24-1020p - Our Website, A Demonstration, Scott Reynolds
Bible Reader: John Nousek

This transcript transcribed by TurboScribe.ai

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(Outline by Scott Reynolds)

Our Website, A Demonstration

Transcript (0:04 - 30:06)

Scripture Readings

Bible Reader: John Nousek

(0:04) Good evening. (0:06) This evening I will read directly from the Word of God. (0:11) It’s Acts 17, two verses, verses 2 and 3. (0:20) Acts 17, 2 and 3. (0:24) Then Paul, as his custom was, went into them, and for three sabbaths reasoned with them (0:34) from the Scriptures, explaining and demonstrating that the Christ had to suffer and rise again (0:42) from the dead, and saying, this Jesus whom I preach to you is the Christ.

(0:54) Amen.

Acts 17:2,3

Then Paul, as his custom was, went into them, and for three sabbaths reasoned with them from the Scriptures, explaining and demonstrating that the Christ had to suffer and rise again from the dead, and saying, this Jesus whom I preach to you is the Christ.


Preacher: Scott Reynolds

(1:00) Okay. (1:01) There’s a wealth of information on our website.

(1:05) If you have a phone that has internet capability, I want you to follow along so you can get (1:16) an idea of how to access the website. (1:19) We have a lot of stuff out there that’s really useful. (1:24) And does anybody have a phone? (1:27) Do you know how to get to the web on the phone? (1:30) Know how to bring up websites on the phone? (1:33) Everybody know how to do that? (1:36) Usually there’s something on an Apple phone, they’re looking for something like Safari.

(1:42) That’s Apple’s web browser. (1:44) An application that lets you peruse the internet is called a browser, a web browser. (1:55) Safari on a non-Apple phone, it can be Google Chrome, it can be Firefox, Mozilla Firefox, (2:06) something like that.

(2:07) You need a browser. (2:10) And when you have your browser up, you put in where you want to go, (2:18) wschurchofchrist.org for organization. (2:21) You enter that.

(2:24) That brings up the website. (2:27) And that’s what it looks like on a desktop. (2:31) This resizes for your device.

(2:35) And so this is the home page. (2:38) I’m going to make it look like that’s what a phone kind of would look like. (2:46) This shows up in your phone, a smaller picture of the church and some information up there.

(2:54) Go over and you tap the red expand. (2:58) You have a home button, an education, contact us, Facebook and members. (3:04) We’re not going to talk about Facebook at all.

(3:09) But home, education, contact us, and members we’re going to be looking at. (3:15) Those are the main pages, the one, two, three, four main pages of our website. (3:22) The very first one is the home page.

(3:26) On the home page, we put any kind of notices. (3:29) This is where we used to put COVID messages on our website. (3:34) The Sunday morning Bible classes are canceled.

(3:38) I’ve left that up ever since we decided to do that. (3:41) I haven’t taken it off yet. (3:44) It puts in the current date.

(3:46) And then we have read the Proverbs through in a month, one chapter per day, (3:51) and read the Psalms through in a month, five Psalms per day. (3:56) And it says, see today’s reading schedule and excerpts from the Psalms (4:02) and Proverbs at the bottom of the page. (4:06) And that’s underlined.

(4:08) It’s a link. (4:09) So if you tap on it, it takes you to the bottom of the page. (4:15) And at the bottom of the page, we have the date again and excerpts from Proverbs (4:20) and underlined Proverbs chapter 20.

(4:23) You know why we’re looking at Proverbs chapter 20 today? (4:28) Today is the 20th of the month. (4:33) That’s right. (4:34) Tomorrow when it’s the 21st, it won’t say 20 there.

(4:38) It will say 21. (4:40) It will have the 21st on it, 21st chapter. (4:44) On October 21st, it will be Proverbs 21.

(4:48) Because there are 30 Proverbs chapters in 31. (4:55) There are 31 chapters in Proverbs. (4:59) And on a 31-day month, that’s one chapter a day, just like we said.

(5:06) Read the Proverbs through in a month, one chapter per day. (5:10) So on a 31-day month, whatever the number of the day is, is the chapter you read. (5:19) And this tells you that.

(5:22) Now, the Psalms are more difficult. (5:25) There are 150 Psalms. (5:29) So if you take a 30-day month and divide it by five, it comes out equally.

(5:36) So if you read five Psalms a day in 30 days, you’ll read 150 Psalms. (5:46) So on the 20th, what five Psalms would you read to be on schedule? (5:54) Well, you would be on the 96th, 97th, 8th, 9th, and 100th Psalm. (6:01) On the 21st, it’s going to be 101 through 105.

(6:08) But this tells you that. (6:09) You don’t have to calculate. (6:13) And then, they can’t give you, we don’t have enough room.

(6:18) I mean, we do, but who wants to scroll through all that? (6:23) Five Psalms, 96, 97, that’s a lot to scroll through. (6:29) So if you want that, go to the Bible. (6:31) So what I did is I put excerpts from that.

(6:37) And over five months, it’s a different excerpt for each on the 20th. (6:43) For the next five months, it will be a different piece there of the 20th chapter. (6:52) All right, so we use the World English Bible because there’s no copy.

(6:57) The copyright says you can display it if you want, however you want. (7:02) So we can do that. (7:05) And this is the notes in the Bible, the first collection of Solomonic Proverbs.

(7:14) And it’s a continuation that Solomonic Proverbs are Proverbs 10, verse 1, (7:22) through Proverbs 22, and verse 16. (7:25) This happens to fit in there. (7:28) It’s the 20th, and we’re looking at verses 25 through 30.

(7:34) So there that is. (7:37) Sometimes you get a little bit more than fits in this little window. (7:40) The window does not expand.

(7:42) This gray area does not expand, so you’ll be able to scroll if there’s more information. (7:48) And then it’s choosing. (7:59) We happen to be in the fifth month of the cycle, (8:04) because if we were on the first month of the cycle, it would have been 96.

(8:08) You don’t have to know any of that. (8:11) It’s just so it doesn’t repeat the same one every month. (8:14) It goes to one of the different five over five months.

(8:18) Okay, so it’s telling you the excerpt I’m going to give you is from the 100 Psalm. (8:27) And it’s Psalm 100. (8:31) This is Book 4 in the Psalms.

(8:34) And it’s Psalm 90 through 106 is Book 4. (8:38) And 100 is in that range. (8:42) And it’s the first five verses. (8:46) Okay, so then when you’re done with that, you can click back to the top, (8:51) and it takes you back to the top.

(8:54) Okay, so the next piece that comes up in our website is I don’t know what to call it. (9:00) This is to let people know on the home page what we’re all about. (9:05) And we’re a non-denominational church.

(9:07) The congregation is dedicated to worshiping God in spirit and in truth (9:10) as closely as we can ascertain from the New Testament. (9:14) We search the scriptures for guidance and authority (9:18) and how we ought to live our lives in order to be pleasing to God. (9:23) And then to learn more about us, there’s our e-mail address.

(9:28) Okay, then we have some pictures of the church. (9:32) Okay, so the next thing that comes up are the most current sermons. (9:36) So we have the most recent a.m. and p.m. sermons on the home page.

(9:44) We have all of the sermons since 2020, January of 2020, (9:50) on our website on the education page. (9:54) I’ll show you that in a moment. (9:57) Okay, then we have this article, the Sunday morning article.

(10:02) And if you notice, that’s what’s on our newsletter also, (10:08) on the back page of our newsletter. (10:10) This is the same article. (10:13) What’s good about this is so is the one before that and the one before that.

(10:21) So this has all of 2024. (10:24) All the articles that have been on our newsletter are in here for 2024. (10:34) If you keep on scrolling down, you get back to the Psalms and Proverbs.

(10:39) And then at the bottom of the four pages we were talking about, (10:43) the home page, education page, contact us page, and the member page, (10:51) all four of those have a footer at the bottom. (10:55) The Facebook one does not. (10:57) The Facebook one takes you to Facebook.

(11:00) So on the footer is our Sunday, Wednesday services and our church location. (11:08) So if somebody wants to know, if somebody asks you, you know, blah, blah, blah, (11:11) look at our website at the bottom of the page, or the contact page, (11:17) the contact us page has all kinds of information about locating us. (11:22) But the footer has a lot of information on it.

(11:26) Okay. (11:26) That’s the home page. (11:29) We go to our education page.

(11:32) So tap the red thing that comes up with that list and tap on education, (11:38) and it takes you here. (11:42) And it’s got the little picture with the education page, (11:45) and then it has links to the content that’s down. (11:49) If I were on the desktop, you’d scroll easily and you wouldn’t need that, (11:53) so it doesn’t show up on the desktop, this little section here, the links.

(11:59) But on a phone, it’s kind of nice to have. (12:03) All right. (12:04) So we have Sunday class recordings, notes, and articles.

(12:07) We have Wednesday class recordings, notes, and articles. (12:11) We do record our classes. (12:16) Previous Bible studies, the Bible and science, Bible facts, (12:24) those three are kind of outdated.

(12:27) I don’t have time to get to them. (12:30) So if anybody wants to help, that would be great. (12:34) I’ll show you how to help me type stuff in.

(12:39) All that stuff. (12:41) Okay. (12:42) So in the Sunday recording, the class itself is canceled, (12:50) so the most recent recording is July 3rd, 2022, (12:56) but we have everything before that to December 20th, 2020.

(13:04) We didn’t always used to record the classes. (13:07) We started to, not until the end of December of 2020. (13:14) So all those we recorded.

(13:18) It’s sporadic. (13:19) Not every class was recorded. (13:22) On these bars, you tap it.

(13:26) It expands to show the stuff below it. (13:30) There are notes. (13:31) Some of the classes had notes, so there are notes in there.

(13:36) You can go to there. (13:39) It brings up a note, which is part 5, Hebrews 7, 28 through 10. (13:45) This is the Hebrews class.

(13:48) Those are notes. (13:49) The most recent is February of 2022 for the Sunday class. (13:56) Then again, here’s a list.

(13:59) Instead of scrolling on the front page through all of the stuff for the Sunday class, (14:06) you can come to the Sunday morning class of the education page (14:13) and go to the Sunday class articles, (14:16) and this has them all also, but you can go directly to it. (14:22) It has a list, an index, and this is more than just 2024. (14:27) It’s all the way back to January 5th, Steve Cain’s.

(14:33) We have Steve Cain’s messages that were in our newsletter from January 5th (14:41) all the way to March 1st. (14:43) Those are all Steve’s. (14:46) This is current with October 20th.

(14:50) If we go back up to the top, Sunday morning classes and articles, we got through that. (14:57) Now there’s the Wednesday class recordings, notes, and articles, (15:02) and Wednesday is an active class, and we’re recording time. (15:07) Here’s Tom’s classes.

(15:10) The 16th was last Wednesday. (15:15) It was his 75th Christian Apologetics class, Christian Apologetics Part 75. (15:26) Now I added something recently, and we only have—I went back to July, (15:35) but I learned how to get our sermons, the recordings of our sermons transcribed, (15:45) and then once you transcribe them, the service is linked to chat with Turbo.

(15:51) It’s called TurboScribe. (15:53) It takes the audio recording and puts it in word sentence format, sentences in paragraph format, (15:59) and then it has a link to ChatGPT, which is another AI, artificial intelligence, (16:08) and it will summarize the transcript that TurboScribe generated. (16:18) So if you go to his notes, I have the detailed summary, (16:23) and the detailed summary was generated by ChatGPT.

(16:29) We also have the transcript. (16:32) To see the transcript, and the transcription was by TurboScribe, that’s also an AI. (16:38) If you click on the HTML—well, not the HTML.

(16:42) The transcript is what Tom said, word for word, (16:48) and I put—I left the timestamps in so you can see what time he said that in the recording, (16:58) and then you can go back and then hit the summary because ChatGPT put the timestamps in. (17:06) So on the transcript, I have timestamps, and then Chat had timestamps on the summary that we’re looking at. (17:15) So you can find out if you’re in here and you want to see exactly.

(17:20) You know, here it says at the 30-second mark, within the first minute, (17:26) Tom had an introduction to signposts, pointing to God, and then before the minute was up, (17:34) he also had Jesus' example and human doubt. (17:40) So you could go to the transcript and look up with the timestamp to see exactly what he said. (17:47) Chat summarized this, too.

(17:50) So here’s the summary of what Tom said Sunday night. (17:55) So you can look at his classes. (17:58) If you’re not sure what he said or you want to find the scripture that he references, that’s in the transcript.

(18:05) All that information is available. (18:08) And we can even listen to them because you can bring up the notes and go back here (18:14) and then start the recording, and then you can read along as he’s talking. (18:21) All right.

(18:22) Other Bible studies that’s outdated, elementary teachings. (18:28) It’s the first principles out of Hebrews 6, 1, and 2. (18:32) Tips on how to do a topic study. (18:36) These are links, so if you click on them, it brings up.

(18:40) These are just my notes, not Jim’s notes. (18:43) Jim’s had more thorough notes. (18:47) This is what I had.

(18:50) Romans class recordings, I put those in there. (18:53) The apologetics Bible and science. (18:56) The Bible is apologetics.

(18:59) The Church of Christ, here’s the Apologetics Press website. (19:04) So it will take you right to the apologetics website. (19:08) You can look at all that stuff.

(19:11) Got a wealth of information as featured in this morning’s lesson. (19:17) And then the denominational stuff. (19:22) There’s the Institute of Creation Research, the Ark Encounter.

(19:27) So about the Ark. (19:30) There’s the Ark, by the way. (19:32) Have you seen that, pictures of that? (19:33) The Ark in Tennessee.

(19:36) There it is. (19:37) That’s the actual size of the Ark according to Biblical specifications. (19:45) There’s little cars and stuff.

(19:48) There’s the Ark. (19:52) A reference. (19:54) See that little stuff there? (19:56) Looks like English.

(19:59) All right. (20:00) So that and then Creation Museum also. (20:04) There’s a bunch of other stuff.

(20:06) I just didn’t put the links in. (20:08) Bible facts, those are way out. (20:10) They’re just frameworks, so nothing really in there.

(20:14) Then comes the sermons and notes. (20:16) And I went back to August, August 18, and all of this is what the same thing that I did for Tom, like Tony Bodecker. (20:38) I took his recording and submitted it.

(20:41) This is the summary of what Tony said when he was here. (20:45) I put in the Scripture readings also and who read them. (20:50) Kevin Woolsley and Tom Fried read the morning Scripture.

(20:55) And then here’s what Tony had, the words of encouragement. (20:59) This is the summary. (21:00) It’s not the transcript.

(21:05) Personal reflections on gratitude, importance of the Gospel, need for preachers and hearing the Gospel, (21:11) human need for salvation, society’s war with truth and sin. (21:19) There’s the outline more or less of the sermon, the summary. (21:24) And if you want, what’s cool about this, I can start him talking.

(21:33) And now they can read along with it if you want to tell them about Nahum. (21:37) The story of Nahum in space, part two. (21:45) Also, I’m going to have to wrap it up actually.

(21:49) But anyway, also in here, I’ll go to the bottom of the page, January 5, Steve Cain. (21:58) This is all Steve Cain stuff. (22:01) I started doing some of his.

(22:05) So he has one, and they’re all pretty deep that he had. (22:12) So in the evening on January 12 of 2020, Steve preached about Jesus as high priest. (22:23) This whole section in January for a few weeks, he was doing the Hebrews out of the book of Hebrews.

(22:31) And so there’s all that stuff that he was talking about, about Hebrews and the points he was making. (22:44) And you can go to, if he referenced a scripture, you could go to in here and see where that reference was. (22:56) Let me get back to the top.

(22:58) And just quickly, I’ll show you the members page. (23:04) Down here, you’ll need to type in your first name dot last name. (23:14) So Walter.

(23:15) You would do W-A-L-T-E-R dot Kobisky. (23:23) That’s the ID. (23:25) Your first name dot last name.

(23:28) Then the password is the Church of Christ password, lowercase, no spaces, no colons. (23:41) If I had some help, I would have somebody help me do a proper login. (23:47) But right now, that’s all we can do.

(23:50) Your first name, last name. (23:52) And I don’t want to save that. (23:55) And it came up and it said, Welcome, Walter Kobisky.

(23:58) You are successfully logged in. (24:01) So you’re in there. (24:03) And then on our member page, we have a prayer list that’s also in our newsletter.

(24:11) I keep them there. (24:13) They’re the same. (24:14) So the difference between HTML and PDF, here’s a PDF.

(24:21) And if you want to print or download so you can print, you would tap the PDF. (24:31) That’s why it’s there. (24:33) Otherwise, on your phone, you don’t want to use PDF because a phone can’t handle it.

(24:43) So use the main link, and that’s the HTML, which resizes for your device. (24:50) So that’s why this here, it flows and it’s easier to see. (24:55) Okay.

(24:57) We have a church directory. (24:59) It’s woeful. (25:00) Even though it says 12-4-2023, it’s woefully out of date.

(25:06) Okay. (25:07) Conference call information. (25:09) What do you do on a conference call? (25:12) That’s in our members' website.

(25:15) You click on that, and it comes up here and tells you the call-in number. (25:20) We actually have two numbers. (25:22) One needs a code.

(25:23) We don’t use that one hardly anymore. (25:26) And then one doesn’t need an access code. (25:28) And that’s the one pretty much everybody uses.

(25:32) And then there’s some recommendations on commuting, how to do communion, the offering, (25:41) responding to the invitation, and participating. (25:44) So that’s all there. (25:46) Okay.

(25:47) Then our bylaws are available from that website. (25:53) Those are bylaws. (25:56) Then the next six sections are what we use, all but one of them.

(26:03) Only five are actually used anymore. (26:06) Our programs that we come up with, I call it virtual church because we were calling from home. (26:12) I mean, really at the church.

(26:14) We were faking it that we were at the church. (26:18) So I called it virtual church because virtual isn’t reality. (26:23) Anyway, virtual church.

(26:26) This is the last three months. (26:29) And then it expires. (26:32) I only keep a few because we don’t need these anymore.

(26:37) The newsletter, we have all the newsletters from when we started going virtual April 5th, 2020. (26:50) Every newsletter since then. (26:55) So those, I don’t plan on aging them off.

(26:59) They’ll just be there. (27:02) Sermon assignments. (27:04) This is where I get from Mike.

(27:07) I give him a blank form, and he gives me the filled-in form. (27:11) And then that filled-in gets put on our website and gets posted on the back board. (27:17) This is that information.

(27:22) But it’s available on the member’s website. (27:26) So if you want to look at it at any time, you can go to it and have the most recent version of that document. (27:36) So that’s sermon assignment.

(27:39) I don’t do the Devo anymore. (27:42) That is outdated. (27:47) And song leader schedule.

(27:50) We have all the song leader schedules. (27:53) There’s that. (27:55) And that helps Mike, I imagine, to schedule the services.

(28:02) See who’s trying not to overschedule anybody. (28:07) And then service assignments. (28:08) And this is what you also see in the back.

(28:14) So all of it’s available, and this is what’s updated before it gets published here. (28:22) So this is the most current version that’s always on our website. (28:29) And this is also the document that gets linked to in the email.

(28:34) So in an email, like I sent out, this was for tonight. (28:43) You have tonight’s program, and you also have the October service assignments, the September, (28:52) October sermon assignments that we looked at, and then the song leader schedule. (28:57) So you have the three main schedules we use for our services.

(29:02) And you get to them just by clicking on it, and it brings it up. (29:06) So you don’t actually have to go to the member’s website to do that. (29:12) Get the most recent in October.

(29:14) We’ll have October’s information on it. (29:17) So any one of the emails for services for the current month will have links to those schedules. (29:32) So if you need to see any of that information, look for your email.

(29:36) And even if you don’t have, like, today’s, you could look at last week’s, (29:41) and those links would take you to the same documents, last week’s. (29:45) That was October. (29:47) All right.

(29:49) So I’ll conclude with that. (29:52) What do you think? (29:53) Is that useful? (29:56) So we’ll extend the invitation to, I guess we can add this. (30:01) We’ve got to do the song.

(30:03) Anybody who needs it, come while we stand and sing. (30:06) And whoever’s going to lead, you might want to do it from here so it gets recorded.