23-0625a - Perfect Peace, Tom Freed
Bible Readers: Mike Mathis and Tom Freed
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Perfect Peace
Transcript (0:03 - 34:11)
Scripture Readings
- 1st Reader: Mike Mathis
- Philippians 4:6-7,
(0:03) The first script reading this morning will be taken from Philippians, the fourth chapter, (0:14) verses six and seven. Philippians four, verses six and seven. (0:24) And I’ll be reading from the New King James Version.
(0:30) Be anxious for nothing but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving (0:40) let your requests be known to God and the peace of God which surpasses all understanding (0:49) will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus. That’s the reading from God’s Word. (0:58)
- 2nd Reader: Tom Freed
- Romans 8:28,
(1:04) Hello. I’ll be reading Romans 8:28. That’s Romans 8:28.
And we know that in all things (1:16) God works for the good of those who love him who have been called according to his purpose. (1.24)
Preacher: Tom Freed
(1:29) The title of my sermon is Perfect Peace. So what if somebody would say to you, (1:34) they didn’t answer to all your problems and offered you a worrying stress-free life. (1:42) What would you be willing to pay if somebody offered you a peace that is so great you can’t (1:46) even understand it? I think most people would be willing to cough up whatever money it took (1:52) to have this peace.
They’d be willing to pay probably thousands or hundreds of thousands for (1:59) that. As a Christian we receive all this for free but many of us don’t even realize it. (2:07) We’re bombarded every day with so much worldly evil and sin that it often blocks us from seeing (2:14) the great things God offers us.
So if you look in the world, I mean we’re constantly bombarded on TV, (2:22) you know, in the news, everywhere you look, everywhere you go, movies, the schools. (2:29) Even sports, you know, at this point have been infiltrated. You really can’t avoid (2:36) things being thrown at you.
So ever since the fall of Adam and Eve when they sent in the garden, (2:44) the world has been full of evil, trouble, and chaos. (2:49) The world was perfect until they committed a seemingly innocent sin of eating the forbidden (2:56) fruit. It didn’t take long for one of their sons to follow in their footsteps (3:02) but instead of eating the fruit he committed cold blooded murder.
(3:07) When Cain failed to offer the proper sacrifice to God, instead of repenting for his sin he decided (3:13) to kill his brother instead. He had an opportunity to repent and make things right with God (3:20) but instead he decided to kill his brother. This could be the mentality of the world.
(3:27) And at one time man’s wickedness on earth had become so great that every inclination of his (3:34) thoughts of his heart was only evil at all times. Genesis 6.5. So one time in the days of Noah, (3:45) everybody but Noah’s family, all their thoughts were evil all the time. (3:49) It was a great thing that we had Noah because God wanted to wipe out all of mankind.
(3:57) Genesis 6.6-8. The Lord was grieved that he had made man on earth and his heart was filled with (4:04) pain. So the Lord said, I will wipe out mankind whom I have created from the face of the earth. (4:12) Men and animals and creatures that move along the ground and the birds of the air.
(4:17) For I am grieved that I have made them. But Noah found favor in the Lord’s eyes. (4:26) So if it wasn’t for Noah we might not be here today.
We all might be wiped out. (4:32) Every thought of man was evil. It sounds like how some people are today.
(4:38) Luckily it’s not everybody like in that time but there’s still people today who constantly think (4:45) about evil and doing wrong. But nothing is new under the sun and all this madness has been going (4:51) on since the fall of the garden. We had a time of the flood we just read about.
(4:57) Sodom and Gomorrah and even in the time of Jesus a lot of people were wicked. (5:04) You know we look in a hundred years ago at the Nazis and the communists and even even today (5:11) you know currently in this country and around the world things that seem to be growing worse by the (5:17) minute. You know every every time you turn on the news you hear about something new.
We got (5:23) inflation. We have open borders. We’re on the verge of World War Three.
You know it’s like I said (5:32) there’s a lot of problems in this country and in the worldwide. You know in this country is worried (5:38) about things we shouldn’t be worried about. You know we can’t even figure out who should you know (5:44) politicians are worried about who should use what restroom instead of really figuring out this (5:50) country’s problems the bigger problems in life.
When you take God’s word out of the picture (5:57) you’re left with nothing but lies and deceit. You know science reason and logic have all gone out (6:04) the window in our current landscape and the world is flipped upside down. So people keep saying (6:10) science.
You know it’s political science because you know the world doesn’t use science. It doesn’t (6:18) use science. You know most of the world is deceiving evolution and a lot of the other things.
(6:24) Science isn’t a billion years ago nothing exploded and created everything we can see. (6:30) You know that’s not science. There’s a lot of science science gone wrong.
So people call (6:39) evil good and good evil. Isaiah 520. One of those who call evil good and good evil.
(6:47) Who put darkness for light and light for darkness. Who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter. (6:55) So we can see as Christians a lot of times today we’re called evil because we don’t accept (7:02) you know a lot of us are just following God’s word who created the world and the universe.
(7:07) And uh you know following God’s word you’re going to be called evil today if you’re against (7:11) abortion homosexuality some of the other things that the world pushes. So everything (7:20) that goes against the word of God is being forced on us by certain groups of people and (7:25) political ideologies. You know you got abortion, homosexuality, greed, fornication, (7:32) drug use, and every other sin under the sun.
You know we’re on the this country’s on a verge of (7:38) destruction and if we aren’t careful we’re going to go off the cliff. So even if you watch the (7:45) news just one day you’re going to be filled with anxiety, stress, worry, and depression. (7:52) You know I remember during COVID I don’t watch the news.
I probably haven’t watched it like (7:56) 20 years because I always knew it was you know just propaganda and filled with (8:03) whatever you want to say. But I walked out of work for two hours during COVID and I thought (8:10) I had COVID and I was going to die. So it just goes to show you how much psychological (8:15) you know brainwashing and fear tactics the media uses you know.
But so it’s a good idea not to watch (8:22) the news if you want to. That’s one thing to have a better peaceful life but we have a ton of (8:28) problems in this country. We’re worried and on top of all the other problems you might have in your (8:35) life.
You know a lot of us this congregation is getting older and we have a lot of cancer and (8:41) you know injuries and deaths and everybody has problems and issues in their life. Nobody has (8:48) a trouble-free life. So the devil can’t stop us from becoming Christians.
So he does everything (8:55) he can to fill our lives with worry, fear, stress, anxiety, and anything else to discourage us. (9:02) He has a lot of power in this world given to him by God. Second Corinthians 4.4. (9:10) The God of this age is blind in the minds of unbelievers so they cannot see the light of the (9:16) gospel of the glory of Christ who is the image of God.
So the devil is called the God of this world (9:23) or the prince of this world. That’s why we can see that even though God is ultimately in control (9:29) the devil has a lot of power in this world. He even had enough power to offer Jesus (9:35) the whole world if he bowed down to him.
The bad news is the world is evil and corrupt and (9:42) controlled by the devil. But the good news is we are not of this world. If you belong to the world (9:49) it would love you as its own.
As it is you do not belong to the world. (9:54) But I have chosen you out of this world. This is why the world hates you.
John 15.19. (10:02) The world is filled with lies, confusion, and evil propagated by the father of lies. (10:08) John 8.44. You belong to your father the devil and you want to carry out your father’s desires. (10:16) He was a murderer from the beginning not holding the truth for there is no truth in him.
(10:22) When he lies he speaks his own language for he is a liar and the father of lies. (10:29) So we can see ultimately that the devil is the one pushing all this lies, confusion, (10:35) and everything else he can to avoid you from seeing the truth and accepting the truth. (10:41) You know he blinds unbelievers and God allows them to be blinded.
(10:47) Most of the world is blinded by his lies but we have a solution to that problem. We have the truth. (10:55) Psalm 119.160. The sum of thy word is truth and every one of thy righteous ordinances (11:03) endureth forever.
We have a truth and every answer we need to live a fruitful and prosperous life. (11:13) We just have to look past the fear, lies, propaganda, and chaos of this world (11:18) and focus on the Bible. We want a peace only God can offer.
We have many things in this world to (11:27) worry about and focus on if we choose to. It is our choice what we think about and dwell on every (11:34) day and the devil will do the best he can for you to focus on the wrong things. So we can think (11:41) about whatever we want.
Sometimes thoughts pop into our head but we can choose what we want to (11:47) think about. We can get rid of those thoughts and replace them with something else. You know (11:52) but it’s easy to dwell on the negative.
I’m like this. If I have one thing going wrong and a higher (11:56) thing is going right I’ll focus on the one bad thing. But we do have a choice.
We got to train (12:03) our mind to focus on the good. So it seems like sin and a laundry list of other problems (12:10) are accelerating in this country and the world. The devil is doing his best to destroy America.
(12:17) The church and most importantly your soul. He would like nothing more than to shut down every (12:23) church of Christ and make it illegal to worship. Look what he did during the pandemic.
One of the (12:30) first things they shut down was going to worship but they allowed liquor and cannabis stores to (12:35) remain open. So as I tell you that this country really gave up. It’s easy to get frustrated and (12:42) filled with fear and anxiety about the future.
We have a choice to make in our lives. We can worry (12:49) about the problems and issues of the world or we can tell ourselves the world is not my home. (12:56) We could dwell on the issues and problems of our day or we can dwell and meditate on God’s word.
(13:03) So what sounds more appealing to you? What do you think will give you a peace of mind (13:09) and a more prosperous life? You think it’s better to have all this worry, pain, anxiety (13:17) and worry about all these problems you can’t solve or is it better to focus on God’s word? (13:24) The world will always be filled with problems, pain, suffering and evil. (13:28) It will not stop till Jesus comes back and destroys it on judgment day. (13:34) Until then we need to do our best to get by an ever-increasing hostile world.
(13:40) We need to focus on God’s word and remain faithful till the end and we will receive a crown of life. (13:46) Revelations 2.10. Fear not the things that you’re about to suffer. Behold the devil is about to cast (13:53) some of you into prison that you may be tried and have tribulation for 10 days.
Be faithful (14:00) unto death and I will give you a crown of life. For all the problems, fears, anxiety and worry (14:09) the world gives you in abundance, does it offer any good solutions? It does have some things that (14:16) might be helpful with your pain and anxiety and worry like drugs, pharmaceutical or illegal, (14:26) psychologists, meditation, working out, manifesting and other religions. (14:32) Some of these things might offer you temporary relief or help you to a certain extent (14:38) but they fall far short of what Jesus can offer you.
(14:43) Many of the world’s remedies to worry and anxiety have biblical principles but they leave God out (14:49) of the picture and many of the religious solutions include a God but they leave out the true son of (14:57) God, Jesus Christ. If you want the truth about the world, peace of mind and know where you are headed (15:04) after this life and a savior who can help you with all your problems, the Bible is the only (15:09) place to find it. In a world full of lies, confusion, fear, anxiety and pain the only place you’re going (15:17) to find the truth is in God’s word.
Sanctify them in truth. Your word is truth. John 17 17.
(15:27) If you want true peace of mind and happiness you’re going to have to look beyond what the (15:32) natural world can offer you. When you become a Christian and have Jesus in your life you’ll (15:38) have a peace that you cannot even understand. Philippians 4 7. And the peace of God which (15:44) transcends all understanding will guard you, your hearts and your minds in Jesus Christ.
(15:52) It’s a peace and comfort nothing else in this world can offer. (15:57) So let’s take a look at some of the world’s solutions to anxiety, worry and fear and see how (16:02) they compare to God’s word. Many of the solutions to these problems have biblical principles so they (16:10) can work to a point but the big problem is they leave the most important part out of it which is (16:17) God.
You know these principles will work for a time and give you decent results but not anywhere (16:27) near what you could get from having God with them. So God created the universe. He created (16:33) all things and knows us personally and he created the laws that govern everything.
(16:39) Don’t you think you should follow what he says if you want a peaceful (16:43) and life free of worry? Let’s take a look at some of the world’s solutions and how they compare to (16:50) what God says. So if you’re filled with worry, anxiety, if you’re depressed you might visit a (16:59) psychologist for help. What kind of advice are they going to give you? One solution they might (17:06) give you is wake up every morning and write down three things that you’re grateful for.
(17:11) This is great advice that will help you focus on positive things in life rather than the negative (17:16) and be thankful for what you have. But didn’t God say this thousands of years ago? (17:24) Psalm 103 too. Praise the Lord oh my soul and forget not all his benefits.
We need to remember (17:32) that every good and perfect gift is from above coming down from the father of heavenly light (17:38) who does not change like the shifting shadows. James 1 17. (17:44) We even have a song we sing count your blessings name them one by one.
(17:50) It is great to count the blessings you have every day but it is better to count and thank the source (17:55) of the blessings. God Ephesians 5 20. Always giving thanks to God the father for everything (18:03) in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ.
Another thing that psychologists might tell you (18:08) is to focus on the good things in life and not the negative. This is another biblical principle (18:17) that was written thousands of years ago. Philippians 4 8. Finally brothers whatever is true (18:25) whatever is noble whatever is right whatever is pure whatever is lovely whatever is admirable (18:32) if anything is excellent or praiseworthy think about such things.
Like I said we got to train (18:39) our minds to think of a positive and this is a great verse for things to get thinking about. (18:45) I like to read self-help books once in a while which have you know some are written by psychologists (18:51) and one of my favorite solutions is to look for the good in every situation. (18:58) So no matter what kind of awful things have happened to you in your life (19:03) or in the past what kind of mistakes you have made you can always look to the what kind of (19:09) good came out of it and what it says about you as a person.
This is great advice but a better (19:16) solution is offered through God’s word once again and we know all that all things that in all things (19:25) God works for good of those who love him who have been called according to his purpose Romans 8 28. (19:34) So all things work for good for the Christian. It is really helpful to look for the good in all (19:39) situations but it’s far better to know that no matter what happens in your life (19:44) no matter how awful things might be if you become a Christian it’s to your benefit.
(19:51) Looking back in my life it was my lowest time when I was most depressed and hopeless and I turned to Jesus. (20:00) You know that’s how it is for many of us if your life is perfect and everything is going great (20:05) what do you need God for? You know a lot of us turn to God when we have problems (20:11) when we have troubles in our lives. The worst times in your life will often be used for good (20:19) for your own good and benefit.
You know like I said I wouldn’t be a Christian if it wasn’t for (20:25) some bad thing that has happened to me. So if you’re a Christian no matter how awful the things (20:32) you have to go through on this earth are in the end they’ll all be forgotten when you have eternal (20:38) life. When you’re in heaven you’re not going to care how you got there you’re just going to be happy (20:44) you know that you’re with God.
So another big worldly solution to your problems is manifesting. (20:51) Have you ever heard somebody say to you manifest it or speak it into existence when you want (20:57) something in life? That’s a kind of a new it’s not a new idea but it’s a new thing that has popped up (21:04) that I see a lot of you know on social media and whatnot. So manifesting is the idea (21:10) of bringing something you want into existence through aspirational thought practices which is (21:16) nothing new.
It has its roots in the 19th century new thought spiritual movement which includes the (21:24) belief that our thoughts can influence the material world. Essentially that positive thinking is a (21:30) answer to most our earthly problems. It’s the idea that you can bring a positive outcome in your life (21:37) simply by claiming it as your own and believing it will happen.
So I’ve tried this and it doesn’t (21:42) work for me but maybe maybe that’s worked for other people. Usually you get things in life (21:48) through hard work and dedication but you know manifesting seems to work for a lot of people. (21:56) But while the Bible doesn’t specifically talk about manifestation the Lord does remind us that (22:04) the Bible repeatedly says that he is in control of we are not.
Manifestation uses some biblical (22:11) principles but the problem is they leave God out of the picture. Instead of relying on yourself (22:18) or the universe to provide you with something a Christian relies on God to provide and take (22:23) care of his problems. Ephesians 3 20.
Not him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all (22:30) things we have according to the power that works in us. He even tells us not to be anxious but to (22:38) bring your request to him. Philippians 4 6 through 7. Be anxious for nothing but in prayer and (22:46) everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your request be known to God (22:53) and the peace of God which surpasses all understanding will guard your hearts and (22:57) minds through Jesus Christ.
This is how we receive the peace that the world cannot offer (23:03) by having an all-powerful God that will take care of all your needs. (23:09) Another principle is to believe you already have what you want in life. (23:14) You got to believe that you have it and act like you have it.
That is another biblical principle (23:20) that we receive through prayer and whatever things you ask in praying (23:25) believing you will receive Matthew 21 22. (23:31) So if you want an abundant worry-free life the answer isn’t manifesting at yourself (23:36) but to become a Christian. John 10 10.
The thief does not come except to steal and to kill (23:44) and to destroy. I have come that you may have life and you may have it more abundantly. (23:52) So if you want an abundant life you want a carefree life then you should become a Christian.
(23:58) Some other way to have peace of mind and life is working out in meditation. (24:03) So working it out is a great way to relieve stress and have a healthier lifestyle. (24:10) I just saw on TikTok the other day when you have any kind of physical activity like working out, (24:17) running or jogging your muscles release what they call a hope molecule.
These small proteins (24:24) called myokines travel to the brain, cross the blood brain barrier and act as an antidepressant. (24:33) There are many other benefits from working out and this is why most people (24:36) feel great after coming home from the gym. We all see many people (24:41) drowning and depressed that are leaving the gym.
They’re usually happy and (24:44) feeling good. There’s many other benefits from working out that’s why most people (24:51) do it. But even though working out is a great way to relieve stress and anxiety and feel better (24:58) it still can’t compare to the Word of God.
1 Timothy 4 8. For bodily exercise profits a little (25:08) but godliness is profitable in all things having the promise of the life that now is (25:16) and of that which is to come. The Bible even says bodily profit (25:21) for bodily exercise profits little. So and it feels like that sometimes you can work out (25:28) hours you know every day or week and it’s tough to get results.
You really have to be dedicated (25:34) and do the right things and eat healthy. But the Word of God is beneficial in all things, (25:40) much more beneficial. So the temporary results from working out fall short of the long and (25:48) eternal benefits you get from living the Christian life.
So another great method (25:55) to relieve stress and anxiety is have peace in your life through meditation. (26:00) So you can focus your attention inward and induce a deep state of relaxation. (26:07) Meditation according to some studies shows it is about as effective as taking an antidepressant.
(26:14) It’s a great way to clear your mind and have a relaxed state. But what’s better, (26:20) what’s even better than that is meditating on God’s Word. Psalms 1 1 through 3. (26:26) Blessed is a man who walks not in the counsel of the ungodly, nor stands in the paths of sinners, (26:31) nor sits in the counsel of the scornful.
But his delight is in the law of the Lord, (26:37) and in his law he meditates day and night. He shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water (26:43) that brings forth fruit in its season, whose leaves shall not wither, and whatever he does (26:47) shall prosper. Psalm 119.15 says, I will meditate on your precepts and contemplate your ways.
(26:57) So we serve meditation, which many people use today. Its goal is to clear one’s mind. But (27:04) Christian meditation’s goal is to fill one’s mind with Scripture, with the intention to connect with (27:10) God.
I think I heard that from John, which I really like, that, you know, many people do it (27:16) to clear your mind. But another way to meditate is to fill it with God’s Word. If you do this, (27:21) you will prosper and have great success.
Joshua 1 8. The book of the law shall not depart from (27:29) your mouth, but you shall meditate in it day and night, that you may observe and to do according (27:36) to all that is written. For when you will make, for then you will make your way prosperous, (27:43) and then you will have good success. So another solution to these problems in life is medication.
(27:52) So the pharmaceutical industry has a pill for everything nowadays. They make billions of (27:56) dollars pushing their pills on everybody. If you’re not feeling right and having issues, (28:03) all it takes is the right chemical cocktail to make you feel better.
Some people do need (28:09) medication, but many of us don’t and can get over our problems with different solutions. (28:16) Sixty-six percent of all American adults are on some kind of prescription drug. (28:22) So that’s kind of mind-blowing to me.
For the Christians, we have the best medication the (28:28) world has to offer, and that’s the Word of God. God provides us with everything we need in life (28:34) through His Word. And God is able to make all grace abound to you, so that all things (28:42) at all times, having all you need, you may abound in every good work.
Second Corinthians 9 8. (28:49) The biggest problem in the world is sin, and the Bible even has an answer for that. (28:54) The solution is Jesus' blood, Revelation 1 5. And from Jesus Christ, the faithful witness, (29:01) the firstborn from the dead, and the ruler over the kings of the earth, (29:05) to Him who loved us and washed us from our sins in His own blood. We come into contact with the (29:13) blood when we are joined with Him in death at baptism, Colossians 2 12.
Buried with Him at (29:20) baptism, in which you are also raised with Him through faith in the working of God, (29:25) who raised Him from the dead. So that’s how you come in contact with Jesus' blood. (29:32) That’s the last step in becoming a Christian.
So the last solution I’m going to be talking about (29:37) is different religions. There are many different religions that offer something similar to (29:43) Christianity. They may take some of the principles and ideas, and even offer other gods to worship.
(29:52) We have Buddhism, Hinduism, Islam, Judaism, Taoism, and the list goes on. You know, these (30:00) other religions, they might offer you some kind of benefits to your life, and some relief from (30:06) your pain, worry, and anxiety. But the problem is they’re missing the most important spiritual (30:11) ingredient, and that’s Jesus Christ.
They may offer you some good philosophies in life and (30:18) spiritual gems, but at the end of the day, we’re all going to have to stand before Jesus in judgment. (30:27) Even though many of the other religions have a God they worship, salvation is only offered in one (30:34) name, Acts 4.12. Nowhere is there salvation in any other, for there is no other name under heaven (30:42) given, which among men, which they must be saved. So all these other gods don’t mean anything.
(30:52) When you stand before Jesus, you have to answer to him, and he’s the only way to salvation. (30:59) So you can find the remains of Confucius, Buddha, and Muhammad, but you will never find the remains (31:07) of Christ. You cannot find them because he has risen from the dead, and he’s seated at the right (31:13) hand of God, Matthew 16.19. So then after the Lord had spoken to them, he was received up in heaven, (31:22) and sat at the right hand of the God.
So the problem with all the other religions is that (31:28) they’re false. Even though you might get some worldly benefits out of them, you’re still led (31:35) astray. We ought to stand before Jesus one day and answer for everything we’ve done on earth.
(31:42) We all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, that each one may receive the things done in the (31:48) body, according to what he has done, whether good or bad, 2 Corinthians 5.10. We all have to (31:55) answer for how we’ve lived and everything we’ve done. So when Jesus confronted a demon-possessed (32:01) man called Legion in the tombs, who was driven mad and cried out and cut himself day and night, (32:07) he ended up casting the demons out of them. And when the people of a village came to visit him, (32:14) what do you think they saw? Mark 5.15. When they came to Jesus, they saw the man who had been (32:22) possessed by the legions of demons sitting there, dressed and in his right mind, and they were (32:27) afraid.
So he was in his right mind, sitting at the feet of Jesus. So that is where you need to be. (32:37) If you want to be in your right mind, you need to be at the feet of Jesus.
You want to have all (32:41) your problems taken care of, and a peace that surpasses understanding. You get it from Jesus. (32:49) The solutions of the world cannot compare to the God of the universe can provide for you.
(32:55) You know, it cannot even hold a candle to it. You might get some benefits, but it’s nothing (33:00) compared to the benefits you get from becoming a Christian. You know, the benefits go beyond (33:07) this peace of mind.
You have a relationship with an all-powerful, loving God. You have an (33:12) unlimited list of spiritual benefits, and you have the promise of eternal life. (33:18) And all these great things and benefits are offered for free.
For the wages of sin is death, (33:25) but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord, Romans 6.23. (33:31) So why would you not accept all these benefits, or walk away from them if you were once a Christian? (33:39) If you’re not at Jesus' feet, you are out of your mind. So, you know, you have the opportunity. (33:47) If you’re not a Christian, you know, you might not be offered a chance tomorrow.
The Bible says, (33:53) what are you waiting for? Arise and be baptized and wash away your sins, (33:58) calling on the name of the Lord. Or if you’re struggling with something, (34:03) or have any problems or issues, you know, we’ll pray for you, and we’ll help you (34:07) any way we can. So now’s the time to come forward.