24-0915p - Eye On The Prize, Tom Freed
Bible Reader: Mike Mathis

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Eye On The Prize

Summary of Transcript (0:04 - 25:02)

Scripture Reading (0:04 - 0:38)

(0:04 - 0:15) - Introduction

Speaker introduces the reading from 1 Corinthians 9:24-27.

(0:18 - 0:38) - Scripture Reading
1 Corinthians 9:24-27
  • Those who run in a race all compete, but only one wins the prize.

  • Encouragement to run with the intent to win.

  • Athletes exercise self-control for a perishable reward, while Christians seek an imperishable one.


  1. (0:39 - 0:53) - Application of Discipline

    • The speaker emphasizes purposeful discipline in life, not aimlessness.

    • The importance of self-discipline is highlighted to avoid disqualification after teaching others.

  2. (0:59 - 1:15) - Sermon Introduction: "Keep Your Eye on the Prize"

    • The speaker introduces the theme of the sermon: staying focused on eternal goals amidst worldly distractions.

  3. (1:17 - 2:01) - Distractions in Life

    • The world is full of distractions that can take our focus away from God.

    • Examples of distractions include entertainment, politics, social media, and more.

  4. (2:02 - 2:52) - Worldly Distractions and Worries

    • Though some distractions may seem harmless, they can still shift attention from God.

    • The speaker notes that politics, in particular, has become a common topic of conversation and concern.

  5. (2:52 - 3:35) - Biblical Examples of Tough Times

    God’s people throughout history have faced difficult circumstances. Examples include Noah’s time, Sodom and Gomorrah, and the Israelites' slavery in Egypt.

  6. (3:36 - 4:38) - Jesus' Focus on Spiritual, Not Political, Matters

    • Jesus lived under Roman rule, but His focus was on doing God’s will, not politics.

    • The speaker refers to Mark 12:17, where Jesus speaks about giving to Caesar what is Caesar’s.

  7. (4:39 - 5:28) - Focus on God’s Will

    • Jesus focused on God’s will (John 6:38), which should serve as an example for Christians.

    • Matthew 6:33 is cited, urging Christians to seek God’s kingdom first.

  8. (5:29 - 6:10) - Not Worrying About Worldly Matters

    • Jesus wasn’t concerned with worldly politics or power; Christians should follow His example.

    • The devil tries to distract Christians from their purpose.

  9. (6:12 - 6:57) - Worries and Distractions in Modern Life

    • Christians today worry about many things like money, relationships, and politics.

    • These concerns distract from focusing on God.

  10. (6:57 - 7:27) - God’s Command Not to Worry

    • Philippians 4:6 encourages believers not to be anxious about anything but to pray instead.

  11. (7:30 - 8:12) - Focus on Positive Things

    • Philippians 4:8-9 encourages focusing on things that are noble, pure, and praiseworthy.

    • The peace of God will guard those who follow these principles.

  12. (8:14 - 9:03) - Eternal Perspective: This World is Not Our Home

    • Christians should focus on their eternal home in heaven (Hebrews 13:14, Philippians 3:20).

    • The world is temporary, and eternity with God is the ultimate goal.

  13. (9:05 - 9:52) - Concern for Eternity

    • The speaker stresses the importance of focusing on eternity, especially for future generations.

    • Colossians 3:2 instructs believers to set their minds on heavenly things.

  14. (9:54 - 10:17) - Jesus' Focus on God’s Will

    • Jesus dedicated His life to fulfilling God’s will, which should be the primary focus of Christians (Ephesians 2:10).

  15. (10:19 - 11:07) - The Game of Life and Winning Spiritually

    • The speaker compares life to a game, where winning means following God’s path.

    • Many people today follow worldly success, but true victory comes through faith in Christ.

  16. (11:07 - 12:00) - Deception of the World

    • Many are deceived by the devil into believing worldly success is the goal.

    • Revelation 12:9 refers to Satan deceiving the whole world.

  17. (12:00 - 13:14) - Christian Worldview as Truth

    • The Christian worldview best explains life and reality.

    • Christianity is supported by evidence and offers the only way to win in life: faith in God.

  18. (13:14 - 14:00) - Winning Through Faith, Not Worldly Success

    • The parable of Lazarus and the rich man (Luke 16:25) is used to illustrate that worldly success means nothing compared to spiritual victory.

  19. (14:01 - 15:00) - Focusing on God’s Will to Win

    • Christians should prioritize God’s will over worldly distractions and success, as the true prize is eternal life with God.

  20. (15:02 - 16:21) - Athletic Analogy: Running the Christian Race

    • The speaker compares the Christian life to an athletic race, where believers must discipline themselves and run to win an imperishable crown (1 Corinthians 9:24-27).

  21. (16:22 - 17:41) - Sacrifice and Suffering in the Christian Life

    • Just as athletes sacrifice and suffer for a prize, Christians must endure and sacrifice to receive their eternal reward (James 1:12, Philippians 3:14).

  22. (17:42 - 18:56) - Jesus as the Perfect Example

    • Jesus endured suffering and sacrifice to accomplish God’s will, and Christians are called to follow His example (Hebrews 12:1-2).

    • Paul also ran the race faithfully and knew he would receive his crown (2 Timothy 4:6-8).

  23. (18:56 - 20:12) - Paul’s Example of Endurance

    • Paul gave everything to finish the race, knowing he would receive his reward in heaven.

    • Christians are encouraged to run the race of life with the same determination.

  24. (20:13 - 21:30) - Judgment Day: The Reward for the Faithful

    • Christians look forward to Jesus’ return, while those who disobey will face judgment (Isaiah 2:19, Revelation 22:12).

  25. (21:32 - 22:12) - Fear of Judgment

    • The speaker reflects on the fear of standing before God in judgment, a fear that even righteous men in the Bible experienced.

  26. (22:13 - 23:31) - No Second Chances After Christ’s Return

    • Judgment Day is final, and only those who have lived according to God’s will shall be rewarded (John 5:29, Matthew 25:23).

  27. (23:33 - 24:28) - Eternal Victory for the Faithful

    • Christians will receive a crown of glory in heaven (1 Peter 5:4), and their efforts will be rewarded.

  28. (24:29 - 25:02) - Final Encouragement to Stay Focused

    • The speaker warns that judgment day is coming and encourages the congregation to stay focused on God, avoiding worldly distractions.