24-0804p - Yahweh Our Tabernacle, Part 2, Jim Lokenbauer
Bible Reader: Mike Mathis

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Yahweh Our Tabernacle, Part 2

The transcript from "240804p" revolves around a spiritual discussion, largely focusing on themes from the Bible, particularly the Old and New Testaments, relating to God’s presence, protection, and salvation. Here’s a detailed summary:

  1. Opening Scripture: The transcript begins with a reading from Zechariah 3:1-4, where Joshua, the high priest, stands before the angel of the Lord, and Satan stands to oppose him. God rebukes Satan and orders the removal of Joshua’s filthy garments, symbolizing the removal of iniquity.

  2. Yahweh and the Tabernacle: The speaker discusses the concept of Yahweh (God) as a presence that tabernacled (dwelt) with the Israelites in the wilderness. God’s presence is likened to pillars of cloud and fire, leading and protecting His people through their journey to the Promised Land. Exodus 13:21 is referenced, emphasizing how Yahweh guided the Israelites day and night. The significance of the tabernacle, where Moses met with God, is highlighted, showing how God’s presence dwelt among the people in their journey.

  3. Foreshadowing Christ: The speaker draws parallels between the Old Testament tabernacle and the coming of Christ. In John 1:14, it is said that the Word (Christ) became flesh and "tabernacled" among humanity. Jesus is portrayed as the fulfillment of the Old Testament types and shadows, such as the tabernacle and sacrifices.

  4. Protection in God’s Presence: Psalm 31:20 is discussed, where David praises God for hiding His people from harm in His shelter, a metaphor for divine protection. This theme is extended to Christ’s role as a protector and savior of believers. John 10:29 is cited to emphasize that no one can snatch believers from God’s hand.

  5. Old and New Testament Comparisons: The speaker compares the religious system under the Old Testament, where only the high priest could access God through animal sacrifices, to the New Testament where Jesus, as the ultimate high priest, grants direct access to God for all believers. The tearing of the temple veil at Christ’s death is discussed as a symbol of this new access to God (from Matthew 27:50-51).

  6. Christ as the New High Priest: Jesus is described as the eternal high priest, the mediator between God and man, allowing all believers to approach God without the need for animal sacrifices or human intermediaries. Jeremiah 31:31 and Isaiah’s prophecies are referenced, showing how the Old Testament foretold the coming of a new covenant and the Messiah, who would establish a more intimate relationship between God and His people.

  7. Spiritual Baptism: The speaker touches on the idea that just as the Israelites were led through the Red Sea (seen as a type of baptism), Christians are baptized into Christ. 1 Corinthians 10:1-4 is used to show that Christ was present with the Israelites, providing spiritual sustenance. The parallels between Moses as a type of Christ and the angel of the Lord with Christ are explored.

  8. Worship and Communion: Worship no longer depends on a physical temple, as Christians can now worship anywhere, as long as they gather in the name of Christ. This is supported by Matthew 18:20. The speaker also discusses the Lord’s Supper as a continuation of the spiritual sustenance God provided to the Israelites, likening it to the manna from heaven.

  9. Paul’s Assurance: The transcript concludes by quoting Romans 8:31-39, where Paul reassures believers that nothing can separate them from the love of Christ. Even trials, persecution, and death cannot break the bond between God and His chosen people.

  10. Encouragement to Repentance: The speaker encourages self-reflection and repentance, urging listeners to examine their lives and align themselves with God’s teachings, avoiding willful sin.

This summary captures the key points of the transcript, which focuses on themes of God’s enduring presence, Christ’s role as a protector and savior, and the new covenant that offers direct access to God through Christ.