24-0519p - The Greatness of the 1st Commandment, Part 2, Mike Mathis
Bible Reader: John Nousek

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The Greatness of the 1st Commandment, Part 2

Transcript (0:03 - 35:45)

Scripture Reading

Bible Reader: John Nousek

(0:03) Good evening. So this evening’s first reading directly from the mind of our (0:11) Lord comes to us the first book of John chapter 2 verses 15 and 16 which reads (0:24) as follows. Do not love the world or the things in the world.

If anyone loves the (0:34) world, the love of the Father is not in him. For all that is in the world, the (0:43) lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life is not of the (0:52) Father, but is of the world. (0:54)


Preacher: Mike Mathis

(0:59) Greetings everyone. We’re continuing tonight with the lesson that we started this morning, looking at the greatness of the first (1:14) commandment. In Matthew 22, 34 through 40, is where the Pharisees are asking Jesus. They are tempting Jesus with this question, which they have (1:48) always tried to do.

He had just finished talking to the Sadducees who do not believe in the Resurrection, but they approached Jesus with the scenario of a man having seven wives, or this, this man having a wife, (2:19) and he died, and this woman marries his brother, and he dies, and then she marries a brother, on down to the seventh one. And Jesus told them they are not knowing the Scriptures, and telling them that there is, (2:48) well they wanted to know who would have her as wife in the Resurrection. And these gentlemen, they heard that, now they didn’t believe in the Resurrection, so they thought they were going to trap him with that question.

(3:15) But he let them know that they are, and that such an event is not going to happen, for there is no marriage, or given in marriage, in heaven. (3:35) And so, when the Pharisees heard that he had silenced the Sadducees, they gathered together. Then one of them, a lawyer, asked him a question, testing him and saying, (3:53) Teacher, which is the great commandment in the law? Jesus said to him, you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind.

This is the first and great commandment. The second is like it, you shall love your neighbor as yourself. (4:19) Now, on these two commandments, hang all the law and the prophets.

Now, the title of Melissa is the greatness of the first commandment. Now that isn’t the first commandment ever given, it just means that it’s the foremost commandment. (4:46) It is the greatest commandment, according to some translations of the Scripture.

And therefore, he tells them, the answer to this is, you shall love the Lord your God. (5:06) Now, this morning, we talked about the commandment being great, because of its object, God. And we discussed that God then should be the object of our love, because he loved us.

(5:35) John 3.16 says that, For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. (5:53) So, with his love for us, and the motivation that he has for mankind, he sacrificed his only begotten Son. And Jesus loved us, that he willingly laid his life down for us.

(6:16) And this commandment is great, because we love him, because he loved us. And we show the difference between things that do not have life in them, and the living God who does have sin. (6:43) Things do not know when we may have our hearts broken.

But God knows everything about us. He knows what is going on. And he loves us.

So we need to love him, we need to turn to him and be with him. (7:09) Now, secondly, this commandment is great, because of its priority. This is the first commandment for God’s people, or it is the commandment that is the greatest commandment.

(7:35) And it then, Deuteronomy 6.5, this is what Moses told the Israelites, that they were to love God, they were to love him with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind. (7:59) No love should be put before love for God. If we consider how much God loves us, we should love God.

(8:16) Our love for God must be first, above our family. (8:30) I know, you know, for some people, parents or their family, they hear the teaching of the Bible, and that teaching is not the same that their family member is exposing. (8:54) They love them more than what they do for God.

(9:06) And as a matter of fact, one young lady years ago told me that she wanted to be in hell if her family was going to be in hell. (9:21) I just couldn’t understand that statement. (9:28) But in Matthew 10.47, Jesus tells them, He who loves father or mother more than me is not worthy of me.

(9:58) And he who loves father or daughter more than me is not worthy of me. (10:05) And you know, family members can be one’s worst enemies, or a man’s enemies will be those of his own household. (10:22) In those days, it was dangerous for a child or a son or someone in the family to become a Christian.

(10:40) They almost are met with death because of the difference that the family has. (10:52) And therefore, they would not obey the command, they would not listen to what Jesus commanded them. (11:10) And so, we should love God, we should love Jesus.

(11:19) The song we sang this morning, Jesus is all the world to me. (11:24) He should be. He should be all the world to us.

(11:31) And then in 1 John 2.15, we’re told not to love the world. (11:50) Now, we heard this in John 3.16 that God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son. (12:07) And here we’re told, do not love the world or the things in the world.

(12:14) Now, the world can be, when we speak of world, we may be speaking of the geographical world. (12:28) What the world or even the heavens that are above us, the world, we may be talking about that. (12:42) We can speak, when we’re speaking of the world, it is the people in the world.

(12:51) So in John 3.16, the world would be the people. (12:57) Here, He says, love not the world. (13:03) And then the explanation is, if anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him.

(13:14) For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, (13:24) is not of the Father, but is of the world. (13:31) This is how the devil tempts us through these areas. (13:38) That’s how Eve was tempted, through these three areas.

(13:42) That is how Jesus was tempted, through these areas. (13:51) Jesus' response to Satan and his temptation was, it is written, it is written, it is written. (14:04) We can overthrow the temptation by realizing that the Word says (14:13) that the lust of the flesh and the lust of the eyes and the pride of life (14:20) is not of the Father, but is of the world.

(14:25) And these things are the things that are really troubling to a lot of people. (14:32) People give in to what the world puts before them. (14:40) As we discussed this morning, you know, the things.

(14:43) You know, we make idols. (14:47) We are taking a drink, alcoholic drink, or dope, or whatever, (15:03) and having love of money. (15:06) These things perish away, and they are not of the world.

(15:16) And it says, the world is passing away, and the lust of it. (15:23) But he who does the will of God abides forever. (15:30) So why would we want to have something that passes away, (15:40) or cling to that which we have it now, later we don’t.

(15:48) It ultimately passes from us. (15:53) Why not look for what abides forever? (15:59) And it is the doing of the will of God that abides forever. (16:08) That is in verse 17 that it says this.

(16:17) So we just need to realize that God is eternal, (16:25) and obeying him, loving him, and obeying him is doing his will, (16:38) and we abide forever. (16:42) Thirdly, this first commandment is great because of its blessings. (16:53) The greatest blessing is forgiveness of sins.

(17:01) In Luke 7, there is an occasion where Jesus is having a meal, (17:14) and while he is having a meal, (17:18) here comes a woman that comes into the house, (17:27) and in verse 36, (17:47) then one of the Pharisees asked him to eat with him, (17:57) and he went to the Pharisee’s house and sat down to eat. (18:04) And behold, a woman in the city, who was a sinner, (18:11) when she knew that Jesus sat at the table in the Pharisee’s house, (18:18) brought an alabaster flask of fragrant oil, (18:22) and stood at the feet behind him weeping. (18:27) She began to wash his feet with her tears, (18:31) and wiped them with the hair of her head, (18:35) and she kissed his feet and anointed them with the fragrant oil.

(18:43) Now when the Pharisee who had invited him saw this, (18:49) he spoke to himself, saying, (18:52) This man, if he were a prophet, would know who and what manner of woman this is (19:01) who is touching him, for she is a sinner. (19:10) And Jesus answered and said to him, (19:13) Simon, I have something to say to you. (19:18) So he said, Teacher, say it.

(19:21) There was a certain creditor who had two debtors, (19:26) one owed five hundred denial and the other fifty. (19:33) When they had nothing with which to repay, (19:38) he freely forgave them both. (19:43) Tell me, therefore, which of them will love him more? (19:50) Simon answered and said, (19:52) I suppose the one whom he forgave more.

(19:58) And he said, You have rightly judged. (20:03) He turned to the woman and said to Simon, (20:08) Do you see this woman? (20:10) I entered your house. (20:13) You gave me no water for my feet, (20:17) but she has washed my feet with her tears (20:21) and wiped them with the hair of her head.

(20:25) You gave me no kiss, (20:30) but this woman has not ceased to kiss my feet (20:33) since the time I came in. (20:37) You did not anoint my head with oil, (20:41) but this woman has anointed my feet with fragrant oil. (20:48) Therefore I say to you, (20:50) Her sins, which are many, are forgiven, (20:56) for she loved much.

(20:59) But to whom little is forgiven, (21:03) the same loves little. (21:06) Then he said to her, Your sins are forgiven. (21:11) And those who sat at the table with him began to say to themselves, (21:16) Who is this who even forgives sin? (21:21) Then he said to the woman, (21:24) Your faith has saved you.

(21:27) Go in peace. (21:30) So we have this woman who has many sins. (21:36) You know, this Pharisee said, (21:43) If this man knew who this woman is, (21:52) that is a sinner, (21:55) you know, the one that touches him, (21:58) you know, they must have had the thinking (22:00) that you get contaminated if someone sins.

(22:12) But it didn’t contaminate Jesus. (22:15) This woman didn’t contaminate him. (22:18) And he was criticized even for eating with sinners.

(22:24) But…​ (22:26) And then he put the question to her, (22:29) you know, about men owned, (22:32) or two men owned, (22:34) one a hundred and nine and the other fifty. (22:39) And then this creditor forgave both of them (22:45) when it came time for them to pay. (22:48) They didn’t have anything to pay.

(22:51) Well, he forgave them. (22:52) Now he said, Now which one would love him more? (23:02) I would say the one who was forgiven the most. (23:09) He said, You have rightly said, (23:10) and then he pointed out that (23:12) he didn’t give him water, (23:16) but this woman shed tears on his feet (23:20) and washed his feet with those tears, (23:24) dried them with the hairs of her head, (23:27) and anointed his feet with the oil.

(23:31) So this woman was forgiven of many sins. (23:36) So we can have forgiveness of sins. (23:41) Well, there are other blessings.

(23:45) Psalms 145 and verse 20 says, (23:48) The Lord preserves those that love him. (23:54) That is, he keeps them safe. (24:03) In 1 Timothy 1 verse 7, (24:08) For God has not given us the spirit of fear, (24:13) but of power, and of love, (24:17) and of a sound mind.

(24:22) And in Psalm 37, 4, (24:26) Delight yourself also in the Lord, (24:30) and he shall give you the desires of your heart. (24:34) That’s Psalm 37, 4. (24:39) So we see the blessings (24:42) that come from this command, (24:47) this first commandment, (24:48) this command to love God. (24:53) And if we love God, (24:55) we will also, or should also, (24:59) love our neighbor.

(25:01) This is the second commandment. (25:05) And he said, (25:05) On these two hang all the law and the prophets. (25:12) Now I want to turn to Mark 12 (25:22) and read from this passage.

(25:29) This is about the same thing. (25:39) Then one of the scribes, in verse 28, (25:43) Then one of the scribes came, (25:47) having heard them reasoning together, (25:51) perceiving that he had answered them well, (25:54) asked him, (25:56) Which is the first commandment of all? (26:02) Jesus answered him, (26:03) The first of all the commandments is, (26:07) Hear, O Israel, (26:09) The Lord our God, (26:11) the Lord is one. (26:16) That is then Deuteronomy 6, 4. (26:19) And then the next verse, (26:24) Deuteronomy 6, 5 says, (26:27) You shall love the Lord your God (26:30) with all your heart, (26:32) with all your soul, (26:34) with all your mind, (26:36) and with all your strength.

(26:39) This is the first commandment. (26:42) In this passage, (26:47) we’ve got four words in Deuteronomy 6, 5 (26:53) and Matthew 22. (27:02) There’s three things it says.

(27:06) But in this one, there are four things that are there. (27:11) And it is, (27:14) Love with all your heart, (27:17) love with all your soul, (27:20) love with all your mind, (27:22) and love with all your strength. (27:27) Now, that takes a pretty good bit of man.

(27:35) Now, each one of us has a different strength. (27:44) But God knows it. (27:46) But what we have, (27:49) we ought to love him (27:52) with all of us.

(27:53) And with all that we have, (27:59) Romans 12, 1. (28:01) I want to read Romans 12, 1 (28:10) because it also will say something (28:14) that I want to make a connection. (28:23) I beseech you, therefore, brethren, (28:27) by the mercies of God, (28:30) that you present your bodies (28:33) a living sacrifice, (28:36) holy, acceptable to God, (28:39) which is your reasonable service. (28:44) Notice he says, (28:48) Sacrifice your bodies (28:50) a living sacrifice.

(28:55) Now, this includes the whole man. (29:02) This is what God requires of us. (29:13) But Paul here, (29:15) in talking to these Romans, (29:17) he’s begging them.

(29:20) He says, by the mercies of God. (29:22) See, God’s merciful. (29:26) And then, that we present our bodies (29:29) a living sacrifice.

(29:32) See, those are the sacrifices (29:35) that used to be given (29:36) under the old law (29:38) required that the (29:43) animal that they sacrificed would die. (29:49) But what he’s requiring from us (29:53) is a living sacrifice. (29:57) And as we notice (30:01) that God made a sacrifice (30:05) in giving up his only begotten son, (30:12) and Jesus made a sacrifice (30:16) in giving himself up (30:18) and dying for us, (30:22) showing love for us, (30:26) and that he dies for us, (30:29) taking our place there, (30:32) dying vicariously for us.

(30:37) In 2 John, verse 6, (30:43) we’ve got, (30:44) This is love (30:46) that we walk according (30:49) to his commandments. (30:53) This is the commandment (30:55) that as you have heard (30:58) from the beginning, (31:00) you should walk in it. (31:05) That is meaning that (31:08) we must have an obedient love.

(31:15) And if we love God, (31:19) if we love Jesus, (31:23) Jesus told his disciples, (31:26) If you love me, (31:29) keep my commandments. (31:32) Or in other translations, (31:36) it might be, (31:37) If you love me, (31:39) you keep my commandments. (31:42) So it means that if we really love (31:47) God as we should, (31:52) we will be obedient (31:54) and that love will be obedient.

(31:57) We will walk in his commands. (32:02) So this means that (32:06) after one hears God, (32:13) one must believe (32:14) and be baptized (32:16) to be saved, (32:19) to have his sins remitted. (32:23) Mark 16, 15, and 16.

(32:29) One needs to repent (32:31) of his sins (32:32) and be baptized (32:33) for the remission of sins. (32:39) Be willing to confess (32:41) faith in Christ (32:44) as being the Son of God (32:46) and continue to live (32:50) a life of faithfulness (32:52) to the end. (32:56) Now, (32:59) we need to continue (33:01) to believe (33:02) even after we obey the gospel.

(33:07) We continue to repent (33:10) of sins even committed (33:13) because we do commit sins (33:16) even after we are being saved. (33:20) We must be willing (33:23) to confess our faith. (33:27) We confess with our mouth (33:32) that Jesus is the Son of God (33:35) and then we are baptized (33:38) for the remission of our sins.

(33:43) That’s what continuing (33:46) to live a life of faithfulness (33:49) to the end (33:50) according to Revelation 2.10. (33:55) So we see this first commandment (33:59) being great (34:02) because of whose (34:07) love (34:09) is directed toward (34:11) God. (34:13) It is great because of his priority. (34:17) It must be our love for him (34:19) must be first.

(34:22) It is great because of his blessings. (34:25) The blessings that we receive, (34:28) the greatest, (34:29) the forgiveness of sins. (34:34) We’re told God loves us (34:37) and we are to love him.

(34:43) And if there’s anyone (34:44) that has anything (34:45) that they need to bring (34:48) before the congregation (34:51) or if there’s anyone (34:53) who hasn’t obeyed the gospel, (34:56) hasn’t believed (34:57) and hasn’t been baptized (34:59) for the remission of sins, (35:03) why not do so tonight? (35:07) You can text (35:11) Scott or Jim (35:14) or let them know (35:16) about your desires. (35:19) You are listening on the phone. (35:23) But anyway, (35:24) why not do this (35:26) while you have the opportunity? (35:28) Now is the time.

(35:31) Do not delay. (35:33) Love God (35:34) because he loves you. (35:39) Why not come (35:40) and why not do that (35:43) while we stand and sing?