23-0924a - 3-The Loss of the Noble Male, Scott Reynolds
Bible Readers: Scott Reynolds and Roger Raines
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(Sermon Notes by Scott Reynolds)
3-The Loss of the Noble Male
Summary of Transcript (0:03 - 30:57)
Scripture Readings:
- 1st Scripture Reading (0:03 - 0:18), Scott Reynolds
- Nahum 3:13,
The session begins with a scripture reading from Nahum, chapter three, verse 13, which states, "Behold, your troops are women in your midst. The gates of your land are wide open to your enemies." This passage is used to highlight the vulnerability of Nineveh due to the feminization of its male population.
- 2nd Scripture Reading (0:23 - 1:45), Roger Raines
- Malachi 2:13-16,
The speaker then introduces a reading from Malachi, chapter two, verses 13 through 16, which discusses the covenant of marriage. It criticizes the act of covering the altar with tears and questions why God no longer accepts offerings, attributing this to the faithless behavior towards one’s spouse. The passage emphasizes God’s disdain for divorce and the importance of fidelity in marriage for seeking godly offspring.
Preacher: Scott Reynolds
(1:50 - 2:51) Introduction to "The Seven Threats of Our Time"
After concluding the scripture readings, the speaker introduces a series by Dr. Del Tackett titled "The Seven Threats of Our Time." The focus for this session is on "The Loss of the Noble Male and the Rise of Malevolent Compassion," highlighting a cultural conflict between biblical views on sexuality and contemporary societal norms.
(2:51 - 4:05) Cultural Storm Fronts
The speaker explains that these threats are likened to storm fronts converging on Western culture, not merely as natural events but as profound cultural shifts. The first two storm fronts discussed previously were the "rise of the scoffer and the depraved mind," where the progression from simple-mindedness to scoffing is described, leading to societal strife and division.
(4:05 - 5:59) Depravity and Cultural Shift
This section delves deeper into the concept of a depraved mind, where God gives a culture over to sexual impurity and shameful lusts due to its rejection of biblical truths. The speaker notes how this cultural shift has influenced even legal systems, like decisions by the Supreme Court, and has led to a loss of common sense and logic in societal reasoning.
(5:59 - 9:21) Homo Deus and Neo-Christianity
The discussion moves to the second storm front, exploring the rise of "homo deus" where individuals believe they can define their own truth, particularly in terms of gender and sexuality. This self-deification is seen as infiltrating Christianity, leading to a form of neo-Christianity focused on self rather than biblical principles.
(9:23 - 14:17) The Loss of the Noble Male
The speaker introduces the third storm front, focusing on the "loss of the noble male" and the "virtuous female," suggesting that modern culture has led to the feminization of men, which historically has been a sign of the fall of great civilizations like Nineveh, Babylon, and Egypt. This feminization is not seen as a critique of women but rather as men abandoning their God-given roles.
(14:19 - 17:31) Biblical View of Gender
Finally, the speaker revisits Genesis to affirm the creation of humans in God’s image as male and female, each with distinct but complementary roles. The continuation of Malachi’s message is used to underline the sanctity of marriage and the consequences of faithlessness, reinforcing the theme of the session on maintaining biblical roles and integrity in personal relationships.
(17:31 - 18:03) Essence of Human Nature
The speaker emphasizes the fundamental essence of man as created by God, highlighting the distinct roles of male and female. He suggests that the enemy’s attack on these roles is because they form the foundation of human identity.
(18:03 - 20:49) Noble Male and Virtuous Female
Here, the speaker introduces the concepts of the "noble male" and "virtuous female," describing them as having two engines: truth, wisdom, and righteousness for the male, and grace and compassion for the female. These qualities are complementary but ordered differently, with the male driven by truth and wisdom first, and the female by grace and compassion. The male’s purpose is to protect and defend what is good, while the female’s is to nurture and comfort, both aligned with God’s truth and righteousness.
(20:50 - 22:47) Consequences of Rejecting God’s Truth
The speaker discusses what happens when a culture rejects God’s truth, wisdom, and righteousness. The noble male, lacking these guiding principles, turns inward, protecting only his own interests, becoming either a brute or a buffoon. Similarly, the virtuous female’s compassion becomes untethered from truth, leading to cultural imbalance.
(22:48 - 24:24) The Brutish Male
This section describes the "brutish male" who, devoid of noble qualities, focuses on self-protection and domination. Examples are drawn from current global conflicts and societal issues like domestic violence, illustrating how this male type seeks power and control without grace or compassion.
(24:25 - 26:54) The Buffoon Male and Cultural Impact
The "buffoon male" is portrayed as self-absorbed, neglecting family and societal duties for personal pleasure. This leads to the female taking on leadership roles both in the family and society due to the male’s abdication. The speaker references cultural representations in media to illustrate this shift.
(26:55 - 28:14) Unbridled Compassion
The speaker introduces the concept of "unbridled compassion," where the female’s natural drive for compassion is no longer guided by truth or righteousness, leading to societal issues where compassion becomes the sole ethic, which he terms as potentially malevolent.
(28:15 - 29:52) Cultural Rejection of the Noble Male
The culture’s rejection of biblical masculinity is discussed, where traditional male virtues are labeled as toxic, pushing men towards adopting more feminine traits to be accepted. The noble male, who sacrifices for the greater good, is contrasted with cultural expectations that diminish these qualities.
(29:52 - 30:47) Virtuous Female and Malevolent Compassion
The virtuous female is depicted through the example of Proverbs 31, where her actions are always guided by truth and righteousness. The speaker then sets the stage for a discussion on how unbridled compassion can become malevolent, suggesting a continuation of this theme in the next session.
(30:49 - 30:57) Conclusion and Invitation
The speaker concludes by inviting listeners to reflect on these issues, suggesting that understanding these dynamics is crucial for cultural recovery. An invitation for further engagement is extended as the session ends with a call to stand and sing.