24-0114a - 7-The Attack Upon the Biblical Family, Scott Reynolds
Bible Readers: Scott Reynolds and Roger Raines

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(Sermon Notes by Scott Reynolds)

7-The Attack Upon the Biblical Family

Summary of Transcript (0:03 - 27:29)

Scripture Readings:

1st Scripture Reading (0:03 - 1:18), Scott Reynolds
Genesis 1:21-22, 27-28.
  • Content: God created sea creatures, birds, and humans (male and female) in His image, blessing them to be fruitful, multiply, and have dominion over earth.

2nd Scripture Reading (1:23 - 3:18), Roger Raines
Genesis 8:15 - Chapter 9:1.
  • Content: God instructs Noah to leave the ark with his family and all living creatures to multiply on earth. Noah builds an altar, makes offerings, and God promises never again to curse the ground or destroy all living things. God blesses Noah and his sons to be fruitful and multiply.


Preacher: Scott Reynolds

(3:23 - 4:46) Introduction the Series

  • Series Context: Seventh session of "The Seven Threats of Our Time" by Dr. Del Tackett.

    • Plan: After this session, the next webinar will discuss "Where Do We Go From Here?", followed by a potential series on building a Christian worldview.

(4:48 - 9:18) Overview of the Seven Threats

  • Threat 1: Rise of the scoffer and the depraved mind.

  • Threat 2: Rise of Homo Deus and Neo-Christianity, where personal feelings are seen as divine.

  • Threat 3: Loss of noble male and virtuous female, rise of malevolent compassion.

  • Threat 4: Consolidation of massive earthly power, including technological control over individuals.

  • Threat 5: Rise of the demonic, Marxist-based worldview driving cultural division.

  • Threat 6: State of America, cultural softness, and dependency.

  • Threat 7: Attack upon the biblical family, which is the focus of this session.

(9:20 - 12:47) The Attack on the Biblical Family

  • Proverb: Proverbs 29:18 - "Where there is no vision, the people perish."

    • Discussion: Lack of vision in Christian families leads to pathologies, reducing their appeal as a model to the world.

  • Family in God’s Design: The family holds the deepest human relationships, making it a prime target for attack by Satan to destroy relationships.

(12:49 - 14:55) Biblical Foundation of Family

  • Scripture: Matthew 19:3-5, Malachi 2:11.

    • Jesus' Response: Refers back to Genesis, highlighting God’s original design for male and female unity.

    • Malachi’s Insight: God’s purpose in marriage is for unity and producing godly offspring.

(14:57 - 16:10) Creation and Fruitfulness

  • God’s Creative Intent: All creation is designed to be fruitful, reflecting God’s glory through relationships and diversity, particularly in the male-female union.

(16:12 - 19:18) God’s Character and Family

  • Trinitarian Reflection: The family reflects God’s triune nature - unity in diversity.

  • God’s Modus Operandi: Creation, equipping, empowerment, and sending out to be fruitful, which Satan opposes.

(19:20 - 20:55) Social Institutions

  • Family as Headwaters: The family is central to all of God’s social institutions, fostering fruitfulness in labor, ethics, and societal roles.

  • Family’s Influence on Labor: It produces ethical owners who make ethical products by ethical means.

  • Family’s Influence on the State: It produces righteous citizenry and righteous statesmen who lead with wisdom and righteousness. It is described as the fundamental heart of the community, ground zero for cultural health.

(20:57 - 21:03) Family and Community

  • Family and the Command to Love: The family produces Godly offspring who walk rightly before God, contributing to a loving community.

(21:05 - 21: ) Family and the Church

  • Family’s Impact on the Church: The family is the source of Godly offspring that populate the church, producing righteous worshipers and leaders.

(21:25 - 21:45) Critical Role of the Family

  • Risks of Undermining the Family: If the family is destroyed or distorted, it leads to cultural degradation in all institutions like labor, state, and church.

(21:47 - 23:03) Cultural Degradation Examples

  • Work Ethic and Labor: A decline in work ethic, leading to lazy or unethical workers, and a general reluctance to work (examples given include issues with newspaper delivery and airline pilot shortages during the 2022 Fourth of July weekend).

(23:05 - 24:00) Negative Outcomes in Society

  • State and Citizenship: Without righteous families, society sees an increase in unrighteous, violent, selfish, and apathetic citizens, leading to poor governance.

(24:02 - 24:52) Community and Church Decline

  • Community Relations: Destroying the family leads to communities at war with each other and a lack of neighborly love.

  • Church Health: The church suffers from less Godly offspring, leading to consumer worshipers or non-worshipers, and unrighteous church leaders.

(24:54 - 25:58) Marxist Influence on Family

  • Marxist Ideology:

    • Marx and Engels' aim to abolish existing social conditions, including the family, as seen in the Communist Manifesto.

    • Modern movements like Black Lives Matter initially advocating for the abolition of the family, reflecting Marxist influence.

(26:00 - 27:07) Cultural Attacks on Family

  • Current Cultural Trends: Marriage is increasingly disfavored, sex outside of marriage is normalized, pornography is mainstream, public policies and judicial decisions undermine family values, addictions and feminism are seen as destructive forces, and there’s an unprecedented attack on human sexuality.

(27:09 - 27:29) Hope and Action

  • Encouragement and Plan:

    • Despite these threats, there is hope, with the family being central to God’s plan for redemption and cultural restoration.

    • An invitation to continue the discussion in the evening session for more details on these issues and solutions.