) as it stated in Genesis 2, verse 3. (16:51) Now, for those that want to make the six days (17:00) God created the earth into eons of time, (17:10) do we think that when the children of Israel (17:16) is hearing this that they understand (17:21) that they are to work six eons of time (17:25) and they are to rest one eon of time? (17:30) No. (17:32) They know the day here is a 24-hour period, (17:39) or at least in their reasoning of the time, (17:46) daytime is 12 hours and nighttime is 12 hours.

(17:51) Thought of them and that’s 24 hours. (17:55) They understand what is said here. (17:59) And days, in this context, (18:06) is the same word that is used to refer to each day (18:13) that is created.

(18:16) And it is a 24-hour day. (18:22) And to really solidify that, (18:26) he said the evening and the morning were the first day. (18:32) So how long is morning and evening? (18:38) Then in Leviticus 27, verses 18 and 19, (18:52) we’ve got a statement here (18:59) that says in verse 18, (19:05) we’re beginning with verse 16, (19:08) And if a man shall sanctify unto the Lord (19:13) some part of a field of his possession, (19:18) then thy estimation shall be according to the seed thereof, (19:25) and Homer a barley seed shall be valued at fifty shekels of silver.

(19:34) If he sanctify his field from the year of jubilee, (19:41) according to thy estimation, it shall stand. (19:48) In verse 18, (19:50) But if he sanctify his field after the jubilee, (19:56) then the priest shall reckon unto him the money (19:59) according to the years that remain, (20:03) even unto the year of jubilee, (20:07) and it shall be abated from thy estimation. (20:13) And if he that sanctify the field, (20:22) will in any wise redeem it, (20:26) then he shall add the fifth part of the money (20:31) of thy estimation unto it, (20:35) and it shall be assured to him.

(20:39) So we see that a house or a field, (20:46) in verse 14 it says, (20:48) And when a man shall sanctify his house, (20:52) means he set it apart, (20:54) and means he separated it from all the rest of the things that he may have. (21:03) And so he is sanctifying the house. (21:12) Now back in Exodus chapter 19 of this, (21:26) it is said that Moses, (21:31) or rather Mount Sinai is sanctified.

(21:40) Now Moses is going up on Mount Sinai to receive the law. (21:47) But as he’s going up there, (21:50) God is wanting to make sure (21:56) that the people that he did not want to go up, (22:04) won’t go up. (22:06) And he’s wanting to make sure of that.

(22:10) And in verse 22 or 21, (22:17) And the Lord said unto Moses, (22:20) Go down, charge the people, (22:24) lest they break through unto the Lord to gays, (22:29) and many of them perish. (22:32) And let the priests also, (22:35) which come near to the Lord, (22:38) sanctify themselves, (22:40) lest the Lord break forth upon them. (22:47) And Moses said unto the Lord, (22:51) The people cannot come up to Mount Sinai, (22:55) for thou charged us saying, (22:59) Set bounds about the mount, (23:02) and sanctify it.

(23:06) But the Lord said to him, (23:08) Away, get thee down, (23:11) and thou shalt come up, (23:13) thou and Aaron with thee. (23:18) But let not the priests and the people break through (23:22) to come up unto the Lord, (23:26) lest he break forth upon them. (23:31) So Moses had to go down (23:34) to keep the people from going up on the mount.

(23:41) You see, God had set the mount apart. (23:48) There was a few people that went so far, (23:56) but the others, when there were bounds around, (24:00) they were not allowed. (24:05) And he wanted Moses to make very sure (24:09) that they didn’t do that, (24:12) lest he went forth and the people were doubted.

(24:23) And in verse 14 of this chapter, (24:28) it says that Moses sanctified the people. (24:38) And Moses went down from the mount unto the people (24:42) and sanctified the people, (24:45) and they washed their clothes. (24:47) So you see, sanctified, (24:51) when we realize what it means, (24:54) we can understand that in these references, (24:58) that’s what it means to be separate, (25:02) to separate.

(25:05) That’s what sanctified means. (25:08) Now, before someone asks me, (25:22) does it connect with salvation? (25:26) Yes, it does. (25:28) And I am going to continue this lesson.

(25:35) And for those of us that will come back (25:38) and listen to the rest of it, (25:41) we will see the connection (25:44) between being sanctified and being saved. (25:52) We’ll see the connection. (25:55) But right now, (25:57) if anybody wants to put Christ on in baptism, (26:05) Christ said, (26:06) He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved.

(26:12) He that believes not shall be condemned. (26:17) And Peter told the people on the day of Pentecost, (26:22) and they asked, (26:24) what, men and brethren, what shall we do? (26:27) He said, (26:28) Repent and be baptized, every one of you, (26:31) in the name of Jesus Christ, (26:33) for the remission of sins, (26:36) and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. (26:42) If you want to do that, (26:44) and put Christ on in baptism, (26:50) we have it all ready for you.

(26:54) And for those that have other things on their minds (26:58) that they need to bring to the attention of the church, (27:05) we would ask that you do so while you come, (27:11) and while we stand and sing.