The Problem with Envy

Have you ever looked at another person’s possessions, happiness, or success and said, “I wish that was me.”? If we’re honest, we have all said it at one time or another. The problem with envy is that when we compare ourselves to others, it can cause us to be dissatisfied or even miserable with our present status. Aristotle, the ancient Greek philosopher is quoted saying, “Envy is pain at the sight of another’s good fortune, stirred by those who have what we ought to have." God’s word does not fall short when it comes to warnings against the sin of envy, here’s a sample:

  • Envy Caused the First Murder (Gen. 4:5)

  • Joseph’s Brothers Envied Him Because of His Dreams (Gen. 37:1-11)

  • King Saul Envied David Because of His Victories (1 Sam. 18:6-9)

  • Don’t Envy Evildoers and Sinners (Psalm 37:1)

  • Envy is Rottenness to the Bones (Prov. 14:30)

  • Envy of Another’s Skill and Hard Work is Vanity (Eccl. 4:4)

  • The Chief Priest Envied Jesus, Delivering Him to Pilate (Mark 15:9)

  • The Jews Envied Paul’s Successful Preaching (Acts 15:45)

  • Christian Love Never Envies (1 Cor. 13:4)

  • Christians Should Never Envy Each Other (Gal. 5:26)

The opposite of envy is rejoicing at the blessings and success experienced by others (1 Cor. 12:26), literally “Rejoicing with those who rejoice!” (Romans 12:15) We must congratulate and express our happiness at the good fortune of others, while remaining content and godly which within itself is great gain. (1 Timothy 6:6)

Jay Launius -2023, Maud church of Christ, Maud, Texas