An Important Mission
You may have wondered and asked, “Why do we send support to missionaries? Shouldn’t we be concentrating on sharing the gospel here at home instead of paying someone to travel the world?” Some may think these questions to be immature while on the other hand there may be those who think this is a legitimate inquiry.
The truth of the matter and short answer is, “Because it’s biblical.” The words “mission” and “missionary” do not appear in our English bibles, however, the work of missionaries is clearly exemplified in the New Testament scriptures. In the Great Commission, Jesus said, “Go and make disciples in ALL nations”, and “Go into ALL the world.” (Matt. 28:19; Mark 16:15). So in order to comply to the commands of the Lord, someone must leave the normalcy of life and travel the world.
So what about financial support of missionaries? What does the bible say about that? The Apostle Paul, along with his companions took three missionary journeys as recorded in the book of Acts. During those trips, there were times that he worked to support himself and others when he was fully supported by the church. (1 Cor. 4:12; 9:14; Phil. 4:16) It is true that some choose pleasant vacation destinations and call them mission fields but one day those who use the gospel for personal gain and selfish pleasure will answer the Lord.
For those who risk life and limb, sacrifice creature comforts, and face the difficulties of living and preaching in a foreign land, we owe our gratitude and support.
– Jay Launius 2024, Maud church of Christ, Maud, Texas