Christians dealing with sin
I’m talking to those who belong to Christ. Those who have seen that they are sinners and fall short of the glory of God (Rom 3:23). Those who saw that they needed to change and confessed their sins to God and repented. Those who submitted to God and were immersed to wash away their sins (Acts 22:16). Paul tells us in
Now as a Christian…
We don’t instantly become a mature Christian right after baptism. We still have some bad habits. We feel relieved that our sins are washed away, but it’s not too long and we sin again. What do we do? We rely on our instruction and we confess to God and repent. We learn from John:
Whew! We’re covered! Now we have a systematic way of dealing with sin. Now when we sin we know what to do. Confess & repent.
But "walk in the light," at this time to us means, if we do not sin, "we fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus cleanses us…" But if we do sin, it’s OK! "If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness."
So, we get in this cycle of sinning, confessing, repenting…, sinning, confessing, repenting…, But we say: God is faithful…, He will forgive our sins & cleanse us. So we, Sin, confess, & repent. And so on, and so on. Sound familiar?
And this is where we stay in our understanding of overcoming sin. Unless we mature.
Have you read: Acts 8:9-24, about Simon the magician? If we’ve been a Christian for a while or have read the book of Acts, we’ll know the story. There’s one part in the account I’d like us to look at. It’s where Peter tells Simon to repent.
If POSSIBLE? MAY? (Other translations say, IF PERHAPS…) What does that mean? Repentance is a given right! Isn’t it? We repent God forgives! He is FAITHFUL. What’s this "if possible and may?"
Maybe it’s just a one time for Simon (the Magician) thing.
Take a look at:
There it is again! PERHAPS and MAY. But now there’s a new word… GRANT.
That God MAY PERHAPS GRANT. Repentance is not a sure thing? For someone sincere & contrite, God is faithful & will forgive their sin. But does anyone believe that for someone "gaming the system" God with forgive their feigned repentance? What if we get just a little too complacent and convince ourselves we can go ahead & sin because afterward we fully intend to confess & repent? Will God forgive that attitude?… Pray God "MAY PERHAPS GRANT" us repentance!
If our trust in overcoming sin is in our ability to repent, then maybe our trust is mis-placed.
No One is Justified by Works of the Law (Any Law)
There’s more to the promise