24-1110p - What Do You Want To Do With Your Life?, John Nousek
Bible Reader: Walter Kobisky
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What Do You Want To Do With Your Life?
Transcript (0:04 - 26:18)
Scripture Reading
- Bible Reader: Walter Kobisky
(0:04) In Hebrews 9, 27-28. Hebrews 9, 27-28, the Holy Word. (0:13) And as it is appointed unto man once to die, but after this the judgment. (0:21) For Christ was once offered to bear the sins of many, and unto them that look for Him shall He appear (0:30) the second time without sin and salvation. Amen. (0:38)
Preacher: John Nousek
Good evening. So this evening I have the pleasure of bringing God’s Word to all those who have ears to hear it. (0:51) And thank you, Walter, for reading that passage. (0:58) I have an interesting event that happened having to do with that passage.
(1:11) And I’ll tell it to you very quickly. (1:15) So years ago, I got called to jury duty. (1:23) And as it is, a guy’s got to get his hair cut once in a while. (1:29) So, you know, working every day, can’t seem to squeeze it in. (1:35) Now I’m on jury duty in downtown Cleveland. (1:39) And so I figured, you know, I’ll give you an hour and a half, almost two hours for lunch. (1:46) That’s great. I’m going to find a barber down here. (1:49) I did.
I’m right downtown. (1:53) And he’s in a small little office space, if you can call it that, (1:58) some large building down there, and just happened to come across him. (2:02) So I go in and I get my hair cut and we’re talking, all kinds of things. (2:08) And he starts talking about how he believes in reincarnation. (2:16) I said, you know, we’re pretty far into the haircut by this point. (2:23) And he trimmed me up fairly well. I was satisfied.
(2:28) He says, would you like me to shave the back of your neck? (2:36) Yes, I would. Matter of fact. (2:41) So as he’s talking about reincarnation, (2:45) and I happen to be familiar enough with this passage, (2:51) he says, that’s not the way it works. (2:54) He pulls out the straight razor, looks like something out of the West Side Story, (3:01) flips it open, and puts it to my neck. (3:05) And I say, sir, I have to tell you, that’s not the truth. (3:17) The Bible says otherwise. (3:22) And he continues to carefully scrape down with his sharp instrument. (3:28) And I explain to him that what he believes is wrong, (3:36) and it’s here in Hebrews, and we just heard it ourselves.
(3:46) So here’s what I’m going to tell you. (3:54) We are to preach the word in season and out of season. (3:58) Moments when we want to and when we don’t want to. (4:02) I wasn’t so confident he wouldn’t slip. (4:07) But I did what was necessary. (4:10) I’m glad I did.
(4:12) So I’m going to read to you 1 Timothy chapter 4, a couple of verses here. (4:22) It’s 1 Timothy chapter 4, verses 12 and 13. (4:30) Now Paul’s writing to Timothy, a young underling, upstart, if you will. (4:36) Use whatever word you prefer. (4:38) And he’s giving instructions on what should be done in worship. (4:47) How he should go about it. (4:51) And one of the things that he wants to emphasize is, (4:55) hey, don’t be concerned that you’re just a young man. (5:00) You’re to preach. You’re to do these things.
(5:02) And let me read this to you, starting with verse 12. (5:06) Let no one despise your youth, but be an example to the believers (5:11) in word and conduct and love and spirit and faith and purity. (5:19) Till I come, give attention to reading, to exhortation, to doctrine. (5:29) So we are told here, Paul’s telling Timothy to do these things. (5:37) And that includes public reading of Scripture. (5:41) And so I have the pleasure tonight of, I’d like to read a few things.
(5:49) And what I’ll do is I’ll say this. (5:52) You know, this morning we heard a sermon, a very good sermon, by the way. (6:00) And we heard a sermon where it was said, (6:04) there’s no U-Haul behind the hearse. (6:08) You don’t take it with you. (6:13) And we are just dust in the wind. (6:20) You know, in God’s Word, right from the very beginning, (6:23) in Genesis chapter 3, verses 17 through 19, (6:33) it reads as follows. (6:36) And this is right after the fall. (6:41) This is the sin that separates Adam and Eve (6:48) from the relationship perfect with God. (6:53) So he says, this is God speaking. (6:57) Then to Adam he said, (6:59) Because you have heeded the voice of your wife (7:03) and have eaten from the tree of which I commanded you, (7:07) saying, You shall not eat of it, (7:11) first is the ground for your sake. (7:14) In toil you shall eat of it all the days of your life. (7:19) Both thorns and thistles it shall bring forth for you. (7:24) And you shall eat the herb of the field. (7:27) In the sweat of your face you shall eat bread. (7:32) Till you return to the ground, for out of it you are taken. (7:38) For dust you are, and to dust you shall return. (7:46) So there it is. God says to us, (7:51) you’re going to return to the earth (7:54) just as you were created out of the dust of the earth.
(8:02) Then later in Hebrews where he says, (8:05) one life and then the judgment. (8:07) You don’t get to, in the case of the barber, (8:12) you can believe what’s true or you can believe what you want to believe. (8:17) At least at that moment in that time, (8:19) he believes what he wanted. (8:22) I asked him why, and he said, (8:24) well, because I want to believe that. (8:27) It seems reasonable. (8:29) It seems, according to me.
(8:34) Except God’s Word says otherwise. (8:38) I’m going to believe because it’s based upon (8:41) all kinds of empirical fact and evidence (8:45) that this Bible we have is the perfect Word of God in every respect. (8:50) And as a result, (8:52) we can know one life and then the judgment. (8:56) We will return to the earth (8:58) as we came. (9:04) At some time, and we’re judged based on what we’ve done. (9:09) And in between those, the date of birth (9:12) and the date of death, (9:14) those things that we do matter.
(9:21) In 1 Peter chapter 5 verse 10 (9:25) it reads, (9:34) May the God of all grace (9:36) who called us to his eternal glory by Christ Jesus (9:40) after you have suffered a little while (9:43) perfect, establish, (9:48) strengthen, and settle you. (9:52) To him be the glory and the dominion forever and ever. (9:56) Amen.
(9:58) So, we’re going to suffer (10:02) between those two dates. (10:05) Birthday. Another birthday. (10:10) Kind of. Celebrated. (10:12) At least. A whole lot of them, hopefully. (10:17) And then the end. (10:19) Which means the judgment.
(10:22) And in between, there will be (10:25) will be trials. (10:27) We will have suffered, as he says, for a little while. (10:30) Eternity is a long time. (10:32) So, in perspective, even if we live to be (10:36) a hundred, it’s a small (10:40) drop in the bucket. Not even. (10:42) And the eternal consequence of the choices (10:45) that we make while we are here.
(10:50) So, the title of the sermon, which you didn’t hear, (10:53) I don’t think you heard so far, (10:56) is, so what do you want to do with your life?
(11:04) What do you want to do? (11:06) What do I want to do with my life? (11:09) What kind of choices are going to be made (11:11) that will have eternal consequences (11:14) and where I spend the rest (11:18) of eternity (11:21) in a continuous state of one or the other (11:24) with God or without (11:28) in paradise or in a place (11:32) of torment based upon (11:35) the decisions I make (11:37) and the only way I get to spend eternity (11:43) with God in paradise (11:45) is because of Jesus Christ (11:48) and what He’s done for me, not what I do.
(11:56) So, between now and then, (11:59) we have an example (12:02) of how valuable, (12:04) how important (12:06) or how not to pursue (12:09) earthly things in the book (12:12) of Ecclesiastes. (12:15) I’d like to spend some time (12:18) doing exactly what Paul said to Timothy (12:21) public reading of Scripture.
(12:24) So, I’m going to read to you (12:27) the first two chapters of Ecclesiastes (12:30) which might sound like a long time (12:33) but if it gets that bad, we’ll make coffee.
(12:37) God. (12:41) Beginning at the start of Ecclesiastes in the Old Testament (12:47) words of the preacher, the son of David (12:50) king of Jerusalem. This is referring to Solomon.
(12:55) Vanity of vanities (12:56) says the preacher. Vanity of vanities (12:59) all is vanity. (13:02) But prophet has a man (13:04) from all his labor in which he toils under (13:07) the sun. One generation passes by (13:10) and another generation comes. But the earth (13:13) abides forever. (13:16) The sun also rises and the sun goes down (13:19) and hastens to the place where it arose. (13:22) The wind goes to the south (13:25) and turns around to the north. (13:27) The wind whirls about (13:29) continually. It comes again on its circuit. (13:35) All the rivers (13:36) run into the sea. (13:39) But the sea is not full. (13:41) To the place from which the rivers come, there they return again. (13:46) All things (13:48) are full of labor. Man cannot (13:50) express it. The eye is not satisfied (13:54) with seeing nor the ear filled with hearing.
(13:58) That which has been (14:00) is what will be. That (14:02) which is done is what will (14:05) be done. And there is nothing new (14:09) under the sun. Is there anything of which (14:12) it may be said, see this is new. (14:17) It has already been (14:18) in ancient times before us. (14:21) There is no remembrance of former things (14:24) nor will there be any remembrance of (14:27) things that are to come by those (14:30) who will come after.
(14:33) I the preacher was king over Israel (14:36) in Jerusalem. I set my heart (14:39) to seek and search out by wisdom concerning (14:42) all that is done under the sun. This (14:45) burdensome task God has given to the (14:48) sons of man which they may be (14:51) exercised.
(14:54) I have seen all the works that are done under the sun (14:56) and indeed all is vanity. (15:00) And grasping for the wind (15:03) what is crooked cannot be made straight (15:07) and what is lacking cannot be (15:09) numbered.
(15:11) Commune with my heart saying look (15:14) I have attained greatness (15:17) and have gained more wisdom than all who were (15:20) before me in Jerusalem. (15:23) My heart has understood great wisdom and knowledge (15:26) and I set my heart to know (15:29) wisdom and to know madness and folly. (15:32) I perceive that this also (15:34) is a grasping for the wind (15:38) for in much wisdom is much grief (15:42) and he who increases (15:44) knowledge increases sorrow.
(15:50) I said in my heart come now (15:52) I will test you with mirth. (15:55) Didn’t know what that word was so I looked it up (15:58) amusement. I said to my heart (16:03) come now I will test you with mirth (16:05) therefore enjoy pleasure (16:08) surely this also was vanity. I said of (16:12) laughter madness and of mirth (16:14) what does it accomplish?
(16:18) I searched in my heart how to gratify my (16:21) flesh with wine while guiding my heart (16:24) with wisdom and how to hold on (16:28) how to lay hold of folly (16:30) till I might see what was good for the (16:33) sons of men to do under heaven (16:36) all the days of their lives.
(16:38) I made my works great (16:41) I built myself houses and planted (16:44) myself vineyards. I made myself (16:47) gardens and orchards and I planted all kinds (16:50) of fruit trees in them. (16:52) I made myself water pools from which (16:56) to water the growing trees (16:58) of the grove.
I acquired male and female (17:02) servants and had servants born in my house. (17:06) Yes, I had greater possessions of (17:09) herds and flocks than all (17:12) who were in Jerusalem before me. (17:16) I also gathered for myself (17:18) silver and gold and the special treasures of kings (17:21) and of provinces. I acquired male and (17:24) female singers that the delights (17:27) of the sons of men (17:30) and musical instruments of all kinds.
(17:32) So I became great (17:35) and excelled more than all who were (17:38) before me in Jerusalem. (17:41) Also my wisdom remained with me.
(17:45) Whatever my eyes (17:47) desired I did not keep from them. (17:50) I did not withhold my heart from any pleasure, (17:52) For my heart rejoiced in all my labor; (17:56) and this was my reward (17:59) from all my labor. (18:02) And I looked on all the works (18:05) that my hands had done and (18:07) on the labor in which I had toiled; (18:12) And indeed all (18:14) was vanity and grasping for the wind. (18:17) there was no profit under the sun.
(18:21) Then I turned to myself to consider (18:25) wisdom and madness and folly; For what (18:28) can the man do who succeeds (18:30) the king? Only what (18:33) he has already done. (18:36) and I saw that wisdom exceeds folly (18:39) as light exceeds darkness. (18:43) A wise man’s eyes are in his head (18:46) but the fool walks (18:49) in darkness yet I myself (18:52) perceived that the same event (18:56) happens to them all
(18:59) So I said in my heart as it happens (19:01) to the fool it also happens to me (19:04) and why was I then more wise (19:07) I said in my heart (19:10) this is also vanity. (19:13) For there is no more remembrance of the wise (19:17) than the fool forever, (19:20) Since all that now (19:21) since all that now is (19:24) will be forgotten in the days (19:27) to come. And how does a (19:30) wise man die? (19:33) As a fool!
Therefore I hated life (19:38) because the work that was done under the sun (19:40) was distressing to me for all is (19:44) vanity and grasping for the wind. (19:46) Then I hated all my labor in which (19:50) I had toiled under the sun, because I must leave it (19:53) to the man who will come after me. (19:56) And who knows whether he will be wise (19:59) or a fool? Yet he (20:02) will rule over all my labor in which (20:05) I toiled and in which I have shown myself wise (20:08) under the sun. This (20:11) is vanity.
(20:14) Therefore I turned my heart (20:17) and spared all of my labor (20:19) in which I had toiled under the sun. (20:22) For there is a man whose labor is (20:24) with wisdom knowledge and skill; (20:28) yet he must leave his heritage (20:30) to a man who is not labored for it. (20:34) This also is vanity (20:36) and a great evil. (20:39) For what has man for all his labor, (20:44) and for the striving (20:46) of his heart with which he has toiled (20:49) under the sun? For all his days are (20:53) sorrowful his work (20:55) burdensome; even in (20:58) the night his heart takes (21:01) no rest. This also (21:04) is vanity.
Nothing (21:07) is better for a man (21:11) than that he (21:12) should eat and drink, (21:15) and that his soul should enjoy (21:17) good in his labor. This also, (21:22) I saw, was from the hand of God. (21:25) For who can eat or who can have (21:28) enjoyment more than I? For God gives wisdom (21:31) and knowledge and joy to the man (21:34) who is good in his sight; (21:37) but to the sinner he (21:40) gives the work of gathering (21:43) and collecting, that he may give (21:46) it to him who is good (21:50) before God. This also (21:54) is vanity and a grasping (21:56) for the wind.
(22:03) So in some (22:06) respects sounds very bleak. (22:10) How (22:12) do it all enjoy it do it all? (22:15) It’s nothing. (22:17) This life, everything you pursue, all these things, (22:20) just give it away to somebody who doesn’t necessarily (22:23) work for it. enjoy it. appreciate it, (22:27) anything how. (22:30) Sounds rough.
Now (22:35) at the end, the very end of Ecclesiastes, (22:41) very last (22:42) chapter, the last few verses (22:45), I want to read those to you. (22:53) At least in my Bible here, the New King James, I’m reading from, (22:57) it gives us a heading, it says, (22:59) The whole duty of man,
- Which (23:02) begins at verse 9,
(23:07) Moreover because the (23:08) preacher was wise he still taught the people (23:11) knowledge; yes, he pondered and sought out (23:15) and set in order many proverbs. (23:17) The preacher sought to find acceptable words; (23:20) what was written was upright, (23:23) words of truth. (23:26) The words of the wise are like (23:29) goads, and the words of (23:32) scholars are like well-driven (23:35) nails, given by one Shepherd. (23:38) Capital S shepherd, (23:41) our Lord. (23:44) And further, my son, be admonished by these. (23:47) Of making many books there is no end, (23:50) and much study is wearisome to the flesh.
- (23:55) Let us hear the conclusion of the whole (23:58) matter
here it is
(24:03) Fear God and keep his (24:06) commandments, For this is man’s all. (24:09) For God will bring every (24:12) work into judgment, Including (24:16) every secret thing, (24:18) Whether good or evil.
(24:24) So regardless of what we (24:26) have done good or evil, God knows it all. He sees (24:29) everything, even the secret things between (24:36) our birthday and the day (24:39) of our physical death here on earth. (24:42) He sees it all (24:45) and it matters to him.
(24:50) That brings us finally back to Hebrews (24:54) and I’ll finish with Hebrews (24:56) chapter 3 a couple of verses
- (25:03) Hebrews 3 verses 12-15
(25:11) Beware, brethren, lest there be in (25:13) any of you an evil heart of unbelief (25:16) in departing from the living God; (25:19) but exhort one (25:20) another daily, while it is called today, (25:24) lest any of you (25:26) be hardened through the deceitfulness of sin.
(25:29) For we have become partakers in Christ (25:33) if we hold to (25:36) if we hold the beginning of our (25:39) confidence steadfast (25:41) to the end, while (25:45) it is said:
Today, if you hear his voice,
(25:48) Do not harden your hearts (25:50) as in
the rebellion.
(25:53) And so for those that have ears to hear, (25:57) if you hear his voice (26:02) and you desire something (26:07) of any sort (26:09) please let us know (26:12) at his container worship service (26:15) and sing to the Lord (26:17) Amen (26:18)