Do We Need Easter?
As with any of the “religious holidays”, it is an interesting study to look into the origins of special days and compare them to the inspired scriptures. The traditional Easter Sunday is the day in which believers in Jesus Christ worldwide commemorate His resurrection from the dead. It is a traditional religious holiday instituted by practices adopted well after the 1st century church was established as recorded in the book of Acts. When “Googling” the origin of Easter, the following answer is given:
“Easter actually originated as an ancient pagan celebration of the spring equinox. In Christianity, the day was dedicated to observing the resurrection of Jesus Christ, celebrated around the time of the Jewish Passover.”
According to, the earliest recorded observance of an Easter celebration comes from the 2nd century, though the celebration of Jesus’ resurrection probably occurred earlier. The online encyclopedia goes on to say that the date of observance and its traditions have been steeped in controversy throughout the centuries.
The truth is, the only place you’ll find Easter in the bible is in Acts 12:[4] (KJV). It has been said that King James used the word in that instance to support the observance of the holiday. So do we need Easter? Romans 14:1-[12] allows Christians who follow the “perfect law of liberty”. They decide whether to keep a particular day as special if it is given in thanks to the Lord. Thus, we practice a religion that is not rigid with physical rituals, like feast or holidays. We are however encouraged to remember the sacrifice and resurrection, in hope of Christ’s return.
Jay Launius – 2023 Maud church of Christ Maud, Texas