23-0709a - Pleasing God, Part 1, Mike Mathis
Bible Readers: Roger Raines and Scott Reynolds

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Pleasing God, Part 1

Transcript (0:03 - 33:34)

Scripture Readings

1st Reader: Roger Raines
Romans 8:6-8,

(0:03) Good morning. Good morning, Walter. (0:06) I’ll be reading from the book of Romans, chapter 8, verse 8. (0:12) Romans 8. Actually, I’m going to take you to verse 6 for content purposes.

(0:17) For the mindset of the flesh on the flesh is death, but the mindset set on the spirit is life and peace. (0:26) Because the mindset on the flesh is hostile towards God, for it does not subject itself to the law of God, for it is not even able to do so. (0:39) Verse 8. And those who are in the flesh cannot please God. (0:45) This concludes this reading. (0:47)

2nd Reader: Scott Reynolds
Colossian 3:20,

(0:52) The second scripture reading is Colossians chapter 3, verse 20. (0:56) Colossians 3, verse 20.

(1:00) Children, be obedient to your parents in all things, for this is well pleasing to the Lord. (1:06)


Preacher: Mike Mathis

(1:11) Good morning. Good morning.

(1:13) We welcome our visitors as well. (1:18) We want you to be welcome. (1:24) And it is my pleasure once again to present a message from God’s word.

(1:37) Now, whether you have caught it or not, my lesson is on pleasing God. (1:49) You know, one time I greeted a sister in Christ at her worship service back home. (2:05) I said, good morning, how are you doing? (2:11) And she snapped back, as I please.

(2:17) You know, man has the, he is bent on doing things that pleases him. (2:29) But it should be our desire to please God. (2:36) After all, he is our maker, and he is the one that supplies our every need.

(2:50) Proverbs 16, 7 says, when a man’s ways please the Lord, he makes even his enemies to be at peace with him. (3:08) You know, it is easy to please God, because he says what he means, and he means what he says. (3:19) He is very straightforward.

(3:24) What he wants us to do, he doesn’t change what is in his will. (3:35) He doesn’t change. (3:38) But man, he is always changing things.

(3:46) And it seems as if he changes the rules in the middle of the game. (3:54) So, it is really easy to please God. (4:01) But trying to please man, sometimes it just, it is not possible.

(4:12) Before we go into what is pleasing to God, let’s talk about what doesn’t please God. (4:25) The things that do not please God are those things which are abominations to God. (4:35) Now, I am not going through the Bible and picking out where it says this or that is an abomination.

(4:45) I want to go to Proverbs 6 and verse 16 and reading through verse 19. (4:57) It says, these six things the Lord hates, yet seven are an abomination to him. (5:07) And an abomination is something that is hated.

(5:12) And in this case, it is what the Lord hates. (5:21) What he hates is a proud look, a lying tongue, hands that shed innocent blood, (5:30) a heart that divides wicked plans, feet that are swift in running to evil, (5:39) a false witness who speaks lies, and one who sows discord among the brethren. (5:50) These things do not possibly please God.

(5:57) In Proverbs 16, 18, it says, pride goes before destruction and haughtiness before a fall. (6:09) So someone that has and is really proud and has a proud look and is being proud (6:18) is soon to meet with destruction and a lying tongue. (6:28) There is a lot of falsehood that is going on in the world.

(6:33) And we know that God is not pleased with lying, hands that shed innocent blood. (6:47) We have had a lot of that, including aborting unborn children. (6:56) They may not think, or at least they want to make out like killing an unborn child is nothing, (7:09) but it is murder.

(7:13) It is what God is not pleased with. (7:20) A heart that divides wicked plans. (7:28) I have been watching this program called Forensic Files, (7:35) and sometimes the suspect has been known to, (7:43) before he commits a crime, and it could be a murder, (7:49) mostly it’s a murder, (7:51) that this suspect has plotted and planned this killing, (8:01) and went through with that.

(8:09) And then there are other wicked plans that people will make (8:16) that certainly isn’t pleasing to God. (8:21) Feet that are swift in running to evil. (8:26) Oh, this is something that is really plaguing the world and this nation.

(8:36) We have people that once someone can even speak out and say, (8:45) I am uncomfortable with this, (8:50) that those who are for whatever makes this person uncomfortable, (9:00) they seek to do something harmful to the individual, (9:09) and they are swift in running to do this evil. (9:14) But you know, when someone says that, (9:22) even the President of the United States is guilty of saying (9:28) that that person is using language that is provocative. (9:35) I don’t see anything provocative in that.

(9:39) That person is uncomfortable with what is going on. (9:45) Why not listen to that person? (9:48) Why not let that person speak his mind? (9:54) That person is not inciting a riot. (9:58) We can go even in the Bible, in the New Testament times, (10:06) when the disciples, the apostles, (10:08) were teaching the gospel to the people in control of the nation, the leaders.

(10:24) This was provocative, but really it was the gospel. (10:32) A false witness who speaks lies. (10:36) Someone that tells lies against another person.

(10:44) And speaks these things to the hurt of that person. (10:50) God is not really pleased with that. (10:55) And one who sows discord among the brethren.

(11:00) Now that is a frightening part. (11:07) There are those that will cause discord among those in the spiritual family. (11:18) Among the spiritual family.

(11:22) And set up strife. (11:26) And sad to say, some preachers will do that. (11:33) Will set up discord.

(11:37) And that is what is really disturbing. (11:43) But then, the other thing that is displeasing to God, (11:57) is to be in the flesh. (12:00) That means to do things that are fleshly.

(12:10) To be carnal minded. (12:12) It’s enmity against God. (12:16) And God says in Romans 8, (12:21) that these things that are in the flesh cannot please God.

(12:29) And in the Bible, the first chapter of Romans, (12:37) 1 Corinthians 6, verse 9, 10 and forward, (12:46) we find another list of things. (12:52) It says that those who do such things cannot inherit the kingdom of God. (13:02) We have a list of the works of the flesh in Galatians 5, 19 through 21.

(13:13) Now the works of the flesh are evident, (13:17) which are adultery, fornication, uncleanness, lewdness, (13:23) idolatry, sorcery, hatred, contentions, jealousies, (13:29) outbursts of wrath, selfish ambitions, dissensions, (13:35) heresies, envy, murders, drunkenness, revelries, and the like. (13:43) Of which I tell you beforehand, just as I told you in time past, (13:50) that those who practice such things will not inherit the kingdom of God. (13:59) It is because God is highly displeased (14:04) when we work these works that are listed here.

(14:10) Now this isn’t exhaustive. (14:13) We go through, just like I say in Romans 1, (14:18) and 1 Corinthians 6, 9, 10, and that area, (14:28) we have those lists of things that will keep us from inheriting the kingdom of God. (14:36) These things certainly God is not pleased with.

(14:43) Next it is that doesn’t please God is vain worship. (14:55) Now we could have someone say, (15:01) don’t we all worship the same God? (15:08) Well, you know, Cain and Abel went to worship God, (15:11) offered their sacrifices, (15:15) but God had respect for one, (15:18) and he rejected the other one. (15:21) Why? (15:23) He accepted one that was offered by faith.

(15:28) The other one did not offer by faith. (15:33) And he didn’t accept it. (15:36) Yet they were worshiping the same God.

(15:41) But one pleased him and one did not. (15:45) So we need to understand that vain worship does not please God. (15:55) In Matthew 15, it is in this setting that the scribes and pharisees (16:10) approached Jesus and asked him, (16:14) why do your disciples transgress the traditions of the elders (16:20) when they do not wash their hands when they eat bread? (16:25) Now I’m going to elaborate on that in just a minute.

(16:31) But Jesus in verse 8 says, (16:35) These people, well, verse 7, let me read that. (16:40) Hypocrites, where did Isaiah prophesy about you, saying, (16:48) These people draw near to me with their mouth and honor me with their lips, (16:56) but their heart is far from me. (16:59) In vain do they worship me, (17:02) teaching as doctrines the commandments of men.

(17:07) So there is such a thing as vain worship. (17:13) Now what was the trouble here? (17:18) They had a tradition and a ritual of going through a ritual (17:24) and really washing their hands and making sure and such, (17:33) because they had a belief that with unwashing hands (17:39) or that is going through the ritual would defile a man. (17:46) But then when Jesus was asked, (17:53) why did the disciples transgress the tradition of the elders (17:59) when they do not wash their hands when they eat bread, (18:05) this is Jesus' answer.

(18:08) He answered and said to them, (18:10) Why do you also transgress the commandment of God (18:15) because of your tradition? (18:20) For God commanded, saying, (18:23) Honor your father and your mother, (18:26) and he who curses father or mother, let him be put to death. (18:32) But you say, whoever says to his father or mother, (18:38) Whatever profit you might have received from me is a gift to God. (18:46) Then he need not honor his father or mother.

(18:51) Thus you have made the commandment of God of no effect by your traditions. (18:59) Now, some traditions may be handed down from God. (19:09) But there are traditions that come from man.

(19:15) And well, here is one of them. (19:18) And then there is a release from what the word of God said. (19:27) And he was serious about it.

(19:30) You know, God is serious. (19:32) He wanted father and mother to be honored. (19:39) And he was serious.

(19:40) Now, this evidently applies to an older person that was of age, (19:53) where they make up their mind what they’re going to do. (19:57) They refuse to listen to father or mother. (20:03) But then they curse their father or mother.

(20:08) Well, when father or mother gets old, they don’t take care of them. (20:18) Now, the way to get away and around taking care of father and mother, (20:27) these leaders would bring up this, (20:34) that if you say to your father and mother, (20:37) whatever profit you might have received from me is a gift from God. (20:44) I’m going to give it to God.

(20:48) And therefore, that doesn’t go to father and mother. (20:53) It takes for the children to look after their elderly father and mother. (21:06) And so with that, he said, then he need not honor his father or mother.

(21:16) Thus you have made the commandment of God of no effect. (21:20) You see, God is really serious when he wants his people to do right. (21:35) Now let’s look at what pleases God.

(21:39) Now, we talked about the commandment being not obeyed. (21:46) God intended for the children to honor father and mother. (21:57) Colossians 3.20. (21:59) And I appreciate the reading that Roger and Scott gave this morning.

(22:08) The scriptures that were read. (22:14) Here in Colossians 3.20, he said, (22:21) Children, obey your parents for this is well-pleasing in his sight. (22:31) This is well-pleasing to God.

(22:34) Now, Ephesians 6, beginning with chapter 1, or verse 1. (22:47) Children, obey your parents in the Lord for this is right. (22:54) Honor your father and mother, which is the first commandment with promise, (22:59) that it may be well with you and you may live long on the earth. (23:07) Children need to be obedient to their parents, (23:12) as long as what the parents tell them is not conflicting with God.

(23:21) And the children should obey. (23:27) It says it’s well-pleasing to God when they do. (23:32) When the children obey the parents.

(23:37) But now, let’s not put all of this load upon just the children. (23:46) Because Ephesians 6.4 says, (23:51) And you fathers, do not provoke your children to wrath, (23:59) but bring them up in the training and admonition of the Lord. (24:06) It is the father’s or the parent’s responsibility (24:13) to teach the children to be obedient to God and be well-pleasing to him.

(24:25) A parent will tell a child to do something and the child says, (24:29) No, I’m not going to do it. (24:32) That child needs to be taught that that’s no way to respond to that, (24:44) to command whatever has been told to them. (24:50) They do what they are told to do.

(24:56) And certainly, as that particular thing that they are to do does not displease God. (25:10) Notice that children, obey your parents in the Lord, for this is right. (25:21) Now, I haven’t explained that this was according to what the Word says, (25:31) which is that if a child understands that the parent is telling them to do something like stealing things, (25:47) and he’s not to obey the parent in that, (25:55) because that would be doing what God is not pleased with.

(26:03) But a parent should be willing to teach. (26:11) It is to the fathers that he said to bring them up in the training and the admonition of the Lord. (26:29) Somewhere in Proverbs it says, (26:33) Train up a child in the way in which he should go, (26:38) and when he is old he will not depart from it.

(26:43) Training is not just giving him training, letting him see. (26:52) No, but this is what is the parent’s responsibility and not the school’s. (26:59) You know, the schools seem to have taken over the education of the students.

(27:11) And even in spite of what parents may not want their children to have, (27:22) schools will put things there that a young child should not have. (27:37) I was looking at something, some things that a school board was faced with. (27:48) This 11-year-old was reading a book that was right in his school.

(27:55) He read from that book. (27:59) You know what he read from that book was smut. (28:04) You know, an 11-year-old, younger, should not be exposed to smut, (28:12) should not be exposed to such things.

(28:16) It’s not fit for an adult to see that. (28:21) And I get disgusted if I borrow a book from the library, (28:29) and it seems like it’s a good book, (28:32) but then right within the pages they’ve got to use some profanity. (28:41) That disgusts me.

(28:45) I’m an adult. (28:47) I don’t like that. (28:49) Well, suppose that we…​ (28:52) And this is a book that is supposed to be for young people, (29:03) 11 years old, just like this boy, (29:07) reading what was there.

(29:10) And I know that on one occasion, (29:13) there was a father that was talking to a board of education, (29:21) and they turned his microphone off (29:23) because of what he was protesting, (29:28) that these schools had…​ (29:32) He didn’t want his child or children to be exposed to it. (29:39) Now, they get older, (29:41) and afterward they make their own decisions. (29:46) You know, you can’t say anything.

(29:50) But in the schools, that should not be. (29:53) It should be the parents that teach the children, (29:59) and keep the smut away from young people. (30:06) And then, on top of that, (30:10) they want to ban the book, the Bible, (30:16) that would do good for everybody, (30:21) saying that it was full of violence and vulgarity.

(30:29) You know, we got what’s in the Bible. (30:32) There’s certain stuff that you can teach a child. (30:35) You don’t have to tell them everything that’s there.

(30:41) As we get older, they can read those things. (30:45) But there are just certain things (30:47) that children should not be exposed to. (30:53) But yet, they’re there, (30:55) and we want to take the Word of God out, (30:59) but they want to keep whatever it is (31:04) that the child can get his hands on.

(31:10) Well, I applaud the parents for speaking up (31:14) to the boards of education, (31:17) and letting them know that they don’t appreciate (31:21) the things that are happening. (31:25) But you know, they do that. (31:33) You know what? (31:33) We still, those who are parents, (31:37) we still have the responsibility (31:41) to teach their children.

(31:46) It doesn’t belong to anybody else. (31:48) It belongs to them, (31:49) because God made them parents, (31:55) and the parents were given those children. (31:59) It is up to them.

(32:02) Well, it’s up to each one of us (32:06) to desire to please God. (32:10) Now, do we want to please God, (32:13) or do we just go along with doing what pleases me? (32:23) Well, we’ve got a choice to make, (32:27) whether we’re going to serve God (32:29) or serve the world. (32:33) And that’s our choice.

(32:38) Hopefully, it’s everyone’s desire to please God. (32:45) And right now, the invitation is, (32:49) please God. (32:52) Do what He wants.

(32:54) Come to Him. (32:56) Be pleasing in the things that you do. (32:59) Yes, we’re going to continue to make mistakes, (33:06) but He is just to forgive us (33:10) if we will confess those faults.

(33:15) So now, in whatever way that you are subject (33:19) to the gospel invitation to put Christ on, (33:24) if you haven’t done so, (33:26) or whatever need that you have, (33:30) why not do so now, (33:32) while we stand and while we sing?