Heading in the Right Direction

The New Testament uses the word “walk” to describe one’s lifestyle. Our lifetime is a journey, and most of us travel along a path of our own choosing. As Christians, we must learn and apply the teachings of the bible to assure that we are heading in the right direction. In the 13th chapter of the letter of Hebrews, we find a condensed road map which will guide us into spiritual maturity. Although not conclusive, this passage gives a short, concise, plan for traveling down the narrow way. (Matt. 7:13-14)

Hebrews 13…​

  • Develop Brotherly Love (v. 1) – First and foremost, we must love God and our fellow man. Without love, all is in vain. (1 Cor. 13)

  • Be Benevolent (v.2-3, 16) – Care, compassion, and hospitality are the hallmarks of the path of righteousness.

  • Godly Relationships (v.4) – We must follow God’s plan for marriage. Anything else, in any form is immoral.

  • Avoid Greed, Be Content (v. 5) – We must resist the temptation of riches. God will supply our needs and help us in times of trouble.

  • Remember Your Leaders (v. 7, 17) – God placed elders in the church to guide us in spiritual matters. Give them respect and honor.

  • Develop Knowledge (v. 9) – The best way to counter false teaching is to study and learn the scriptures for yourself.

  • Worship Regularly (v. 15) – God is seeking worshipers. Do so continually with the proper attitude and in truth of the scriptures.

  • Pray Often (v. 18) – Through prayer, we develop a close personal relationship with the Lord. Pray for others and yourself.

    “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever.” (v. 8)

Jay Launius – 2023, Maud church of Christ, Maud, Texas